Guys, redpill me on Paul Josep Watson

guys, redpill me on Paul Josep Watson.
from what i've gathered so far:
>normie who tries to meme
>he has no ideea of racial theories and just hates the left without any resentment towards jews
>his best argument is "fuck you basedboy"

anything else i should know?

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wow the filters are so fucking retarded

Back when we thought Trump was god. He was redpilled as fuck and was a tipping point for a lot of NORMIES. Like my friends that weren't redpilled used his content. Then they became redpilled and slowly moved into the bigger picture because of him. A stepping stone if you may. Truly redpilled? No. But has REAL news on batshit liberals that begins the process. Use him as a stone.

Fucking quads of truth.

Checked, very nice. He's literally the tip of the iceberg when it comes to redpills. Very entry-level.

Yes, except that also he knows a lot more than he lets on in his videos.

He lurks Yas Forums all the time, he's just also smart enough to have a good idea of what (((youtube))) will let him say and what it won't. And also that anyone who starts listening to him will sooner or later head deeper into the rabbit hole and get fully redpilled anyway

How does he not see it's the jew? This is day one stuff.

Checks out gay vibrant scenes

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He is adding to much meme comic relief to his videos and less information on a subject. He needs to increase the quality of his videos.

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wasn't that an ironic post?

His bankaccount won't allow him to see it

That guy looks gay.

>guys, redpill me on Paul Josep Watson.

1.) he's babbys first redpill
2.) he creampied lauren southern


You guys don't think he's J-woke? That is blue-pilled in itself.
Of course he knows about the fucking Jews, but he also knows most blue-pilled normies (which is his target audience, introducing babby's first redpill) are mostly incapable of swallowing the JQ red-pill first, there have to be a few more entry-level redpills being taken before someone is ready for that stuff, he'd also be deplatformed and stigmatized very quickly.

He's building up an audience, and introducing them to their first red-pills, who knows if he will go all out when he reaches a huge audience, or if he will continue to (very effectively) introduce brainwashed people to freedom of thought, we'll see.
What I know for certain though, is that this guy is doing more good for blue-pilled fags than any of us have, don't underestimate his tactics.

Or he could be a Jewish distraction Zionist shill, but I'm very doubtful of that.

Is he actually gay?

>thread about Sargon
>thread about PJW
Have I travelled back in time to current year when these faggots were actually relevant?

My first red pill was the Juice problem and I didn’t have trouble believing it

He has no expertise of any kind. He's just another guy preaching to the converted.

>>he has no ideea of racial theories and just hates the left without any resentment towards jews

That's why we're here, and aware.
Most people however, do not have the strength to break down their illegitimate worldview and accept that they've been fooled so deeply. It goes against their ego too much and they're incapable of accepting it. They'd rather double-down and pretend nothing is wrong, which is what most blue-pilled people are doing, nobody ACTUALLY doesn't realize anything is wrong, they're just unwilling to admit they fell for it.
PJW is a good introduction to this acceptance, it must be done slowly and consistently, otherwise they'll just shut down.

Aaaah thats what you mean when you say redpilled.

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Big flamer

>kraut can't read
I said when we THOUGHT Trump was god emperor of mankind.

He's a faggot that thinks he's smart just because his views aren't full libtard, but he's still retarded.

>redpill me on X
He's like anyone else, good insofar as he's good.

He didn't read your comment. Most of us don't read right through the first go around but sadly, before getting the gist of the comment, we fly off the handle the moment we thought we saw something enraging. I'm probably more guilty of this than all of you combined.


He's a gay funded reactionary Zionist.
Neo-Bolshevism (communism) and Neo-liberalism (Capitalism) are two sides of the same Judeo coin - coalescing wealth for an Elite predominantly Jewish clique either by party, State, or market monopoly. That's why some le alt right are allowed to exist and the other insufferable retards aren't.

The old left would have the neo-bolsheviks put into Gulags and the classic liberalis would be ashamed of the pseudo-liberty of consumerism but not of conscience; but both systems change with the time. Marx and Engels would have opposed immigration because it lowered the economic value of labour (wages). Smith would have derided neo-classical economic lady especially 'trickle down wealth money printing'. Generally the left - right dichotomy is a fraud and unquestionably so where private debt money creation is allowed to exist. If you understand that final point you're smarter than 9/10 posters here on the Mongolian underwater basket weaving forum

Babby's first pinkpill but Yas Forums hates e-celebs more than leftists

Phone fagging

Wow quit being new

this n CHECKEM

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hi Paul
