
>World economy 'may face double recession'

>China raises death toll by 1,300 but denies cover-up

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Other urls found in this thread:

First for Nigel Slater's conspicuous bulge

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love Pom Poko. rare case of good anime

quarantine is a larp
economic reset inc
are you sterilizing every package coming into your house?


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>China raises death toll by 1,300 but denies cover-up
when are they going to announce the remaining 21 million+ deaths?

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I've put together a dead easy how to filter namefags most of doom mongs posts and memeflags. Here is the pastebin to the how to.

>Why not filter all namefags?
Because I think some of them are alright. I've shown you how to filter them all if ( you ) want.

>REEEE just report them
Often the thread 404s before they are got to.
You do you and I'll do me, OK?

>How many elderly Britons in care homes have REALLY been infected with coronavirus? Poll of care workers claims figure is around 40% - despite Number 10's insistence it is just 15%
they're doing everything they can to downplay this virus.

Should try and make tits out for the NHS trend inn Twitter. There would be results

>they're doing everything they can to downplay this virus.

nobody cares about the old.


BBC piece on how much we need immigration to pick our fruit

Fuck I hope they get defunded

Just call it what it is. A depression.

When the death camps are found

genocidal maniacs

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If every country has a recession, is it really a recession?

So I stopped to find out what was going on
>(How does it feel when you got no food?)
'Cause the spirit of Jah, you know he leads you on
>(How does it feel when you got no food?)
There was a ring of dreads and a session was there in swing
>(How does it feel when you got no food?)
You could feel the chill as I seen and heard them say
>(How does it feel when you got no food?)

I miss Daisyfag, Karen, Steerpike and SUSSEX lads. Remember when Karen baited Eddie for days and he went ballistic?

>Britain could suffer 40,000 deaths in first coronavirus outbreak and may be hit by up to TEN waves of the infection before the population achieves herd immunity, former World Health Organisation official warns MPs

Fuck off trip fag we are all glad you are gone.

all top lads

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>tripfag talking about himself
>mozzaposter banned

This is a good day for anons

good, hope it fucks up nonces

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Not usually one to defend the blacks lads but this seems kind of shitty:

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>REEE some tripfags are more popular then me.

Mate its fucking dead here and some of the banter they brought was a laugh.

Sargon discusses the 'You clap for me now' moaning immigrant video.

>Ill nurses are driving for TWO HOURS only to be turned away from testing centres as health bosses confront Matt Hancock over claims NHS workers aren't coming forward for tests - as Health Secretary says his promise of 100,000 swabs is an 'ambitious goal'
hancock needs to step down. he's a useless piece of shit.

getting soft lad. just banter

I predict it will kill 41,000 & I have read the same websites as the experts.

mozzaposter and moateposter too good lads.

>posting jennifer zeng in every thread
she is falun gong and untrustworthy

shut up you tripvassal twat this place isn't a popularity contest though your ilk have tried their best to make it one with their "power rankings" cringe.
Fuck off.

You're fucking livid lad and a boring cunt.

absolutely obsessed

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Why are we even still listening to these fucking idiots? They've been wrong at every single fundamental moment and are clearly pushing Agenda 21 / 2030, fucking wake up

>Coronavirus: NI deaths a third higher than reported
oh look, more underreporting.

>pre-programmed response

dance monkey, dance, post the one where you do a number lol that's classic!

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>hancock needs to step down. he's a useless piece of shit.

yes, replace him with erm..
boris -hiding
patel- hiding
gove -hiding
sod it just call another general election lol

she has insider sources and she posts a lot of legit leaks from china. she's a lot more trustworthy than most news outlets.

state of fat nonces

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>trusting the irish

One of you DISGUSTING racists posted these and now the authorities are going to find you and arrest you for your VILE racism.

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they repeat the same shite over and over for years.

>Count Dracula: Death is not the worst... Can you imagine enduring centuries, experiencing each day the same futilities...

Hahaha seething chang

I'm so fucking bored and annoyed. I'm looking at consoles and stuff but everything is either new and expensive or old and pointless like Wtf is even the point aaaaaaaaa

south korea has a 3% CFR right now (going by their official numbers). this isn't counting the outcomes of the mass reinfections/reactivations that they've been reporting lately though.

Would you say the same if a bunch of pakis tricked some white kids into saying something degrading about whites in Arabic though?

buy a pc you sperg

>downplay this virus
no, they want it to seem super serial to justfy lockdown. keeping the infection rates low keeps mortality rates (percentage) high. makes it seem deadlier so we have to stay indoors. if it turned out grannies had it and didn't even die its gonna seem like the gov shit the bed (which they did).

how come there's no social distancing or lock-down in Pakistan?

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We're running out of PPE in 24 hours. All this could have been sorted in Feburary. Fuck boris, fuck Tories. Tories small c conservatives never do anything except when they're forced to react, that is the problem with that ideology.

Muh grenfell, muh social care, muh food banks and homeless all of this because tories don't do shit unless it necessary


You were at it all day yesterday lad. Trying to build your special club up. The state of you kid.

worth a watch lad


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Did realise care workers were qualified to test people lmao you believe anything the daily mail shits out?

the best beans, far superior to heinz

just emulate the gameboy colour or go outside it's not hard. there's huge expanses of forest to explore, start a little fire, sit by a pond, find a cave, build a pile of rocks. or read a book, hundreds of free books online, learn about the source of knowledge, or how to farm on a small scale, or buy a chicken or 2 from down the road and build a coop. or make music on some pirated software and write a poem for it.
cmon lad

Ffs that's just as expensive