Do you have any suggestions for pilled or at least pre-sjw games?

do you have any suggestions for pilled or at least pre-sjw games?

I can start the ball rolling with this gem I still love to play. sharing it as well. It's Heroes of Might and Magic 3 HD with fan created Horn of the Abyss installed. Steam doesn't offer this and I hear has really shit the bed with their version. enjoy

HoMM III - Complete +HotA +HD.7z.001
HoMM III - Complete +HotA +HD.7z.002
HoMM III - Complete +HotA +HD.7z.003

no pass

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thanks, found it
I never played the elder scrolls games at all so this should be interesting

Dark souls 2.

Baldur's Gate 2

kingdom come deliverance

deus ex of course (the first one)

Duke shookem

kenshi. you can play for a faction called the holy nation that treats women as second class citizens and kills/enslaves other races

Cool, thanks

Victoria 2

real life. fucking grow up manchilds

Just listen to the radio or watch tv

This thread is basicalled sseth's game reviews.

get off this site and go suck off your boss

That game sucks tho

>neet gamer faggot manchild called out
>starts seething
l2p loser

Lefty fag tries to make super evil faction, actually they end up being completely based and chadpilled, beating women amd enslaving nonhumans. Also best place for a base in the game.

Red Orchestra 2

IN all honesty the didnt though.
With a bit of thought its fairly easy to understand why the holy nation does as they do, and all the other factions in the game are equally cunty all in their own way.
Its just a harsh world.

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First thing I thought as well.

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>Deus Ex
>Fallout 2
>Fallout New Vegas
>Mount & Blade + mods
>Rome Total War
>Shogun Total War 2
>Age of Empires 3
>Duke Nukem 3D
>Marathon series
>Every single Xcom game, both old and new
>Old SNK fighting games, especially the Fatal Fury series
>Freedom Fighters
>Streets of Rage Remake
>This is the Police series
>Rebel Cops
>Battle Brothers
>Golden Axe series
>Vampire the Masquerade:Bloodlines

That's just off the tip of my head. Many more are out there. But these cover up a lot of genres, are from different periods of time and none of them are pozzed, or at least the poz is present, but you can mock and bully any SJW character you come across and be a based toxic white male without being punished.

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>heavily censored in germany
>banned in china
>isis is a faction
>usa faction uses tanks named crusaders and paladins

doom 2016 isnt pozzed. doom eternal pissed off feminists and cucks

Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura

It's the most pol game I've ever played.
[spoiler]Orcs niggerspeak[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Rich gnomes overthrow the rightful king, make half breeds to use as personal slaves, are the elite of the industrial revolution which is destroying the old ways of life [/spoiler]
[spoiler]the religion is actually fake and made by the world's satan[/spoiler]
and much else.
You can thank me later.

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holy nation are the good guys. in the lore humans almost went extinct before the holy nation was formed

Grim Dawn. The storyline is based and speaks of True Things.

idk if anybody still playing it but chivalry:Medieval warfare is the best combat simulator game ever.

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