Holy shit, how did China do it guys? How can we implement this in the US?
Holy shit, how did China do it guys? How can we implement this in the US?
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you mean lie?
Of course within seconds of making my thread it gets covered up by wojak and fucking bbc posts
Board people inside their house and shoot them if they try to leave, for the good of society.
probably by using similar tactics
Da joooooooos it's da joooooooooooooooossssss
We need Xi. The Donald has failed us.
Its what's coming here. The cases will peak and then hold the peak as new cases continue to occur at roughly the same rate the old ones resolve, all with a 5-6% mortality rate. This thing is a slow burn but it's not stopping.
>0 death
>100% recovered
hahaha, thats fucking genius
Is there a designated BBC folder on a shared network used by all these Chinese shills? I can’t imagine they’re allowed to save and post images willy nilly. Is there a CCP official sitting in a room going through pictures of black dicks and cuck porn to approve their use by paid shills?
>how did China do it
By lying. The actual numbers are about 20 times higher.
Its easy when you actually don't care about human life and just weld people into their apartments to die.
I doubt it user
Indeed, pictures are personally picked by Xi's daughter herself
It's as simple as this. China actually truly forced a quarantine. Assholes here think being able to go to the grocery store and drive around counts as a "quarantine", fucking normies
You see that inflection point mid-February? That's when the CCP stepped in and started cooking the books.
>I doubt it
The data shows that's exactly what will happen, because the "lockdowns" will end roughly at the same time the first cases are beginning to resolve, exactly as china did, and now they're experiencing a resurgence. The best fit line of the decline/resurgence will roughly hold the peak, perhaps with a slow decline in total numbers, until the majority of the population has been infected
You mean just lie to everyone?
what the fuck are talking about?
May I see them?
>My stupid mexican government refuse to take massive test
I was thinking they're stupid, Now I feel stupid and realize they're some smart sons of bitches. Thanks leaf friend
Sure it stops infections but China's death rate is probably horrendous because they're killing their own people to stop the cough.
leafs are so retarded man nice reddit watermark
fpbp, china number 1 corona maker.
you have to go back.
Which is why their tactics actually worked at slowing the viral spread. However, they reopened their country and now it's spreading again. The reality is there is no quarantine effective enough at this late stage to contain it. It will wind up infecting nearly everyone unless they come up with an effective treatment or vaccine. It may take years, mind you. This isnt a fast virus, but it will continue to spread.
Does that mean that 6 million Jews recovered from the Holocaust?
they kinda did that thing where they literally welded bars on peoples doors and windows making them stay inside under threat of death, if america implemented something similar well... how do I put this... a bunch of rednecks would start shooting the police
Chinese selfless culture vs. the most selfish on Earth
You mean implement this ?
cant recover from something you never had
control the media and imprison doctors
they stopped being jewish so... I guess
It is truly a selfless act to throw sick people into incinerators before they're even dead like China has done and continues to do. Flatten the curve by any means necessary!
>Holy shit, how did China do it guys?
Controlled press.
Cops going after independent journalists.
Political prisoners.
simply inject a piece of lead directly into the brain at high velocity, cures coronavirus with a 100% success rate
Fpbp, fuck chinks
They say that it's because a lot o people stopped using two cellphones, but 21 millions is a lot republicworld.com
they were alright, just pretended to be they can't breathe and asked for their zionist gibbs
>welded bars on peoples doors and windows making them stay inside under threat of death
it is supposed the ccp gave them food or just let them starve to death so don't die from chinese virus?
If I get dubbies NATO nukes the chinks.
they told their faggot doctors to stop classifying all cause mortality as covid deaths early to get a leg up on economic recovery
China is lying. Wave 2 of coronavirus has just begun.