
> women can abort it will make her suffer until the end of her life.

>fœtus are human form and they are killed and it’s abomination.

Women are soulless creatures but the baby inside her never ask for anything.

What should we do about the abortion issue then ?

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The girl that aborted my baby and banged half of my town is a elementary school teacher..

Nobody cares about anything anymore.. You could legit get away with murder but as long as you can sell yourself good it doesn't matter.

People actually get mad at me if I talk about it.. I feel like I'm in the twilight zone.

I would take abortion anytime if the alternative is being born in France

Ask yourself, why didn't she want to raise a baby with you? Probably an imbecile.
People get mad when you open your mouth and just voice your opinion? Think about that...

It's murder. Murder in any sane society has to be illegal and punished heavily. There is no discussion, and it's really that simple.

According to kabbalah the soul attaches to the body the first 7 days after being born.

What about natural abortion in case of illness or else? You blame God for that?

Stupid moron.

Who's her husband

Here’s a thought:

It’s a matter of agency, not morality.

If we could tell people when they had to go through with a pregnancy, we’d probably be able to tell them when they couldn’t.

I’m prolife, but I’d rather wombs be under our complete control as citizens than pave the way for legislation that would allow any form of “womb control” to become a thing.

You know it's an egg and a sperm, right?
And it's your body.

I know your polish freaks are going totalitarian.
But do you have to go blank stupid too?

you JUST KNOW the baby color

I hope she gives birth to a beautiful black baby...

Wtf? Are you projecting your fears?

>What should we do about the abortion issue then ?

Offer a tax credit or stipend for those that undergo voluntary (temporary) sterilization.

And increase the tax credit for married couples with kids.

The world is separating. Good, god-fearing folks with kids, and purple haired, tattooed single mothers/barren sjws

if I post a picture of my kid I'd make pol seethe so hard the cope will shut down the entire site

Posting your kid on Yas Forums should be a felony

You think your kids are that sexy?
Please stop...

1. Make it easier for men and women to have surgeries ending their reproductive abilities.
2. Make sterilization an option for convicted criminals as a way to reduce their sentence.
3. Ban abortions past a very early stage (like a few weeks) in the pregnancy. Pregnancy tests can literally be bought at the dollar store. There isn't an excuse not to know.
4. Ad campaigns about HIV and other STDs. People are selfish. They don't care about the consequence of aborting a fetus - even if they acknowledge that it's truly alive. They do care about catching some nasty disease. Make tinder pay for some of the ads.
5. Other ad campaign encouraging sexually active women to use a pregnancy test once a month.
6. Incentivize keeping the pregnancy. Childbirth and pregnancy should be affordable.
7. Make abortions free in their earliest stages. Make them expensive as they approach the limit.


I think it's a knee jerk reaction to a subconscious realisation that all their beliefs and opinions are just what the media told them or just parroting whatever everyone else thinks. People hate realising they are predictable and have a strong opinion they have zero knowledge about and haven't thought about critically.

Most of my relatives are hardcore left wing. I brought up the fact that gun ownership doesn't correlate with murder rates and showed data from how gun restriction laws had zero impact on the murder rates in countries they were implemented (and in some cases such as Britain, homocide rates increased). They just completely lashed out emotionally and wanted to end the conversation right there. It was sad really, no one shows curiosity to learn more, even to support their opinion, or god forbit reassess their stance completely. The upside is realising these masses don't matter, as they will just go with whatever the media and zeitgeist tells them to

I agree on all arguemnts against abortion. In the 90s crime was increasing at an incredible rate and it didn't look like it was going to stop increasing, then it did and it went down. This is because exactly a generation before, abortion was legalised so the fucks were murdered before they could do anyone harm. This is the reason why I don't mind it being legal, the sin is on them who commit the act, not me.

In the end it's a symptom of another issue.

Also, sterilize women after their second abortion.

Theres a counter argument against that logic though:

If a women is seriously arguing "I need this abortion or I'm going to produce a murderer", that her genes and/or children rearing abilities are that awful, she may as well be sterilised.

Start by repealing the 19th amendment.

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Though I disagree with abortion at any state, these measures would be an excellent step in the right direction.

T. Guilty of murdering my own child.

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I agree. We can make a compromise.

Jenny Frost I think

Guys I just had a thought. Remember the Maury Povich show, and how the women were cheating whores 90% of the time?

What if the reason women are so defensive of abortion is because they don’t want paternity tests done on their children. They want to keep the beta bux train rolling while still fucking Chad raw.

>you know its an egg and a sperm
And you are a brain, bones, fat and flesh. So? Once an egg connects with sperm, it starts creating life from day 1. As I said - there is no going around it. Fucking around has its consequences, so own up to it or fuck off, roastie

There is no issue. Do you want more negroes and leftists?

Plan better, idiot.

>tfw you acknowledge fetuses are human but are still ok with abortions.

I get to irritate everybody!

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Abortion is the most evil thing that has happened to humanity

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Good idea.

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At least you're consistent.
That's a rare quality these days.

Still, you need to repent before you burn.

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I fail to understand why sterilization is not required after an abortion

It's a procreative act that creates a unique entity with its own DNA.

This is why sex should be taken more seriously. Quit selling your flaps at a discount.

It may not just be the woman, but the circumstances she is in. I agree she should not be having childeren.

ok roast

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whites truly are the epitome of beauty

>natural abortion
It’s called a miscarriage

>we should legalize murder because natural death is a thing
The absolute state of you

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