>A CBC News report gives kids advice on how to shut down “conspiracy theories” voiced by their parents about coronavirus being created by China in a lab.
>The presenter laments how somebody’s Dad may drop a message into chat blaming China for “manufacturing the coronavirus” with a “link to a site you’ve never heard of” (translation – a link that’s not, God forbid, mainstream media).
>“Maybe send an article from a legitimate source quoting credible scientists on why the virus wasn’t manufactured,” states the host.
>The suggested article unsurprisingly comes from the CBC and is entitled ‘No, the new coronavirus wasn’t created in a lab, scientists say.’
Next they will teach them how to denounce their own parents to the central administration for wrongthink
Nolan Cox
Quebec is literally the worst part of Canada. The people are dirty, you don't even speak a real language (they don't speak French they speak a bastardized Ebonics like abomination), they have a fuck load of niggers in Montreal, and the rural areas are full of rampant inbreeding.
Idk where this "Quebec isn't shit" meme started. There's nothing salvageable left in Canada. The east coast is the only white area left but the people there are dumb as shit.
Brayden Hill
Chinese Broadcasting Corporation?
Adam Evans
why do people who develop a skepticism of the msm immediately start believing retarded clickbait like it's the god's honest truth? it's like deciding to quit smoking for your health and taking up heroin instead
Colton Taylor
oui svp
Kevin Brown
Good goys Watch (((global))) and (((bell media))) instead.
The eternal seething anglo, coping to the fact that the french canadian chad is superior in every way. Yes, montreal is bad, but not as bad as toronto! (or vancouver)
Oliver Scott
I fucking hate this country
Joseph Wood
Hey man, Quebec is cool
Brody Jackson
It's called Joual you fucking retard and it's how the French spoke when they first came here. I've lived in Vancouver, Victoria, Toronto, Ottawa and Montreal. Montreal is by far the best city in this shithole country. Anglo women are fat, unfuckable pigs who fawn over niggers and Lebs. Their 10's are our 5's. At least Quebec has the balls to fuck over Canada every chance it gets and doesn't jerk off to Tim Horton's I AM CANADIAN bullshit.
Easton Butler
Thought it was a pirbright product
Landon Johnson
To troll the media, tell them we beleven in alien space Jesus and when they produce we call it fake and gay
Oliver Phillips
so... day of rake when?
Matthew Brooks
it seems like a years long process
Ethan Long
Based Yas Forums boomer dad
Evan Williams
Any anti china comments on their website get censored
That's approaching some Kony tier evil. Trying to trick kids into becoming propaganda soldiers against their own parents?
Brody Green
No parent let’s their kid watch CBC let alone tv. If they do they’re just permanent babysitters doomed to retardation, who let’s their kids square up to them? Stop giving them attention my dude.
Logan Mitchell
archive link, faggot.
Charles Butler
by making piles of money for random clickbait producers and mark zuckerberg? brilliant plan
Carter Ortiz
Media collapse when?
Jason Robinson
It is. And the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation is one of the primary shareholders of Pirbright. Of course, the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation, World Economic Forum and the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health (originally created from a Rockefeller Foundation grant) hosted the Event 201 simulation of a world wide coronavirus pandemic in which millions died. Of course they also discussed needing to censor the internet in order to prevent the spread of conspiracy theories and to centralize all information into a single authoritative source.
Of course, the American Type Culture Collection and other similar companies routinely sell viruses at cheap prices between differently national laboratories. So, it's not hard to see how the Chinese would get their hands on it.
Samuel Thompson
Pretty much. They keep writing that ccp were only 6days late to respond. Fucking garbage
Ian Watson
North Korea levell brainwashing. All fake. Unless CNN is there with a camera crew and crisis actors these hospitals are empty, except for the doctors who run away and call security on you if you start asking questions...
Ohio Protest speech about CDC assuming Covid-19, interview with nurse laid off for the hoax “I was laid off because we have no patients” “friends in the ICU unit are getting cancelled shifts, main hospitals in the Cleveland area"
Faucie's just another screaming Greta shoving new world order bullshit down our throats 24/7.
Chris Corona cumo is a mason, like Tim hanx, bill gates of hell and Greta Fauci.
The only people we "know" who have corona are famous Freemasons on TV, who pretend to have coronu as part of this NWO theater ((((they)))) are performing for us. Cuomo is a healthy LARPing Freemason shill.
>kids watch the news The self-importance of these people, man
Nicholas Reyes
>parents don't even let kids watch tv >lol whats a tv >lol everyone is based like me >lol stop paying attention to this insidious shit >lol please stop talking about it This is why your country is shit and your people are weak
Bentley Miller
>Things have gotten so bad that children are actually watching the CBC all of a sudden There's a chance this brainwashing might reach literally a dozen children.
Luke Cook
>Montreal is the best major Canadian city My take too. Favorite girls in the country too.