If you're a race realist, you also have to believe this
Libs and atheist have higher IQ than right wingers lmao
sure thing Chaim..
In an article for Social Psychology Quarterly, Satoshi Kanazawa, an evolutionary psychologist from the London School of Economics and Political Science, argues there’s an evolutionary explanation behind his findings. Kanazawa found that young adults who identify as “non-religious” and “very liberal” had an average IQ of 103—six points higher than their devout, “very conservative” peers. According to Kanazawa, this is due to the fact that humans, who began as hunter-gatherers, are biologically engineered to be conservative and care “only about the people we associate with,” such as family, friends and kin. Likewise, hunter gatherers sought to explain natural phenomena—which he describes as “evolutionarily novel”—through religion. More intelligent humans, he says, have been able to evaluate these elements and decide what they mean.
IQ is a leftist construct.
>1 source
He really believes it huh
so black and whites have the same intelligence then? what metric do you use to discriminate black people?
What a new, conservatives are tards. I would have never said that.
I have a higher IQ than you
I also believe there are 46491687634864 genders and that 600 gorillion died in the Holocaust
t. OP
>If you are a race realist you have to believe that niggers and people who don't mind being around their looting and nigging are high IQ
um, what?
It is well known that individuals with so-called liberal or leftist views are overrepresented in American academia. By bringing together data on American academics, the general population and a high-IQ population, the present study investigates how much of this overrepresentation can be explained by intelligence. It finds that intelligence can account for most of the disparity between academics and the general population on the issues of abortion, homosexuality and traditional gender roles.
Sorry chuds, we're just smarter than you
>Satoshi Kanazawa (born 16 November 1962) is an American-born British evolutionary psychologist and writer. He is currently Reader in Management at the London School of Economics. His work uses evolutionary psychology to analyse social sciences such as sociology, economics, and anthropology.[2] Kanazawa's comments and research on race and intelligence, health and intelligence, multiculturalism, and the relationship between physical attractiveness and intelligence have led to condemnation from observers and colleagues. He attributes this to political correctness and censorship,[3] while his critics have described his claims as pseudoscientific[4][5] and racist.[6][7]
>In response to ongoing controversies over his stated views, such as Sub-Saharan Black African countries suffer from chronic poverty and disease because their people have lower IQs, and black women are objectively less attractive than women of other races, he was dismissed from writing for Psychology Today, and his employer, the London School of Economics, prohibited him from publishing in non-peer-reviewed outlets for 12 months.[8] A group of 68 evolutionary psychologists issued an open letter titled "Kanazawa's bad science does not represent evolutionary psychology" rejecting his views,[9] and an article on the same theme was published by 35 academics in American Psychologist.[10]
Holy fuck, this Jap is edgy. Conservatives BTFO
>Men are women
>Cats are dogs
>I’m clevererer than someone
Intelligence is not the same as wisdom, which is used to see niggers for what they really are. Don't need to be intelligent to look at the evidence right in front of you on the news.
I am leftwing... If you were as smart as you say you are you might get some reliable sources
Not only the sources are dated but we can't even see the full article, at least to have some counterarguments in mind. What is truly low IQ is grasping for straws like OP and replying to this absolute faggot thread.
>1 source
>muh fedora
>muh academia
Lel, you're nothing but a delusional midwit.
Yeah I'm using peer-reviewed articles
Evolution. The art of seeing faces in the wallpaper patterns. Not science.
In May 2011, he published an article in Psychology Today that explored why black women had been rated less attractive than those of other races in the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health. Subsequent critical independent analysis of the results showed that the difference in assessed attractiveness held for three of the four data sets in the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health and that there was only a statistically significant race difference in younger women and that it disappeared by early adulthood.[30] Applying his same reasoning to males, Kanazawa also concluded in his article that black men would generally be considered more attractive.
>black men would generally be considered more attractive.
So he proved that BBC exists too? Wow, Yas Forums BTFO hard
Use scihub. It's clear that you never read a peer reviewed scientific article before
You are a faggot Bruce
Yeah any fucking retard can become a liberal or an atheist and their IQ will magically go up.
I think I found the reason Libs and atheists are so fucking stupid.
articles... Mama mia no wonder why they laugh at us
I showed 2 sources you sad tory
Go along with it
I have retard. I am not arsed enough to read your shitty non article. Also, the sources are dated, you haven't brought up anything relevant to your "" "" "" "study" "" "" " yet. It seems like you're mega coping over some theocratic calling you low IQ. which in fact you are
>social psychology
Enough said. Now blow me loser
sample size?
True. Liberalism and atheism hits the sweetspot of slightly above average IQ where brainwashing is the most efficient.
thats like your opinion man
>Liberals are smarter
>Constantly posting the same gibberish
Sure thing you are smarter, now go watch some CNN to reinforce that belief goy.
Read the fucking studies you dumdum. Use scihub
Prove it
CNN is too right wing. TV in general is too right wing. I read Jacobin, Teen Vogue, Counterpunch, and electronic intifada
LOL looks like you haven't even read your stupid piece of shit paper. You know OP, usually when doing studies you HAVE to read them in order to attain understanding. Oh let me guess, you saw it on reddit and stickied with the false promise of it being an attack of Le evil alt right IQ, which isn't even legit to begin with due to a fallacy in correlation and poorly backed studies.
Yeah and you read the 2 papers in 7 minutes? Give us the tldr then.
Do you like living in a world that can't understand you? Do you like have homicidal intent? Do you like your inferiority complex?
For real now though, any arguing you do here is useless. People have made their mind up first, then will spin whatever they need to meet their narrative. No amount of "evidence" you present of any kind to someone who already has a formed opinion will change a thing. Nobody on this god-forsaken site will ever read a study and go "Oh yes, I guess I really was wrong about black people all along and have been wrong for the past 10 years of my life, I will adjust my opinions accordingly and be reasonable".
Fuck no. Every evidence you link is flawed, manipulated, "fake news" and even if it is correct beyond doubt straight out of the mouth of Fox News, it doesn't matter because you are the enemy and you shouldn't hear anything the enemy has to say.
>Don't need to be intelligent
More ambitious people live in urban areas because that is where all the high wage and competition employment is and it also means they have high IQs for the most part. Right wingers on the other land live in societies that cater to less ambition and IQ but also aren't brainwashed into loving browns liberal ideology.
I read it in 3 actually
Data. In Study 1, I use the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (Add Health). A sample of 80 high schools and 52 middle schools from the United States was selected with an unequal probability of selection. Incorporating systematic sampling meth-
ods and implicit stratification into the Add Health study design ensures this sample is representative of U.S. schools with respect to region of country, urbanicity, school size,
school type, and ethnicity. A sample of
20,745 adolescents were personally inter-
viewed in their homes in 1994 through 1995 (Wave I) and again in 1996 (Wave II; n 514,738). In 2001 through 2002, 15,197 of the original Wave I respondents, now aged 18 to
28, were interviewed in their homes. My sample consists of Wave III respondents in their early adulthood. For further details on the
design features of Add Health, see http://
>Dependent variables. For liberal political
ideology, I use the respondents’ response to
the following question: ‘‘In terms of politics, do you consider yourself conservative, liberal, or middle-of-the-road?’’ Their responses are coded as follows: 1 5 very
conservative, 2 5 conservative, 3 5 middle
of the road, 4 5 liberal, 5 5 very liberal.
For religiosity, I use the respondents’
response to the following question: ‘‘To
what extent are you a religious person?’’
Their responses are coded as follows: 1 5
not religious at all, 2 5 slightly religious,
3 5 moderately religious, 4 5 very
religious. Because both of these dependent variables are measured on an ordinal scale, I use the
ordinal regression (McCullagh 1980) to estimate these models.
First two paragraphs on Data and the sample method is not only a meme but subject to relative changes.
Nobody besides autistic commies want a 67k assistant professor job after getting a PhD (or a 20k a year adjunct job that is becoming more and more common).
Found the chapotranny
How come if you are so smart 44% of tbe population that is dumber than you holds 68% of the political positions?
Doesn't say much for you getting BTFO by literal retards for the last 50 years.