Gday lads, praise him

>Naughty goys won't download the tracking app so prepare for it to be made mandatory

>Australian university staff in uproar at union's secret plan to negotiate on pay cuts amid coronavirus

>While you were getting out of bed on Wednesday morning, perhaps making a cuppa, the Australian Government was engaged in the biggest bond auction in the nation's history.

Attached: Praise Him .jpg (1488x1488, 522.6K)

Other urls found in this thread:

glow thread

glow thread

thread glows

First for Fuck ScoMo The Anti-christ


>>Australian university staff in uproar at union's secret plan to negotiate on pay cuts amid coronavirus
cant they just round up the academics and execute them.

I mean, they're unecessary in the post-pandemic world that Scott Morrison is outlining.

They will understand that their sacrifice helped the greater good.

MFW the military start rounding up pointless academic eaters for execution.

Ian a cute

Attached: 1581639866109.gif (500x375, 1.42M)

sixth for talking to qts on interpals while drunk

Attached: BE3E8B837436414092B47D7E16883A4D.jpg (680x680, 85.24K)

Holy shit a phone app just flew over my house!

who cares

fuck off ian

That faggot can go to hell. I'll shove my phone up his arse and he can contact trace it that way.

Hey Ian. I'm still looking your sisters to tinder profile mate, do you have a link?

user has literally ruined his life, all he had was auspol and wasting government resources

Eff off kike.

Attached: hhh.jpg (696x918, 155.59K)

he still has the psych ward

lmao jannies deleted the thread

are you that new? fucken jesus christ on a bike. it was at dump limit for ages


fuck just pmsl

Don't reply to glowie shit

Yas Forums is a board of peace, officer

I LIKE this pepe.

How new are you, fagget? It got 404d

fuck off boong praise him

Nobody has done anything yet. I just want to find her tinder & chadfish her like her has done to so many others, then let her know it was him that instigated the whole thing. Is that normal?

nah it didnt go to archive, its 404

>brit flag

Reminder that if you complain about 'modern women' it's only because women aren't interested in you and you have nothing to offer that they want. You're unable to compete as a man in modern society and its you who is in a bad state. You lie to yourself and attempt to shift blame, and no woman wants to be anywhere near someone like that. They can smell it on you from a mile away.

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Non glow thread

Yeah damn loose butt hurt chinamen

It was deleted, probably because of the doxxing.

it was at bump limit for ages. I just figured it was dead. too the jannies long enough if they killed it

His sister makes me want to coom, I'm tempted to make a cum tribute to her. Is that normal?

I hope someone got screenshots because i didnt. All these posts will be lost like tears in rain. Time to Ian.

Good. Doxing on Yas Forums is dirty. Especially when it's a well loved regular

Too late, copied the dox & the archives are full of him tripfagging.

just remember to keep the meme alive, and anyone who post copypasta of his shit is called ian brown

i feel bad that he got doxxed. he is obviously mentally unwell, and is now probably freaking out. But on the other hand, he posted disturbing things for years.
I dont know what to feel lads

I still got the whole thread open

His name was Ian Brown

it's clearly some GetUp! faggots

His name was Ian Brown

Stop dishing out blue pills. Whores are the biggest single problem in the world. In light of feminism and their stranglehold on all jobs via huge HR and middle mgmt occupation worth running after without it shows the state of the world and the self implosion were all dealing with right now with corona can even be attributed to them and their fucking ass blasted running to support bullshit and not do what's expected of someone in authority in light of horse shit chinamen infecting the world

In short cunts need to get btfo'd m8 and dragged by the hair back into the kitchen

Ian Brown, was his name.

how did he get doxxed?
