Deconstructing the Veil of Ignorance

Much of what informs the leftist's worldview is John Rawls's "Veil Of Ignorance."
>The theory contends that not knowing one's ultimate position in society would lead to the creation of a just system, as the decision-maker would not want to make decisions which benefit a certain group at the expense of another, because the decision-maker could theoretically end up in either group.

The problem here is genetics. The veil of ignorance, while a neat thought experiment, does not account for biology. This is why "race isn't real" and "gender isn't real" is so important to maintaining the status quo. If they admit that genetics are inherited, and therefore innate behavior and other genetically determined characteristics, the entire concept of the veil of ignorance is no longer viable. There is no "random genetic lottery," but rather the inherited characteristics can be predicted.
And it cannot be allowed to collapse, or else their entire worldview collapses.

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These "people" are genetic waste and all need to be killed. I wish the world wars targeted these morons instead of actual humans.

The very idea of the veil of ignorance presupposes a soul distinct from the body, because it hinges on the idea that "you" could have been anyone's child. This is nonsense, since what "you" are is the product of your parents, who are the product of their parents, and so on.
There was no one else you could have ever been.

exactly, the ghost in the machine. its retarded and unscientific

whats her name OP

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If a doctor could produce fake boobs with that perfect shape and slight sag, he would be filthy rich

i think a lot of the "race isn't real/gender isn't real" is just PCism for most people. yea you could rabble on about niggers being mostly stupid but to be fair, it's just as accurate to say almost mostly whites are stupid. six of one, half-dozen of the other. etc etc


You guys are literally retarded.

t. philosophy major (I have a well-paying job, no need to lash out)

and he is



Norducks should refrain themselves from posting their cuckedness. Thanks in advance.

>philosophy major

>The main distinguishing feature of the original position is “the veil of ignorance”: to insure impartiality of judgment, the parties are deprived of all knowledge of their personal characteristics and social and historical circumstances. THEY DO KNOW of certain fundamental interests they all have, plus GENERAL FACTS ABOUT PSYCHOLOGY, ECONOMICS, BIOLOGY, AND OTHER SOCIAL AND NATURAL SCIENCES. The parties in the original position are presented with a list of the main conceptions of justice drawn from the tradition of social and political philosophy, and are assigned the task of choosing from among these alternatives the conception of justice that best advances their interests in establishing conditions that enable them to effectively pursue their final ends and fundamental interests. Rawls contends that the most rational choice for the parties in the original position are two principles of justice: The first guarantees the equal basic rights and liberties needed to secure the fundamental interests of free and equal citizens and to pursue a wide range of conceptions of the good. The second principle provides fair equality of educational and employment opportunities enabling all to fairly compete for powers and positions of office; and it secures for all a guaranteed minimum of the all-purpose means (including income and wealth) that individuals need to pursue their interests and to maintain their self-respect as free and equal persons.

Things that unite us arent real. The thing that separate us actually unite us. I cant believe in current year you dont see how we are all the same user

>thinking the unexamined life is worth living
>not being an authentic Being-towards-Death
>not knowing that to philosophize is to learn how to die

Oh and I'm pretty comfortable w/ my sexuality so if that was a guy I'd definitely hit it still.

right, and you can't separate genetics from personal characteristics and historical circumstances.
the entire thought experiment conflicts with biology.

>thinking the examined life is worth living

Maybe a subtle difference, but the word "position" contains an implication of rank, i.e. like royalty or a caste system, which is antithetical to the American ideal of meritocracy.

A possibly better word is, "role" which can have contexts which include both genetically determined and self-directed results.

>you can't separate genetics from personal characteristics and historical circumstances
The thought experiment doesn't do that, though. You literally are not getting the argument (which is shit, but for different reasons). You are borderline braindead, lad.

I disagree with this. Epigenetics is a rapidly growing field of scientific study.


sauce me now

You can't really examine life, in a practical, and yet non-scientific, sense.

We all die, I thought people would know this, at one point, deep within their hearts and come to accept it without lashing out like it's some horrific thing. While it is a horrific thing, it's not something that should be feared.

You can die in many ways and philosophy isn't what it used to be. It, in itself, can be thought of either a pseudo-science (politics, psichology, etc.) or a way to shelter your thoughts.

You're a philosophy major with a paying job, but why bring it up to prove/ argue your point when it doesn't really add anything other than reinforcement for yourself as a someone while you're still just a retard browsing Yas Forums?

not necessarily

once genetic science is 100% incontrovertible liberals will just pivot and use it to demand even more gibs and special privileges for negros

>negros are genetically dumb, he needs more gibs
>negros are genetically dumb, don't throw the book at him in a court of law he can't be held to the white standard
>negros are genetically dumb, you can't expect him to take car of his kids
>negros are genetically dumb, you can't expect him to cook instead of wasting money at taco bell and mcdonald's every day

in many ways they already do all of this anyway, they just don't say "the quite part loud"

Agree with this. "Comfort with sexuality" doesn't necessarily equate to "openness and inclusivity with respect to sexuality".

fp based post

>You can't really examine life
>While it is a horrific thing
In itself it is neither a good nor a bad thing. But it'll happen. Your stance towards that possibility (Heidegger's term) is what determines its character.
>it's not something that should be feared.
That certainly depends on a host of things.
>philosophy isn't what it used to be
It can be the love of knowledge, a mode of enquiry, a tool for living ethically, etc. It was never any "One" thing
>but why bring it up to prove/ argue your point when it doesn't really add anything
because he was talking nonsense about something he doesn't know anything about. I would like to humble him a bit. If only he knew how stupid he is, then maybe he'd produce an original thought at some later point.
>than reinforcement for yourself
All discourse is identity-making
>you're still just a retard browsing Yas Forums?
I very rarely drop by, except to remind myself not to become one of the ressentimen-fueled morons who takes this place seriously