2020 Census


Attached: huwhite.jpg (3024x4032, 2.95M)

lebanons are white, egyptians arent though

What are they?


2020 census results are going to be brutal.

You don't have to answer anything on the Census other than how many people live at your residence.

The whole point of the census is to assign house seats. All the other questions are just bullshit prying into your life.

Lebanese think they are better than the other desert people. They are not. They are not white. Their women have brown pussies, they are shitskins.

I won't be filling any of it out I just thought this little detail was hilarious. I guess everyone is white now.


There is not nearly enough boxes to write
>1/4 German
>1/8 French
>1/32 Cherokee
>3/32 Irish
>1/4 Italian
>1/4 various origins

Brown (and smelly and hairy). Just really gross all around

Egyptians are African.

They're brown, they live in Africa.

It's always been like that, tho. I suppose they just want to separate those out from Europeans?
I just put down "American" because I still believe in that as a valid white identity.

U mad cunt?

>lists examples that can't fit in the boxes provided

They're all after that lucrative white privilege.

These are not white people. I don't see one blue eye all I see is brown eyes, brown skin, brown shit. Lebanese wish they were fucking white.

Attached: shitskins.jpg (1400x788, 127.94K)

Just enough space to write
>R H O D E S I A N

Attached: Ian smith rhodie flag.jpg (400x605, 40.8K)

I put white / American

> mutt

>egyptians arent
Ancient Egyptians are.

So that’s what that smell is. How long have you been there?

>t. Taleb

I do a similar and just put down “European ancestry?”

Chick on left is for sure white user.

Put aryan

Actually wait. Should I check African American instead? I want to fuck with the demographics in any way I can.

I was quite literally born in Africa so I am an African-American by every metric except for the fact that I'm not black.

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You think putting aryan would be counted?

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She has light skin, she is not white. She has sandnigger facial features.

Yeah they are. We were Kings and built pyramids and other cool things.


If you're homeland is located in Africa or Asia, you aren't white.


They are referring to ancient Egyptians. We were kings.

How mad will the kangz be when they see

No. The 60 IQ nigger who counts these up won't know what word it's reading and will count that as Iranian.