La France

I fucking hate the French Republic. This kike-owned masonic society slowly ruined France for more than 250 years and stole a castle from my family.
I don't mind siding with minorities killing it off so France can rise again.

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Fuck the Kikepublic

The French republic is fucking cringe, restore the monarchy and kick out all niggers

How many niggers and Arabs are actually in France? Is it true that they do not keep track of ethnic demographics?

Combien de nègres et d'Arabes sont actuellement en France? Est-il vrai qu'ils ne tiennent pas compte de la démographie ethnique?

And fuck DGSI glowniggers of course

>I don't mind siding with minorities
Can I join?
*neither nègre nor bougnoule*

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That's true. Ethnic demographic is forbidden, but many private companies violate that law in their HR files.

Vive les Camelots du Roi
a bas la republique

Mdr ils parlent anglais you think ?

Ils en ont raf de Yas Forums je pense, ils doivent être bien occupés à essayer d'infiltrer eelb

I'd say 30%. Mostly concentrated in hyper-urban areas.

>I don't mind siding with minorities killing it off so France can rise again.

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Qu-est-ce que c'est ?

Yes bro

Le forum que vient de lancer DP

based frog.

Je veux la République Populaire de France afin d'abattre et gerter les vieilleries réactionnaires et privilèges des élites maçonniques.

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DP ? Be explicite stp.

And fuck the republic.

Use Tor or a VPN and go

The true France sounded better

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Lol je m'y suis inscrit et j'ai posté quelques memes bien raciste


Pour se faire recruter dans les services c'est facile. Il suffit de sucer la sainte trinité, Juif, Bougnoule, Gronez.

>restore the monarchy

Restore the empire you mean

>literally putting masonic symbolism in your dream state's flag

et dire que je trouvais que Yas Forums était une décharge en libre accès...

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T'as oublié les deps

Ok Abdoule

not mutually exclusive you confederate weirdo

You've been owned by masons since the murder of your royalty.
By kikes since Charlemagne, your nation is a fucking joke to be honest I have no clue how your royalty managed to keep up the balance for so many years, yet your ancestors butchered them, just to end up being toys.

Fuck the sovietic French bureaucracy.
Fuck Republican universalism.
Fuck vivreensemble.

Let the show begin!

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