How many lives saved?

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Zero. Now that bump stocks are illegal, there are more effective ways of making your gun illegally full auto
>drop in auto sear
>drilling the third hole (you can buy full auto m16 triggers for $75 shipped straight to your door)

Also this ban will do is make mass shooters more effective at mass shootings

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6 gorrillion

stonk bump

What a fuck is a bump stock?

It made me get the blueprints and literally hand file a DIAS using flat stock I bought at home depot.

not nearly as many lives as say, shutting down schools and gatherings. They've also given Greta Thunberg what she wanted, and are solving homelessness thanks to empty motels.

I have bump stocks for sale whose buying?

This. The ban has potentially saved another 6 million

None, but it wasn’t about saving lives it was about satisfying a delusional, howling kike media. But you KNEW that.

I'm just curious how much difference does this or a fully automatic weapons really make compared to a semi automatic weapon when it comes to mass shooting.
Is it really that hard to just pull the trigger really fast?

Look at these videos, these people can unload a 20 round mag from a semi auto rifle in less than 10 seconds and have better shot placement that you would with a bump stock.

Go back to redddit, trans faggot

virtually none, but all of them white.

they were never banned
ATF made a suggestion that they shouldnt be sold
ATF doesnt write laws
gay OP btfo

>a piece of plastic

Just ban mass shootings

zero, gota ban hands and arms, since you can bumpfire just with your hands and arms.

It just takes extra range time. Now, would paddock have killed as many people if he trained to shoot fast instead of using a bump stock? Maybe. With the number of rounds he sent off into the crowd, more well placed shots may have killed more people.

its a special stock for cripples that can sort of simulate automatic fire if youre gay enough to bother with it.

All of the alphabet soup agencies write laws at this point.

They can circumvent Congress at this point because Congress doesn't give a shit and let these alphabet soup agencies create their own laws as they go.

For example, the ATF declared that braces on AR pistols cannot be shouldered for years. Then, suddenly they said that the braces can be shouldered and AR pistols became a thing because it is exactly like an SBR without the stock and pain in the ass paperwork.

Yea it's stupid easy now.

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they are banned here as well, the lives saved are immeasurable

A special stock that uses recoil to ensure you miss almost half as rapidly as a full auto gun.

>coat hanger DIAS
you can just bend a strip of metal to the right size and that would be more reliable

You can 3d print them too. I think one of the versions is called "buenos DIAS bottle opener"

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Bro that stock slows down your aim down sight speed wtf

How many lives saved?

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Trump banned a piece of plastic as concession to gungrabbing liberals in order to prevent further legislative battles. Notice how no other firearm bans/grabs have been able to grow any legs during his 4yrs? Even when there was a [D] Majority? You politically illiterate shitheels don't even understand the simplest chess maneuvers Trump is playing. Bump stocks aren't even pawn level, they can be sacrificed. Meanwhile:
better strategies to achieve full auto become avaliable and /nobody/ is talking about them. Let the orange man work, he knows what he's doing. beararms.

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>Let the orange man work, he knows what he's doing
Its still an infringement though.
But yeah, thankfully not much anti-gun legislation is getting passed. I also love how the media/democrats are spouting bullshit about the "gunshow loophole". Are people really forgetting that Democrats created it to get Republicans on board with the full auto ban?

For those unaware:
>be 1980's
>Democrats push for hughes amendment (full auto ban)
>Republicans not on board
>Both sides compromise by grandfathering in full autos and also signing the FOPA 'Firearm Owners protection act'
>FOPA allows private transactions of rifles/shotguns without FFL intervention
>35 years later, FOPA considered a 'loophole'
Fuck the media and fuck dem politicians trying to be cheeky cunts

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That might be the dumbest thing Trump has ever done

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Not an infringement of the 2A though. Bumpstocks aren't beararms.
>Fuck the media and fuck dem politicians

3D printer goes tsss


Kill yourself

Owning guns is ok, but guns aren’t fucking toys. Why would you put something on your gun that makes it less controllable and has no practical use apart from showing how much of an idiot you are at a shooting range.

>it's a gimmick so it doesn't matter
Kill yourself

the government is going to use it as precedent that any part of a gun can be banned. so they just ban firing pins and triggers, etc...

He didnt have to ban them in the first place you fucking moron.