/CJG/ - Chink Jannies General #1

So fellas.
What are we going to do about new jew-virus that is spreading around the board?
It already caused multiple thread failures and anons are getting banned like flies.
Situation seems serious.
Regular jew was killing enough threads already. What if this new pathogen stays around and doubles the daily casualties among threads aswell as innocent anons.

In this thread we discuss how to get rid of chink jannie menace

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Guys seriously we need some brainstorm over here

im just gonna bump this shit

I've been keeping track of EVERY thread that got pruned on my last comment. And it has been a lot. I download the page. I've noticed patterns. There is definitely censorship going on here. Particularly threads that hate on white women or criticize their THOT or coalburner behavior. The KIKEs don't want white women to become selfconscious of their nigger tier ways. I also keep track of every thread that archives on my last comment. It is just as about as many as pruned. Same trend. Yas Forums in infiltrated. Add on top of this all the slide threads and Jew brigading techniques to thwart threads from becoming flashpoints of IRL political actions and you have quite a large operation attmpting to keep this place a controlled honeypot/hugbox where the narrative can be every slowly modified to align with Globohomo Jew agendas. Pretty soon we will be pro Israel around here shitting on anons that don't want to die for Israel like good goyim. Speaking of Israel, have you seen how many Jew flags post here like Good Jew Bros? Yeah...just more infiltration to normalize us to the "Good Jew" strategy. "Hey guyz I shitpost just like you". See, it's all out getting in and then spreading the Jew toxins to derail real action. But unless the Jews can fully control the gates they can't control the flow. So Jew Jannies will be their next attempt to shadow ban here. But eventually it will be detected and they we get bounced. There is just too much counter narrative here to shut it down. For everythread they shut down here inside twenty minutes two more will form. We are Yas Forums We are LEGION.

yea, so chinese now apparently ban anything that puts them in bad light too
we have now two kinds of jews to deal with
this is serious

It's mostly pruned because people post fake pron of Xi's daughter. I think pron is not allowed in /pol


but they ban people who dont post porn, just reply anything in those topic.
even talking about something else
its against the rules itself and chink jannies must be purged
all of them

Track them all down and kill them. Thats really what it is going to take. Every mod/janny since 2014 needs to be exterminated.

Is it possible to boot jannies out? Something should evidently be done to get rid of them, they are obviously compromised.

Do you think you're some kind of champ? Do you think posting this makes you somehow intelligent or makes up for your lack of any additional insight into things that actually matter right now such as international solidarity and rhetorical wholesomeness? Who the fuck do you think you are, wasting your time here, peddling this juvenile, crass nonsense of yours? Rethink your entire stance, contemplate on the reality of your situation right now and then come back. Because this pathetic display of juvenile superficiality is as trifling and meaningless as your entire existence.

nice addition to the image

Guys, it's not fucking complicated.

Just make a board on 8kun or some alternative chan where people can upload their fan art, then post said art everywhere, making sure to also link to the fan art board.

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>porn is allowed if it is on topic
If anything, you can censor or link to it if you want to be 100%, but yeah, this is an 18+ board, meaning porn *is* allowed here, if it's on-topic.

that's right
we are dealing with butthurt chink faggot who abuse his position
he/them must be purged by all means neccessary
we cannot tolerate influx of another wave of jews
this time the poohs

This is false information. There is no porn of anyone's daughter here unless it is a white girl with niggers. Just more Jewish diversions. Threads are pruned it they expose the control grid over the normies. Like when you call white women nigger tier. White women reading these threads don't want to be called nigger tier. It makes them reconsider their life choices. White women are very brittle under criticism and can be put back in their place if they fall too far out of the accepted patterns of the herd. So shunning women works. Calling white women trash...works. That is why it gets threads shut down. Xi is not her censoring pictures that do now exist. That is a pure fictional derailment to gaslight anons away from what I just said. But thank you for giving me something to work against so I can explain my position better. Battles of perception are games of millimeters user. And you just witnessed one.

Ok, wtf is going on? I go to several threads talking about some chink girl and they 404 everytime. Are the mods being fags more than usual?

how do you like that bitch?? ha???

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>missed the countless threads that were pruned for having princess porn.
>missed the chink jannies exposing themselves and breaking the rules to do so
Try harder you non white filth

>Threads are pruned it they expose
IF no it
>Xi is not her censoring pictures that do now exist.
HERE not her
NOT not now

shit low q
have another one fag

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Chink loving jannies are pruning anti-chinese sentiment from Yas Forums. They are trying to take control of the board.

>jannies exposed themselves as chinks
>doing everything they can to hide it

they were even IP banning anyone who wrote ANYTHING in those threads

chink jannies must be stopped
it got too far already

You know we have a group we should be blaming for this.
Us. And we should be offering jannies a patreon for cleaning pol up good.
I say make em do it right and pay them. I'd give them $50 to be good at their job.
Guaranteed NEETs will do this.
Alternatively, you can do it yourself, my fellow kurwa, Jannie apps open up regularly, just interview honestly and I'm sure some of us will make it through.
IRC chatroom's probably got a few hits on these threads going on, someone should sign up via Nickserv and lurk.
rizon.net #Yas Forums. Maybe message them and ask what's going on, they can explain.

And watch this thread NOT get pruned.
You are nothing but a Jewish Wingman operating in tandem with user (ID: OCGqC3o4)
First you agree
Then you wait for a counter narrative. Then you show "proof"
Funny how you had that meme at the ready even though you didn't make the original post about it.
YAWN...it's all so tiresome.

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Bump for fuck jannies and chiniggers

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no money for faggot jannies. they deserve none
also noone will pay them that's another story
from today chinese=jew
same level of parasite

You Sir get the Shitpost of the year medal. But honestly, it would be even better if you believed what you just wrote. I can taste you Dead SeA Salt tears from here. You have to go back Moshe so we can nuke you all once in the same place. You have to go back.

The present janitors absolutely don't deserve any money, what with the deterioration of pol's quality in the past 6 years.
But we could turn it around user.
All it takes is a little push.

nice try chink chang you fucking idiot but you already revealed your cards
wait untill i find your dumb party directives to deal with coronavirus you fucking jew v 2.0

good luck trying to make it about jews with the image i posted at the beginning

>we cannot tolerate influx of another wave of jews
>this time the poohs
WTF is this shit grammar?
Nobody in America gives two fucks about who leads China. They didn't give a fuck before the Jews moved all our jobs to China and they don't give a fuck now. Xi has very little meaning for Americans. However he must mean something to you KIKEs otherwise there wouldn't me a social media blitz to use Xi as a patsy for more Jewish tricks. Yas Forums you must dig deeper. Don't be yet another plase where Jews set the narrative. Ask yourselves this...Do I really give a flying fuck about China and who leads it? Is China the real enemy or are the Jews that sought to use China AGAINST us the real enemy. China is just a poor place that took what the Jews offered and ran with it. Now China has grown up and become a big boy the Jews can't control anymore and now the Jews want US to do their dirty work for them. I'm not saying lick Xi's boots. I'm not saying love China. Fuck China. I'm just saying....look for the Jew behind the curtain. China at BEST is trying to be the Jew. We can deal with them. It is the Jew parasite cancer that is the real problem. NEVER EVER FORGET THIS.

cope rice nigger
im not even reading this bullshit

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you are complicit with release of the wuhan virus
you both cooperated with jews
you are officialy a jew now

>mfw the pasta too fresh

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Unless you are downloading pruned threads and posting links to them for other anons to see.....IT DIDN'T FUCKING HAPPEN. Claiming Chinks are pruning is nothing but conspiracy theories. Prove it or STFU. And it can be so easily proven can it not? Yet it is not. Therefor it didn't happen. Yas Forums is not your personal army you fucking KIKES. We are not here to create a meme swarm to derail the focus on the fact the Jewish deep state is responsible for killing tens of thousands of people with their 5g Corona test. Xi called you sand niggers out and stated OPENLY China was in a development deal with America. And by America he meant the Jewish TRAITOR deep state. So don't fall for it Yas Forums. The Jews are in here trying to make Xi their patsy. Don't allow yourselves to get red baited like fucking retarded Boomers. Hate President Xi Jinping on your own terms. Don't fall for the Chink Jannies at my homework meme. It's all a fucking lie. And if it isn't...who the fuck would even care. Porn belongs on Yas Forums. I'm glad to see it go. It doesn't take a Chink to prune it. Anyone with mature taste for proper political shitposting knows porn is just a distraction. Let it go and get red pilled on the Jewish deep state opreations here. Those are the only ones that matter.