What are your first thoughts when you see a headline like this?

What are your first thoughts when you see a headline like this?

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Better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6

Negroes tried to rob him?

ITT: based department meeting

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Respect your coutnrymen or get shot. This is how a real tribe operates.

Very common in my sad country.



>Three teens
>probably 17, 19, and 24


>What are your first thoughts when you see a headline like this?

at least we haven't had any school shootings since the lockdown.

Teens = Noggs.
They chimped and jumped at the guy.

Only niggers take the bus


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I wonder what happened.

Gun go poom poom poom
Bet the third one to get shot in the leg was thinking
>shiiit shiiit shheeeiiiit

That nigger had a gun license good for him

First thought:

3 teens were black.

i see the word "teens" and know its code for niggers, and assume it was in fact self defense.

I thought it was niggers too

Why only 3?

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none really - anticipation of hearing the final story?

God, I can't even imagine being on a bus in Philadelphia...

Good for shooter

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>teens are 3 niggers with criminal records
>tried to mug the wrong guy
>I hope the city burns

Public transit is for losers

Codeword for niggers

Maybe he ran out of bullets?

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>What are your first thoughts when you see a headline like this?

these people want you dead

Many such cases. Sad!

them being teens means nothing. I've flat out had to pull a knife on 4 punks so I wouldn't get sent to a hospital. (inb4 britbong knife jokes, it was elsewhere)

misleading trash with a bias created in order to subvert the truth for monetary gain and influence

I thought the same thing. If shooter is white or "white hispanic" and the others who got shot are black, standby for BLM kek

PA wants everybody dead and i still dont know why

Based Fox News!

City of Brotherly Love baby

My thought: we need more nigger abortion.

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The DA of Philly is a Marxist jew who hates whites. If this dude is white, he's fucked.


mutts public transportation system is retard and almost all passengers are unemployed niggers uncluding these 4 persons.
You have to make public transportation great again.

If you ride a bus youre a nigger. This is just nigger on nigger violence.

you've made a strong case against 10 round mag limitations.

t. carries 20 rounds of 5.7x28

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>armed society is an polite society
ques those 3 niggers finally learned what it means


oh come one we all know it was niggers

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The teens would have been running after the first shot, this guy is a psychopath and so are all of you. If someone admits defeat and you still kill them, you are sick in the head, not serving justice.


Three negros tryin' to rob him?

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>t. Nigger apologist

They were very likely nogs

I'm curious to see how this'll go.

Ouch! That sucks unshaven balls

My first thought: it would be a shame if he shot them in the back as they are running because it would be hard to beat that charge

Can only shoot them as they advance towards you.

Real life is not a game. Be respectful and kind for optimal quality living.

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>A white man rightfully defends himself against 3 niggers who attempted to rob him while brandishing weapons

>zionist media

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Carrier insurance

Shhhhh we are segregating quietly.

T. fell for retard level meme gun/caliber.


did you forget your canadian vpn

Come at me with a defence that isnt "but they were niggers". This is why no one takes racists seriously.

"Here's another"

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>Can only shoot them as they advance towards you.
We don't have to play by your cucked rules, although pa is probably just as cucked so whatever


>The 15-year-old was shot in his right thigh and buttocks, while the 17-year-old was shot in his right knee
>The 16-year-old was shot in his left thigh and was taken to Jefferson Torresdale Hospital.

well he showed extraordinary restrained, only shooting the leg area. Though that ass shot was nice.

>Come at me with a defence that isnt "but they were niggers"
They were attacking him. That's all there is to it. You nigger.

BLM lost major backing when they started getting jwoke

YOU DONT KnOW THEY ARE BLACK YOU FUCKING RACIST. They could of easily been white. Did you know 20% of crime is NOT committed by minorities? Yeah think about that next time bitch

gun owners don't need a license because this is america

Prob just bad aim

>ass shot

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Three or more niggers attacked a white guy who was minding his own business.

>Did you know 20% of crime is NOT committed by minorities?

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Calm down Jamal

White men look significantly different at 24 than they do at 17 because at 24 White men are supposed to be at the top of their game and fully ready to marry, so it makes sense evolutionarily to want to look different.
In their traditional environment, niggers don't have marriage at all, nor careers. Therefore there is no reason for nigger bucks to change their appearance.
Furthermore, all niggers act like 12 year old White boys.
For those reasons, it is traditional to refer to colored people as 'boy'. The media prefers to call persons of color 'teen'.

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Rex Cramer


I think there is a 100% chance these teens are feral negros.

>could of

the "teens" deserved it

archive link:

from the article:
>Authorities said those wounded were 15, 16 and 17 years old. The 15-year-old was shot in his right thigh and buttocks, while the 17-year-old was shot in his right knee. They were both taken to Einstein Medical Hospital. The 16-year-old was shot in his left thigh and was taken to Jefferson Torresdale Hospital.

do american kids really just go around getting into fights with strangers? i thought this shit only happened in movies

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Im fine with the idea of self defense, but id be surprised if they actually continued attacking after the first one was shot.

They didnt do nothing! They was good kids who was just trying to help him out of his seat.

>What are your first thoughts when you see a headline like this?
some fools fell for a classic blunders

My guess is shooting from the hip due to spacial restraints. It was in a bus after all.

First thought:
>Be American
>Get shot

True, you would think most people would aim for the chest area since it's the easiest to hit.

>do american kids really just go around getting into fights with strangers? i thought this shit only happened in movies
No that's how niggers really act.

Nignogs are not people. Do you spare the rats even if they ran away from you?

>20% of crime is NOT committed by minorities

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3 niggers attacked the wrong white guy. They wouldn't report it otherwise.

You aren't American, so why should I listen to your stupid opinion? You have to go back.

I'm glad the bus driver was not injured

>The 24-year-old man, who police said had a concealed-carry permit for his weapon, was sitting in the back of the bus when the group approached him and an altercation soon followed, according to Lt. Dennis Rosenbaum of Northeast Detectives.

>you know 20% of crime is NOT committed by minorities?

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That's legit

Oi m8 you better bin that knife. There's no reason for a wanker to ever carry a bloody stabby boi.

>but id be surprised if they actually continued attacking after the first one was shot.
You don't fire 1 shot and then pause to see how they react. Especially in a high stress situation, it's easy to shoot 7-8 times before you can react to the new situation. Also they were in a bus, so its not like the threat was immediately gone if they took a step back or something

>would have been running after the first shot

Not faster than the muzzle velocity of any handgun on the market.

>this guy is a psychopath

And apparently a well trained and capable marksman. Something to think about before mugging someone.

>If someone admits defeat and you still kill them, you are sick in the head, not serving justice.

Bullshit. They initiated the violence, they decided to rob, probably beat, and possibly kill someone they assumed was unarmed. They chose the victim, the victim did not choose them. There are too many well documented cases of lethal Black on white crime to take the chance that one of these future astrophysicists in Jordans would not kill him. If nothing else, their deaths serve as a warning to future would be muggers of the consequences of violating another person's right to be left the fuck alone by niggers.

He was sitting down, they were standing up, within arm's reach.

Possible yea

>concealed carry
>actually getting on a bus in Philly
Prosecutor can argue premeditation.

>What are your first thoughts when you see a headline like this?

based and redpilled

>do american kids really just go around getting into fights with strangers?
No they were probably an engineering student, doctor undergrad and a future lawyer

>guy who tried to murder you starts running
>this means you can no longer shoot him
Nah, fucking put a bullet in the back of his head. Fuck the law.


>their deaths

non of them died, he only shot them in the legs (and ass)

Sounds like someone has never been around niggers while in chimpout exe.

I've shot enough living animals of various sizes to know it works better than 9mm and you've never even held a gun, faggot.

A bunch of niggers chimped out on a bus and a white guy opened fire

Where there is fear, there is mutual respect

>white man assaults black teens
>white man defends himself from being robbed by black teens

>after it came to a halt in the northeast section of the city shortly after 1 a.m
Nigger teens roaming the streets after midnight. What a surprise. They were already breaking the law before fucking with the guy. Curfew is 10:30 on weekdays for teens over 13.

I think they couldn’t carry a tune to save their lives.

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