Our shithole is already slowly becoming a westernized liberal democracy like the US. Leftists begin to appear more and more often, the spread of feminism, race mixing, LGBT, SJW, genders, migration, tolerance and other degeneracy. Give it 5-10 years and it will look like modern day USA, Sweden or Germany. Our zoomers will vote for the globohomo kike like Navalny, Kamikadze Di, Svetov, Shevtsov, Sokolovskiy, TrashSmash or Dud and our country will fall.
Russian youth are brainwashed globohomo libcucks, coalburning whores and cultural marxists. It's literally over for us when Putin is out. It's over, the sane based people are giving up and leaving. I will soon move to Serbia, and I suggest the same to far-right Russians.
>I will soon move to Serbia, and I suggest the same to far-right Russians I'll enjoy blowing your brains when the time comes
also >Navalny CIA
Hudson Peterson
Navalny is based
Joshua Campbell
wasted 88's on a larping teen croach
Adrian Thomas
You don't understand. Not a single other Western country has so much potential while not being completely ingrained with the global elite.
Joshua Lee
>far-right Russians This is an oxymoron. Russians are cucked subhuman cattle conquered by the Judeo- Bolsheviks who can't even grasp the idea of an ethnostate because you never had one even before the commies.
Lucas Miller
It will be an interesting happening when Putin dies, probably not going to be nearly as bad as the collapse of the Soviet Union but chimpouts from different regions are guaranteed, who is going to fill the power vaccuum?
Russia is already a multicultural shithole. the time to do something about it was during the 1600s when the tsar expanded east. Now you're all siberian-mongol-turkic mutts
It is multicultural shithole like the UK was when the sun never set on it. Asian parts of Russia are more like colonies.
Asher Howard
>No real culture >Listens to nigger music >Sucks tajik cocks >Childhood consisted of watching minecraft YouTubers and not going outside >Overwhelmingly left-wing, especially the women >More mutt than white russian >Full of faggots and trannies >MUH SAINT UNITED STATES >Voted for Navalny >All your women are tattooed nigger loving sluts You zoomers are subhumans who needs to be exterminated. You are the worst and most degenerate, jewed, cucked and pathetic generation and are the reason why our country will collapse.
Can't believe i wathced 30 mins of this >No niggers >Just Churkas(or whatever you call them) >A few indian or tanned asians >Only saw a white girl with either a hispanic/indian >Alot of Ruskies with asian girls though.
Compare this to any walk video in UK,France or western Europe/Scandinavia and it's night and Day.
while i'll admit the UK is a multicultural shithole it wasn't really one in the past. nonwhites at most were only 15,000 in numbers before the 50s and we never made our colonies a part of the UK like Russia did theirs
Samuel Jones
Now you understand just how fucked up USA and Europe are when Russia seems based in comparison
Hudson Bailey
>Western Europe Get it right.
Jaxon Peterson
Northern Europe is just as bad, so is southern europe. The balkans still have lots of muslims from when you were kebabed
Mason Robinson
>Alot of Ruskies with asian girls though. Just because Russian women prefer churkas, niggers, pajeets and rich Europeans. By 2050, there will no longer be Ruskies in Russia. They'll be mixed with subhuman filth like Brazil.
Easton Cooper
>The balkans still have lots of muslims from when you were kebabed
The Entirety of the Balkans has almost the same number of muslims that you have you idiot. And that is counting Albania,Kosovo and Macedonia. \ For example Romania even with Turkish seasonal workers has at max 50.000 muslims