Go ahead Yas Forums. Defend this.

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Because unless you’re a commie who lives with his parents, you have to work to get richer.

people are allowed to do whatever they want. We know that you can't stand that idea and insist on total control over the masses though

Reminder to kill your local communist

Hah what a retarded tweet!
>omg they aren’t asking for gibs but less regulation
>that means they are slaved XD
OP really chugged a big one on this!

They’re demanding to get their money you stupid fucking nigger

You people think the only options in live are to work at amazon or for mr sheckleberg

You can work for a small business, you can own your own businesses, you can work under the table
There’s plenty of ways to make money for yourself, you wouldn’t know that since your view of the world was shaped of twitter

I don't want to be richer

Your ideology is a joke that has continuously failed. No matter how stupid Amerimutt's are, nothing changes the fact your spineless faggot Comrades aren't going to do shit and so there's nothing to defend because you might as well not exist.

Rent freeze, UBI, and universal healthcare would unironically work if we lived in a White only ethnostate.

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let them go back to work for Shekelstein. I want to see this and LMAO.

>Waaaah, I just wanna work for mr. bossman, why do the meanie commies make fun of meeee.

I'm sorry but don't dogs get fed and sheltered by their owners?
Commies are just slaves looking for a master.

Correction, it'd unironically work of you got over your petty racism.


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>le rent freeze

>Thinks anyone gives a shit what a commie has to say in any capacity.

>the people aren't listening to the orders by the state that restrict their freedom of movement
>they're demanding to exercise their constitutional right to go about their lives
>this makes them slaves to... corporations?
>yeah corporations are clearly the bad guys here because otherwise people wouldn't want to go out and do stuff

We are the ruling class of our own lives just because some poor Democrat that doesn't own its own business cant see the implications of being closed for 2-3 months on a business doesn't mean we are willing to die for big business. We are will to die for our business, we are will to die to some unseen virus with a 3% kill rate so we dont starve in the coming months. Fuck these self righteous cunts that think we dont give a fuck. We're doing this because we do give a fuck because our neighbors dont have a home to go to because they cant pay their bills. Fuck these piece of shit dems who protest "tyranny" while dawning pussy hats but when its actually in their faces in the form of their beloved democratic party members doing it it's fine. Fuck these pieces of filth that clog the social media with hate for their fellow countrymen because they see them protest something they cant even begin to comprehend. Seriously fuck the democratic party and their authoritarian draconian policies they keep extending and extending and extending. It's out to May 15th now, bet your dem friends think they're getting out of this april 30 still. Nope the next executive order will be till may 30th just you watch. This is power grabs by dems seeing what they can get away with

What a faggot

You will come to find through making threads like this one that the vast majority of Americans are like this.

They're totally hopeless and will die proud that they worked themselves to death.


I’ve been to North Korea. That shit doesn’t work in an ethnostate either.

It just doesn’t work at all. If there is no profit motive, no one innovates. They’re still using cow-drawn wooden carts with wooden wagon wheels - like it’s fucking 1372.

it would work now because degenerates are purging themselves getting sick and suiciding because they have to live like NEETs

>Profit is the driving factor of civilization

This is why the enlightenment was nothing but a dissaster.

>commie screeching noises

this user gets it

>Earning my paycheck to feed my family is "making the ruling class rich"

I'm ok with this. My child needs food.

They should demand a basic universal income.
There aren't enough jobs for everyone and coronavirus has proved how worthless most jobs are.

>he doesn’t own his own business
waaaaah commissar they’re making fun of me. send them to the gulag waaaaah

>Sucking POZ nigger cock to feed my family is "giving the ruling class power"

I'm okay with this. My wife's child needs food.

>calling people 'house broken'
>having and using a twitter account
What an inverted anal tetrahomo.

Asking for rent Freezes, UBI, government healthcare not housebroken.
Mummy can I have my allowance? No? Ok.
Go be a slave somewhere else.

Do you think you're some kind of champ? Do you think posting this makes you somehow intelligent or makes up for your lack of any additional insight into things that actually matter right now such as international solidarity and rhetorical wholesomeness? Who the fuck do you think you are, wasting your time here, peddling this juvenile, crass nonsense of yours? Rethink your entire stance, contemplate on the reality of your situation right now and then come back. Because this pathetic display of juvenile superficiality is as trifling and meaningless as your entire existence.

Reward is a motivating factor and it works better than the threat of being thrown in the Gulag.

More like
Funny how Americans are protesting to be free, not for free shit

It is sad.

>the media
You’re all going to die. Everyone will die!
>hospital workers
It’s a fucking war zone in here!!
>our governments
Stay the fuck inside! If you leave... jail time
>the people
Well if we’re all going to die, i might as well die a free person and be outside one last time and live life with some normalcy
I’m a gigantic faggot!

>demanding the full freedom to access to the lives that they've built for themselves
>instead of crying for gibs from the government that are meant to solidify people's reliance on a nanny state
It's almost like commies are useless parasites that can't into economics because they're all retarded welfare niggers.

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Made this today. Pretty much sums up OPs pic.

Attached: Capture+_2020-04-17-09-29-12.png (1079x1855, 1.2M)

I see people sharing this on normiebook. It's never the successful people I went to school with

Remember that next time you see a traany storytime thread

Fuck off Marxist retard