Greatest generation

Rouge-pill me on the silent generation. Was great-grandma based or were these people idiots?

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>Born and raised in the great depression
>Poorly educated if at all
>Simple folk down on the farm
>Largely Christian

They were the ultimate basis for a generation of Useful Idiots, willingly enslaved to fight against their own interests and those of their race.

They fought and died by the millions, thinking at every step that they had done what was right.

And for those that survived, they would get to see the rise and fall of their civilization. By the time they died they would find themselves strangers in a world they no longer knew. Populated by subhumans their own parents would have despised on sight. Their own children turned into fat, disgusting and ignorant homonculi. Everything they ever knew, valued or believe in, gone. And all because of what they did.

Being quite older than the average Yas Forums it has given me cause to reflect on what I have seen over the decades. My mom’s family had 8 kids in Kansas in The Dust Bowl. They lived in a sod hut and tried to grow enough wheat to stay alive for years. Believe me, I heard about “The Depression” so much growing up I thought it was synonymous with what people saw Psychiatrists for until I was a teenager.

Now I am realizing THEIR parents had their own “Nationally shared emotional trauma”. The Spanish FLu. When you think about it the Flu was WORSE than the depression. But in the 60s the Spanish FLu survivors were mostly gone so the “Nationals Event” we heard about was “The Depression” and I’m starting to realize that was because they had to have their own “emotional trauma”.

Just like the boomers had to have THEIR trauma to answer the “Muh WWII “Greatest Generation”. So I’m starting to realize that Spanish Flu DID have a HUGE impact and it lingers to this day in many ways we never appreciated until now.

IOWs every generation has their own “event” and whether it’s War, Pestilence, storms, or earthquakes SOMETHING will happen and that significance WILL be attached to it and it will displace the “event” of the previous generation.

Sentiment against the war was actually higher than (((they))) are willing to admit. Immediately after the war, people believed it was a 'war for Jews.'

Sometimes referred to as “Zeitgeist”.

Somehow in a time when they are actually putting Japs in internment camps and everybody knew it and shooting German Saboteurs in the basement anyone who actually had an “anti war Sentiment” was pretty much keeping it to themselves.

So based on this, and your life experience. What do you see coming?

My parents are Silent Generation. They are based as fuck.

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The 40s and the 50s were the greatest boom to America.
They led to the 60s and the 70s which was filled with weak children from the 40s and 50s people that made it great.
The 80s and 90s were filled with the degenerate offspring of the weak 60s and people.
Now look at the people in the 21st century and understand what is happening.

I dunno they were "silent" because they were all fascists and we needed to pretend we had always been a nation of oppressed freedom fighters after the war.
They kept their mouth shut so we got no Soviets splitting our country in two and no Americans nuking our industrial cities.
Great grandpa burned every fascist uniform and memorabilia he ever had reeeeal quick.


They were not sinners, they were basically universal cattle

Raised based, died as idiots.

they were apparently ugly as sin, good god

You are fucking scum for disrespecting your ancestors like that.
>hurr durr I can google information on the Internet. I am so smart. They died for the Jews haha
They were honest hard-working people. They probably couldn't even do 8th grade math but they were honest, innocent and hard-working and your gread-grandpa was more humble and masculine than you will ever be.

Just kys.


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Du bist ein ziemlicher Trottel

>They were honest hard-working people. They probably couldn't even do 8th grade math but they were honest, innocent and hard-working and your gread-grandpa was more humble and masculine than you will ever be.

That's not in dispute, Wolfgang. The point is that they were also taken in, hook, line and sinker by a plan that basically genocided them and forever changed the course of western society.

And considering they did this by primarily slaughtering your own ancestors, that's a pretty interesting position for you to take, Helmut.

Du bist eine Schande für Deutschland.

They were the most subverted generation, they grew up separated from others but still recieved news from far away, easy to manipulate and lead unlike more modern interconnected peoples, they had good hearts and strong minds, but they ultimately were led against there own people.

warum, du Trottel?

Nobody could foresee that the Jews and boomers would orchestrate the 60s cultural revolution with feminism, multiculturalism and all that other bullshit.

How one earth could they have known? For all they knew they were fighting for their white country.

In Eastern urban centers many were also alcoholics due to being 2nd gen immigrants

Schreib mich nie wieder an. Du verdienst nicht mal ein (You) ungefickter, hässlicher Hurensohnn.

>How could they have known?

It was widely known. The problem was that the Jews were deeply entrenched by then. Near total control of the media and of key politicians. Not to mention the financial system.

They were in power long before the second world war. And as for forseeing the future, it doesn't take a great Leap of logic to deduce that whatever the Jews have in store next, at any point in time, is not in the interest of free people.

What do you think? Your ancestors fought for schools to allow transsexuals. They fought for a black president. For white children and black children to go to the same schools. For their granddaughters to pop out some welfare supported mulatto babies. For their granddaughters to to be burdened with debt for a worthless degree from a Marxist educational system.
Never forget the greatest generation.

If you get drafted and don't comply you get shot or thrown in jail. You live in a fucking fantasy world where if you think they were going to risk that.

>Silent Generation
>Greatest Generation

You realize these are 2 different things right?

Last generation to reach adulthood before the mass demoralization campaign in the west.

How could they have not known? Hitler's told everyone, they just didn't listen

>You are fucking scum for disrespecting your ancestors like that.
They fucking destroyed Western Civilization and literally established a global jewish tyranny. Our race is in danger of genocide because of what those stupid assholes did. Who cares if they were "hard working," it would've been better if they'd been hard-thinking and listened to people like Lindbergh and Ford instead of kike hollywood and Roosevelt's commies screaming for them to go off to war and kill their German cousins. Fuck the greatest generation, a generation of dupes and traitors.

Dont be daft Hans.

For instance in Canada 90% of the military were volunteers, with a very limited draft which was super unpopular, coming in at the end.

The only reason the Americans had the draft was Pearl Harbour. Otherwise they'd have half assed their entry into WWII just as they had WWI, with a volunteer army.

And woe fucking betide the government stooge who comes to my door demanding service or incarceration. What will follow will prompt writing of a lot of new policy for such folks, and make a lot of very evil people think twice about trying to enslave armed citizens.

On the other hand, I can totally see why you cucked Europeans are at risk of that. Both historically and in the future. Maybe you shouldn't have given up your guns?

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