Post them to prove the retards here it was NOT a hoax
Holocaust pictures
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Prove those are from the holocaust
Never forget the atrocities.
>posting pictures of starved and tortured german soldiers
What about the mass murder in Germany during the occupation? They raped every woman with tits.
They look like they died from starving, but you say Hitler killed them? Dont make sense.
>be Bolsheviks (jews)
>kill 60 million people
>take photos and claim it was duh natsees
>The only evidence for 3 of the largest alleged death camps at the nuremburg trials was an eye witness that didn't even claim to have been at all 3 camps but did make the claim that nazis killed jews through underground rollercoasters and electric floors
>The entirety of the physical written evidence of an official extermination program is a single document miraculously rediscovered in an archive in the 70's, for which the original document has never been shown to any member of the public or historian, only copies are ever sent out
>There isn't an ounce of census data that supports or even makes credible the idea that 6 - 20 million people died in the camps, as is currently being claimed (yes they seriously claim there's a potential 14 million death margin of error... holy fuck)
>Red cross workers that inspected the camps estimated a few hundred thousand deaths to starvation and typhus, which is supported by german documentation
>The reason they claim there is no evidence is because the germans bombed the ovens, but if you were trying to cover up a mass gas extermination wouldn't you bomb the gassing rooms instead?
>Majority of these camps (read: almost all of them) constructed after the war on the soviet side of Germany, never allowed to be inspected
>Photographic "evidence" proven false
>Every alleged death camp that was inspected was later revised to be simply an internment camp
>Camps that are still alleged to have been death camps have had their numbers lowered time and time again over the years, overall death total mysteriously increases every time the story is told despite this
I could go on, but jesus christ. The case for the holocaust is so goddamn flimsy.
>wooden doors
hahaha, bunch of surrender monkeys
Hmm. Those look like typhus victims.
This was what I'd always suspected about the images.
Those aren't from the Holohoax though.
Bottom left aren't even white.
Did someone check all those pee-pees to see if they were cut?
Hahaha a photo of typhys victim's bodies somehow proves that 6 gorillion disgusting lying kikes were gassed.
School assignment?
Daily reminder that Anglos are superior to G*rmans in every way.
How come none of the bodies look Jewish?
Bumping for responses by OP
are these the farmers the communists killed?
margins of error being plus or minus...
Nobody is denying jews died you fucktard.
It was 250,000 jews tops, MOSTLY from starvation and typhus.
As per red cross records of the time. End of story.
Any number of events, like the firebombing of Dresden were WORSE.
Why are there no Dresden museums of Tolerance???
The lolocaust should be 'just another of MANY' tragedies of WWII, but instead it's shoved down our throats 24/7 and Germans are made out to be the most evil villains of ALL TIME.
Once again, this is just Jewish OVERREPRESENTATION, KVETCHING and PILPUL.
Fuck (((them))) and their attention hogging ways.
>*bombs the shit out of Dresden*
Check and mate
>we have photos of a thousand dead at least
okay, so were are the other 11.999.000 million dead ?
Are you stupid? The Dutch are Germans. Dutch literally means Deutsch. Your language is basically a German Platt dialect.
they know it happened
they just want it to happen again but dont want the association
>They burn them in ovens but there are mass graves.
Make up your them mind, jewboy.
>take your meds schizo