These are frontline workers. Is this acceptable behavior during a so-called 'pandemic?'

These are frontline workers. Is this acceptable behavior during a so-called 'pandemic?'

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Imagine if I - as a software developer - started doing fucking dances every time the power went out or my code didn't work properly

I'd be fired instantly

Who knows what's acceptable in the UK. They might need a dancing loicense.

Reminder to thank your local janitor
While nurses are twerking on tik tok, janitors are cleaning and disinfecting contaminated surfaces

Society was a mistake

"we need more PPE"

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Seeing shit like this makes me think it's big ol' nothingburger. We need to stop giving nurses attention. They're doing their job.

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That would be based. Just copy Fortnite jigs and start dabbing for all to see when you fail your job.

I still don't get why we are acting like nurses are some kinda heroes.
They get paid to do a job that for the first time they are actually doing,

Before it was 30% work and 70% being lazy fucking faggots , now it's maybe 70/30 at best.

If I worked in healthcare and one of these faggots asked me to make a video like these I'd just kill myself.

Female nurses are females and male nurses are faggots. Who knew

>I still don't get why we are acting like nurses are some kinda heroes.
The reality is that they're not. The fact that there are volunteers in our NHS right now working effectively means their job isn't skilled.

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Y'all have volunteers doing what kind of work and doing well? Ass scrubbing or doing RN work?

"Why are you dancing, please help I'm dying!"

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My mate is a RN and so far they're doing assistant type work but only because they're not told to do anymore. Some are taking on some RN-related tasks to help ease work. He says there's nothing stopping them from essentially doing his job.

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Medical workers aren't special enough that they should be prevented from making silly videos.

Stupid ttuff like this can keep employees happy and maintain productivity/retention.

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It's almost like all these "frontline workers" spent their formative years in drama school rather than medical college.

Maybe we should come up with a new term for them? "Crisis Actor" sounds appropriate...

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I'd be more accepting if they didn't upload them. They say its for morale, fine just do the stupid dance. How is making a tiktok boosting morale? Posting these trivializes the life of dying patients. These people are retards.

With some of the more sensitive things like measuring medications you need some level of competence above the common idiot. That being said, nurses aren't all that special, and I would be a genius in that field if I did it. I took the TEAS V in my first year of college and scored in the 85% percentile. Since I did biology to try for medical/dental school, I would invariably do even better.

Unsurprisingly the negro has the best moves

He was very much in the same situation. But yes, you're right about medications- RN's are doing these things but still assistants are doing the physical work.

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This “mug front line worker” meme is fucking retarded. Do your job. It just shows quite a few of them thought they thought they were signing up for something far more cush.

I'm getting CERN vibes

Nurses are heroes fighting on the frontline against a literal pandemiic you incel. They are under huge pressure and need to unwind sometimes and boost morale

Attached: nurses.jpg (1600x1200, 213.35K)

"RN work" is literally writing down patient history and putting in an IV catheter.

The only skill required o be an RN is done better by a druggie, finding a vein.

Yeah whatever who gives a shit. This chink flu has been a blessing in disguise. No I wont clap these retards but im not going to devote any time beyond typing this post to complain about them either.

And what exactly are they doing that's so heroic and hard, how are they "fighting"

These make my blood boil

At least the chinks who did this had guns pointed at them. This is just embarrassing.

Lol yeah I’m sure a doc is at arms length and able to notice slight but significant changes that can save your life if noticed early on for all 200 patients that he saw that day.

of course not. they should've used a wider aspect ratio and practiced proper social distancing.

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This is "truth in plain sight."

Freemasons are telling us through their actions, and their stress-free laughing faces, this entire pandemic is a silly hoax.

All fake. Unless CNN is there with a camera crew and crisis actors these hospitals are empty, except for the doctors who run away and call security on you if you start asking questions...

in the empty hospitals, covidhoax dances

Ohio Protest speech about CDC assuming Covid-19, interview with nurse laid off for the hoax “I was laid off because we have no patients” “friends in the ICU unit are getting cancelled shifts, main hospitals in the Cleveland area"

Faucie's just another screaming Greta shoving new world order bullshit down our throats 24/7.

Chris Corona cumo is a mason, like Tim hanx, bill gates of hell and Greta Fauci.

The only people we "know" who have corona are famous Freemasons on TV, who pretend to have coronu as part of this NWO theater ((((they)))) are performing for us. Cuomo is a healthy LARPing Freemason shill.





That's utterly cute you think that's what nurses do, 10/10 chance you are one or a close family member is with that insight.

Anything critical is given by the equipment, or most of the time a family member screaming for help.

It's funny too because even given your example all you are is an overpaid nightwatchmen that screams for an actual doctor when you see someone dying, something a druggie or literally anyone can do as well.
But no your right, I'm sure nursing is filled with obese black women and college dropout white chicks because it's an intellectual powerhouse