One of the questions the member of the "Elite" asked us is: What is the only food not born of death, and not harmful to another form of life? I found this quite interesting and wondered what /pol thought would be an answer to this riddle? :)
"Elite" came here to answer our Questions
Tits or GTFO
>What is the only food not born of death, and not harmful to another form of life?
The semen of other men that he keeps sucking.
Cant tell if the "smart" ass is talking about actually food if so.
plants want you to pick them and spread the seeds
Gotta kill the plant to eat it, so no.
gotta kill the plant to eat it, user.
Based and truepilled answer.. maybe
too many fruit trees would be damaging to other forms of life by changing the ecosystem, user.
Are you me? The fuck?
fucking newfags
Not literally, air kills very readily, or at least oxygen and nitrogen do.
imagine thinking you're not killing the leaf by picking it.
change is the only constant
evolve or die
Good point. Actually thought of that after posting and expected this retort. Fuck me.
swallow air, it doesn't die.
Imagine being this new
Also you don't have to pick the whole fucking plant you colossal retard
All cells die so nothing, maybe the only answer is sunlight
>You have to kill the plant
>evolve or die
that's not how reality works at all, user.
you're going to die and humanity is in it's final form.
Even sunlight is harmful in some way, it's a bullshit question. Everything can harm or help everything else
we are not plants
>you don't have to pick the whole fucking plant you colossal retard
>the whole fucking plant
i said the leaf.
would you care to continue, dummy?
Plant cells are life, so that ones n/a
its honey you fucking retards
some are allergic to honey.
the answer is air.
>Muh milk and honey.
Im excluding gmo
All elites are retarded niggers
>gotta kill the plant to eat it, user.
OK retard
Or manna? (Ether)
>"Elite" came here to answer our Questions
>member of the "Elite" asked us is
>What is the only food not born of death, and not harmful to another form of life?
It's s.o.y isn't it? God i hate the """elite""" so much.
taking too much honey from bees kills the colony
onions is poison
and weep, eurotrash.
individuals die, species evolve
death is necessary, plants live off dead things, what is dirt?
>What is the only food not born of death, and not harmful to another form of life?
The answer is MILK.
(Fruit is also made by plants specifically to be eaten)
placenta, you fucks. afterbirth
wina tuska
taking too much milk from a cow starves the calf of its "food"
also milk isnt a food dumbass
The answer is clearly milk
the answer is green algae
Maybe he is signalling fully synthetic food in the making. Not sure if its possible atm but I can see it happen in the future.
Breast milk.
Manna (Hebrew: מָן mān, Greek: μάννα; Arabic: اَلْمَنُّ), sometimes or archaically spelled mana is, according to the Bible, an edible substance which God provided for the Israelites during their travels in the desert during the 40-year period following the Exodus and prior to the conquest of Canaan.
omg you idiots. its placenta. this isnt a new riddle. PLACENTA
That’s why you take it from women, not cows. And yes, milk is food, moron.
Because eating a placenta every time you’re hungry is totally feasible, right user?
It’s breast milk, you bunch of tards.
What is another form of life
who said anything about eating nothing but placentas? and you can suckle a teet when youre hungry?
I'm going to go with milk. Although I'm sure an "elite" which are often perverse and twisted would say something like placenta.
Fallen fruit, nub. Already dead and is designed to be eaten.
Food is defined by main source of energy. you dont get your main source of energy from drinking liquids dumbass.
hence the term LIQUID FOOD, notice the it has food on the end it if its a liquid.
Mana from heaven, duh