Why are black/brown brazilians more prevalent in white supremacy than "white" brazilians? Mental illness?
Why are black/brown brazilians more prevalent in white supremacy than "white" brazilians? Mental illness?
>be a goblino with an identity crisis
>suffer because you do not belong anywhere
>look at your whiter ancestors
Mutts realize the importance of race much more painfully than anyone else.
white brazilians are as cucked and spineless as europeans. i wish we were more like americans
Lust for White genes. Guarantee she would let just about any White man between her legs, lock him in, tight brown body undulating, snatch rhythmically throbbing trying to get every last bit of that European white gold out.
All Brazilians are brown monkies, if not in skin then in mind and dialect
My ancestors made a big mistake by not segregating Brazil into 3 distinct territories (native/African/european) and the monstrosity that is now Brazil is A result of this major historical folly
The woman in your OP is just an attention seeking whore like the rest. Don’t be fooled into thinking she’s some snowflake red pilled woman, wherever there is attention to be gained from men, there will be a woman
>white gold
Man, we should be bleaching the fuck out of them
Because they know the white man is the best and want to be bleached.
Pandering to the white American men that she wants to divorce rape in a few years. Sad! Many such cases.
be honest.. would you be able to resist? I doubt i'd have the strength.
You know yourself best. If you are a shitskin, you know you are inferior to whites
Brazilian girls crave White men like nothing I've ever seen before. If you have blue eyes and are at least average looking you are like a 10 to them. Even if you have brown eyes but are still obviously White you will have an easy time with Brazilian girls. It's too bad they're all goblinas and mulattas because they pretty much all just want to marry you and be a housewife. There's a ton of Brazilians where I live thats why I know this.
Your ancestors, if they played part in this, then be sure that they were Jewish converts.
She hasn't said in her bio that she's a white supremacist. I can infer that she's called a Nazi solely because of her support for Bolsonaro.
Stop spreading misinformation.
>If you have blue eyes and are at least average looking you are like a 10 to them
So why am I a virgin at 23 yo?
You don't understand the character of the Brazilian nationalism. It's not about race, it's about the nation. All Brazilians are mixed in some form. They're all niggers, Brazilian fascism wanted to unite all Brazilians irrespective of their color
Because you don't live in USA or Europe, you're also not White and let's face it you probably are ugly or weird or just not trying.
I can confirm this
can confirm this, whites are nicer than niggers
So your point was that they crave American/European cock, most likely because they have enough money to travel -- and therefore can support them better than the average BR. So it's not about race. It's well-known that americans and europeans are very well off in comparison to the average BR, which is generally poor as fuck and can't even buy a car.
You're just spreading the myth that "le all races prefer the white race!!" to feel better about yourself.
Pol basically
Cope. People understand on one level or another that genetics/race are everything.
>"white" brazilians
LMAO. There is no such thing, Brazilians are mulattoid gremlins
Shut up arab
> Granpa was right
They are clueless. Brazilians (95%of them) are mixed with non caucasoids like amerindians or blacks, but many do believe they are totally europeans, it's hilarious.
There are still whites in brazil, if they can prove their 4 grandparents came directly from europe, but they are probably not even 10% of the population.
>Mutts realize the importance of race much more painfully than anyone else.
>"le all races prefer the white race!!"
well it's true
I thought you Brazilians were fucking at 8 years old? In college, I never met a more chad group of guys. They got laid whenever they wanted, no effort almost. They were also perplexed by the level of soi in the average american pussy fag boy college student.
>all races prefer the white race!
Is a statistically provable fact.
The average Brazilian don't even care how "pure" you are, mate. But believe in what makes you sleep better at night.
Of course there are white Brazilians. It's just a small population.
Well you ignored the whole point of my post. It's not about being white or not, it's about providing (financial) security. If blacks were known to be rich, women would flock on blacks.
I just don't try to be honest. I don't go to parties and don't frequent churches, so the opportunity never presented itself.
>Guarantee she would let just about any White man between her legs, lock him in, tight brown body undulating, snatch rhythmically throbbing trying to get every last bit of that European white gold out.
She is being called that because the commies here, as anywhere in the world, call anyone with different political views a Nazi, she's not a NatSoc, probably has never heard about Mein Kampf
Also, the real NatSoc white Brazilians are a minority, white people population is about 10% of the country or maybe less, the south itself is about 50%, the nearly 50% white the federal government claims is mostly composed by yellow mutts
>If blacks were known to be rich, women would flock on blacks.
Yeah but they aren't and there's a good reason for that.
She looks scottish
Her dad's sperm was powerful. He turned a half black girl into a pale ginger with his white seed.
No, but seeing the entirety of your world view through skin color surely is an example of mental illness.