Change my mind
Economic systems that make work voluntary are doomed to fail
"Slacking" for what? For who? For Jeff Bezos? For Donald Trump? Like is your view of human life that you genuinely believe that peoples purpose in existence is to make more green pieces of paper for the billionaires?
>[10] For also when we were with you, this we declared to you: that, if any man will not work, neither let him eat.
[2 Thessalonians 3:10]
a human's purpose is to make a life for himself, if he chooses to work for Bezos or other millionaires instead of starting his own business that is his choice
It's probably impossible to change your mind but fuck it, I'll try. There have been many UBI-like experiments over the years. The first was I believe in 19th century England, it was called Speenhamland system i think. The aristocracy and clergy falsified the data to make people think the poor get lazy. Modern historians proved this, but Nixon changed his mind after reading Karl Poppers critique od the system and is still a widely spread belief. Another interesting experiment was in the 70s or 80s Canada called Mincome. It didn't last long enough, but the results indicate that a basic income helps families focus on education more and fear losing their shitty jobs less. There was another experiment in England, I think in the early 2000s, where they gave some homeless people a couple hundred pounds to do what they want. They spent it on necessities and it actually cost less, even when including the social workers paycheck, than what it cost to arrest them, keep them in prison and pay them the usual welfare shit they get. Then there were many experiments in African countries which showed promising results. The point is, no research showed that basic income leads to less work, more drug abuse or any of the usual issues. The main problems with UBI is, of course, the cost and the bottlenecking problema which I don't have the time or energy to explain here. If you want to argue against UBI go ahead, it's a flawed concept, but atleast read some quality literature before doing so.
>a life spent filing files and spreading spreadsheets as any worth, meaning or actual purpose
And on a broader perspective, any system with for prime concern economics is bound to fail anyway. You don't get people to sacrify their lives for Keynes, Pareto or Schumpeter.
If poor people aren't lazy and terrible with money then explain why so many lottery winners end up losing all that money they were handed.
>invest inheritance money in stock market
>have insider info+blackmail OR get lucky
>invest in "safe" options like land, rental properties, etc.
>take a risk and start a management firm/online marketplace/etc. but jyst pay others to do all the hard work
>pass inheritance on to children
Nothing of value was produced by the person with money. No money was created through their own labor, they just gamed the system with inherited money.
Boomer faggot
why change your mind if you're already correct?
>if he chooses to work for Bezos or other millionaires instead of starting his own business that is his choice
Agreed. Now let me just go start this local computer business my community has needed for a - oh wait, can't do that, have to immediately pay bills that conveniently cost about the same as the income these big corporations are paying out
Not to mention any local computer business will just be run out by Best Buy soon. I already see it happening.
Yeah sure, I could luck out and get the better jobs, work my ass off and make all the correct economic decisions, take loans and hope nothing ever goes wrong my entire life to fight against corporations that basically have infinite money and power to change laws to benefit them. I could make that "choice" but something tells me you wouldn't either.
"Logic" that sort of totally falls apart when you're forced to recognize that participation in our economic system is not compulsory, and that the schools (statist institutions) deliberately pruned children's minds to make them unable to provide for themselves from nature. It also falls apart when you start analyzing the statist and thus compulsory nature of private property.
Basically the same old right-wing libertarian logical fallacies and logical failings as always
your way too optimistic yourself.
money to live is the only reason why 99% of the population is motivated to do anything other than vegetate.
relabel money to live in the first frame to "incentive to work" and rename all the other portions "vegetate" and then just skip to the 4th panel.
even taking the time to make a meme is beyond 99% of the population.
I can't really change your mind, if your mind could be changeable you wouldn't be a retarded faggot.
I used to be skeptical of UBI, but being on lockdown and faced with more money in unemployment than I made at my not so shitty part time job has made me think. I've been fairly productive and that could ramp up. But I'm still going to drown you in a toilet with my robot butler's help
thank you
>purpose in existence is to make more green pieces of paper
That are stolen from us by the state and used to exchange for goods and services to keep parasites like you alive.
>If poor people aren't lazy and terrible with money then explain why so many lottery winners end up losing all that money they were handed.
I actually met a guy who hit a million dollars on a scratch ticket. He was dead broke in just under 1 year (pissed most of it back to the state buying more scratch tickets) generally acting like a nigger.
>Everyone who is successful is just having a run of good luck. If I keep jacking off to tranny porn on Yas Forums one day my little ship might come in.
>I could luck out
Or you could continue to never get off your arse and try to participate in your own life. Everyone who worked hard for success is just having a run of good luck.
>Economic systems that make work voluntary are doomed to fail
Maybe if you're citizens are all niggers and hippies, but not if it's for normal people with goals
I see nothing wrong with this image. Are the people throwing a fit niggers on welfare?
Poor people that win the lottery usually go broke and rich kids that inherited a fortune tend to become useless degenerates. Imagine wanting to do that to a whole society.
Studies found that people aren’t less productive with UBI
Could you link the study?
This is a great time for this thread.
How many people absolutely hate being stuck indoors and not working with nothing to do?
Why do you think the majority of people would be satisfied with a free $500 a month?
You say "slacking" but slacking doing what? After you cover basic living expenses, you have nothing left for entertainment.
(((Studies))) can be constructed to prove anything.
So people are in quarantine right now and they are screaming to get outside. You are literally living in your own proof.
Just cause you'd be a lazy neet asshole doesn't mean everyone will.
Don't be stupid, white people could make UBI work but our country is ruined with kikes and shitskins. Unless we're ready to purge our country of demons and primitives UBI will never happen.
I've been outside for about 3 hours today, what's wrong with you people?
Would be great but competition is killed by governments. Large corporate entities get lots of benefits and are not punished for the risks they take. If our systems weren't capitalism for the poor but socialist for the rich it would be realistic.
Governments help monopolise these mega corporations by giving them tax breaks, allowing them to outsource, bogging small businesses down in bureaucracy, putting "quality controls" in place no small business owner can follow and biggest of all giving them bailouts or access to extremely cheap sources of debt not accessible to your average man.
Very few billionaires deserve their wealth but there are a couple. Most of then relay on having the playing field tilted in their favour.
It's incredibly hard for someone who doesn't want to dedicate their young life to learning to become some kind of professional to earn a decent living. The very sharp increase in the amount of (((college educated))) people has also increased to the point where having a degree is the new high school diploma and your salary reflects that.
UBI is trash though.
Are Alaskans slackers?
Work itself does not have value. Work has value when it satisfies demand by providing a service or adding to a product. In fact, labor as a share of income has been declining for decades im the first and third world, all under capitalism:
I am against UBI and welfare. But let's be consistent. If money should be earned by workers, then we must abolish:
>money lending
>currency trading
>profits from business owners in highly automated industries
>executives at any level setting their own income
Are you against all of that? Probably not
Address the usury issue, is it moral to charge interest on a loan?
There is literally no need for humans to work. Robots can replace all human jobs at this point.
If you think everyone would be able to stand doing nothing but slacking all day then you've somehow never been jobless in your life or youre a neet projecting
Statistically you don't exist. Ignoring this post.
See, you just sound like a huge whiny faggot. Why would anyone want to help out a huge whiny faggot? Have you even tried to make anything happen? I get the feeling that even with UBI you'd find some way to make excuses.
Mines more accurate
Wait wrong one
UBI studies are trash. Similar to those that "prove" that homeopathy works.
All socialists have the mind of children and have no idea the true value of money. The only time you faggots have sweated is watching your boyfriend's arse getting pumped with black cock. Go and beg the government for an extra slice of bread cunts.
You all larp about sharing your money, what money? Fucking minimum wage nothing's, you want OTHER PEOPLES MONEY because you're lazy retards with no saleable skills. No one deserves luxuryjust for existing, earn it you petulant pussies
Basically. Like the functioning models of communes wich rely on external free market to thrive.
>bu-but we live in a commune, socialism works
They paid none because you can write off cash you reinvest in your company. It's a brilliant incentive to help companies grow faster.
The parasites basically already get ubi, but actual ubi would make it so the parasites hosts become parasites too, so hows that supposed to work? It would just cause hyperinflation, which is perfectly fine. Buy dogecoin.