Media lies about Wu Flu

Can we get a collection of media, CDC, and WHO horseshit going? I need something to throw in the faces of some family who blame this all on Trump as if anyone did a good job taking this seriously from day one.

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agree 100% - it's becoming so blatant
you can see the same publication put out 2 opposing headlines within a month's timespan these day.

>the second thing they said is the true one
Why do people think like this?

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Who said that?

This is true though. The reason you want the public to wear masks is for the people that are already sick so they dont spread it

fuck off Qtards

They didn't want anyone wearing masks before because they didn't prepare and hospitals were undersupplied. So rather than being honest and saying that they made it sound like it was the wrong thing to do.

Thanks bros. Bumpo in my dumpo

This ain't no Q post.
I'm not even trying to defend trump so much as I am pointing out not one single outlet, agency, or politician got this right. Somehow us internet idiots had a clue but they didn't.

It’s just god testing all the professionals... obviously the medical profession failed miserably. The politicians failed miserably, the news has failed, the internet failed.... god is finding out everyone is a sleezy dirtbag.

This work ban is probably the most sacrilegious thing I’ve seen in my lifetime. The holy books explicitly tell you not to be a lazy piece of shit.

Just show them this, and ask why socialized healthcare is so bad at dealing with pandemics.

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Why, so I can look like a retarded boomer? That is already laughably out of date

This is certainly a humbling event. It's great to see just how useless our "leaders and experts" are. Even if this isn't the big one, if that day comes we're doomed.

>rent free


and of course the DNC is in on it, they are the American Nazi Party and the NYT is Der Stürmer

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Spain is hiding most of the cases. People who die untested with symptoms don't get even tested so they don't have to increase the number

Yes. More of these please.

Shut the fuck up, kike. Nazi is a slur and it's us if anyone.

beware, Yas Forums is full of liberals trying to LARP as Nazis because they think that's what we are

always check sources first, and keep your own record of the claims as they change

remember, you are your own most reliable source, and if it was hopeless they wouldn't bother telling lies

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And there it is, the kike plays his hand.

Here's one with a "fellow Nazi" offering his "help."

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God I hate kikes,

Do you think you're some kind of champ? Do you think posting this makes you somehow intelligent or makes up for your lack of any additional insight into things that actually matter right now such as international solidarity and rhetorical wholesomeness? Who the fuck do you think you are, wasting your time here, peddling this juvenile, crass nonsense of yours? Rethink your entire stance, contemplate on the reality of your situation right now and then come back. Because this pathetic display of juvenile superficiality is as trifling and meaningless as your entire existence.

Is there any real evidence that masks increase the risk of you getting sick? I've never heard anyone claim this before the Chink Flu happened.

You're getting off topic.

You can put "it attacks the respiratory system" down as a lie too.

It attacks the blood. The lungs fill up with clots and you suffocate. All the organs are damaged but lungs are just the most sensitive.

The funniest thing is that you can't even comprehend us, which is why you use such hilariously stupid word salads like "multiracial white supremacy."

We're lulzing at you, not with you.

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italy too

Nigger, year has 12 months not 24 and 5th May is in future


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Thank you for the pretentious blabber. Anything of value to contribute?

What is hard to understand about Multiracial White Supremacy? Some darkies understand their lives are 100 times better when the white man is in charge.

Keeping Yas Forums clear of misinformation is always on topic.

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