I'm a landlord
I'm a landlord
Do you let niggers live in your flat?
Fuck poorfags
>I'm a landlord
have you told anyone you're gay yet?
No, not a drop of jewish blood
I haven't run into the issue yet, but I'm hoping that if I do I can just run a credit check and deny them
Did you offer sex as an alternative payment option to any tenants yet?
No, none of my tenants are hot enough to justify
Also I'm married with a kid
Have you evicted anyone yet or planning to?
Where you meet your wife?
what is your fav thing about her?
Not yet. I own four houses near a big state school which gets difficult since each kid is on their own lease(rent generally being paid by their parents) - so I deal with their parents most of the time rather than the kids directly.
A few parents have expressed their concern with continuing to "pay rent even though we aren't using the property," but in the exact same frame of mind I can't just not pay my mortgage because my unit is vacant. I've explained this to them, and in some cases given them a partial break on rent until this is all sorted out.
This isn't my only business though, so I'll be fine.
how was passover?
Why are you evil?
>No, not a drop of jewish blood
Have you thought about converting? I think you've got what it takes.
>Where you meet your wife?
Outside the main bathroom of my fraternity house in college.
>What's your fav thing about her?
She's 6 feet tall so our kids are without a doubt going to the NBA
I'm not jewish, I'm also not evil. I just ask for a check on the first of the month, that's all
Do you like her feet?
>I just ask for a check on the first of the month, that's all
So does Benjamin Netanyahu.
me to and i hate it. I have to act as an accountant and a babysitter for these people.
Talking shit behind someones back is a very Jewish thing to do.
What happens if someone impacted by the economy and lost their job can't pay rent?
If you know about the Jews, you already know the answer.
is right tho. These people constantly gripe and complain about their financial problems to me like
>I can't see what cars their kids are driving
>I can't see their credit reports every time I get an application
>I can't see their social media where they're quite clearly living an upper middle/upper class life
And yet still think I'm the bad guy for providing just about the only low-cost housing near a university campus.
What’s it like being the scum of the earth?
Implying you wouldn't plea with the bank if you fell on hard times.
Also, why are you in the business if you can't handle being the Jew?
I'm alright with giving people a break in a situation where they truly can't pay, but the real issue I've seen is people just not >wanting< to pay just because they can, which is bullshit.
I've already worked with two of my tenants(more so their parents, because these entitled fucks dont pay their own way) to lower their monthly rate, while I can still pay the bank(because I still get jewed every month for my mortgage), but I can't afford to do much more of that.
>Why are you int he business if you can't handle being the jew?
How is this "being the jew?" Every business is built on sourcing a product and selling it at a markup. You can't possibly tell me your job does something different, because it doesn't.
It's a high risk environment, making a living on the backs of other people. But, you probably didn't take a pandemic into consideration when you decided to become a leech for a living.
>How is this "being the jew?"
Because you started a thread on Yas Forums. Everyone is Jews. If you wanted serious discussion, you probably should've went elsewhere.
And what do you do?
>I'm a /leftypol/ LARP-er, AMA
Do you deep dick the retarded