Most humans do come evolve from animals, but around 6,000 years ago some entity/God genetically engineered the human phenotype that we see around the world today known as aryans in mesopotamia. I don't know if what did this was God but i'm sure this happened.
The question is why and for what purpose would an extraterrestrial entity genetically engineer a specific race on earth and then leave without a trace?
There are traces all over the planet. The problem is the remarkable denial and ignorance of modern humans to coalesce and identify the magnitude of evidence left behind by our ancient ancestors.
Luis Evans
Of course there were i didn't say all of humanity was created in 6,000 years ago. Exactly, i think the reason it's so hard to prove is because scientists wouldn't want to believe and the fact that it's sort of hard to prove because it's a secondary evidence. It's like asking someone to prove without a shadow of a doubt evolution.
Grayson Rivera
Humans were just another form of mammals but we were domesticated. Our diddlers were killed in a natural catastrophe, not all of them(during the winter equinox there’s an opening in the firmament/our “solar system”.) Another form of man “Neanderthal” were domesticated by their diddlers the original terrans(amphibians) who survived from our orbit around Saturn. That’s why the Saturn death cult is so important and Saturn worship is so massive. Our purpose is to leave this dimension.
Protip: A lot of us came back here out of empathy or rage to help others stuck here.
Aaron Hernandez
What are the sources on this anyway? >Swastikas everywhere. Yeah nah, that proves ancient common spirituality, not ancient particular race. As it is a spiritual symbol, not a racial symbol.
Angel Stewart
I don't believe in FE,but i agree with your sentiment that Saturn plays a major role in all of this.
Jordan Clark
I don't feel like posting all of the evidence, but the most basic of which i can use is the fact the bible, epic of gilgamesh, egyptians, iranians, indians etc... all populations on earth that have a connection to Aryans records similar events that take place in human history that lead to the creation of them and the bible is the best source we have for this that matches with actual history. Take it or leave it I don't care, this actually isn't coming place from nazism i'm just generally curious as to the circumstance that lead to the modern world as we know it.
Lucas Sullivan
I'd say around 10,000 BC something happened. I wonder if the mystery schools know or it's just guessing.
Levi Roberts
All humans came from God.
Jackson Jackson
I heard about the Saturn being our Sun, a brown dwarf, but we weren't orbiting it, it was a polar configuration with Mars and Venus. Then Jupiter came along and freed us from Saturn, it was catastrophic. Some clues can be found in a Betty Bopp cartoon, Saturn basically rips the Earth's magnet out (polar shift i guess) and causes all sorts of trouble. Also there was a another cartoon where some evil mice turned the magnet on and off.
>The question is why and for what purpose would an extraterrestrial entity genetically engineer a specific race on earth and then leave without a trace? Think software, not hardware. To train an AI, what do you do? You let it simulate something. Over and over and over again you have it run the sim. Aryans were modified (slightly) from the rest of the human population to run a very specific piece of software. The programmers left without a trace because they're letting the learning algorithm work, interfering with it would be counter-productive.
Colton Green
>but i'm sure this happened. Nice, source checks out... This happened
Alexander Baker
We are genetically programmed to hoard gold. "They" will return soon to collect it.
Ayyos designed us to crave gold and dig it up. They come back in several thousand years and take it all to use for some alien stuff. I go with them.
Zachary Foster
most "people" on this planet are not human
Jace Peterson
It's gold, i tell you. Gold, i say!!
Easton Bell
"The Programmers" I actually like this terminology. I think jesus christ was one of these in the flesh, although it becomes semantics at some point because the difference between a programmer over our reality and God is very little.
I wonder what piece of software it was that they embeded inside of us then.
Jaxson Thomas
OP is always a FAGGOT!
Dylan Anderson
Why would they want us to dig gold when they can get it from nearby solar systems and planets or get it themselves?
Oliver Allen
Checked. This ayyo is correct.
Tyler Torres
Idk mane, I feel like its more of a spiritual thing, ancient beliefs.
Leo Ortiz
This is a nearby solar system. Just properly modify a group of sapiens and let them breed. They probably do this all over. They play the long game.
Nolan Nelson
You're basically regurgitating the plot of Prometheus and The Engineers.
Carter Nguyen
Honestly think you need to consider that RH- O blood type people (Basque People and Atlas Mountain Tribes) are the closest link to Ay’s you can get. When the eye of sahara flooded (10k years ago) Atlantas slowly evacuated and set up all over (Greece, Egypt, Italy, Iraq, Southern Iran).
The purest form of these people are the Basque, but there are many others, like the Canary Islands, parts of Ireland and some further north in Scotland.
This is Ay you are looking for.
David Cook
Connor Martin
>what did they make us for? Most likely serve their ends, and almost certainly not for our own good as beings-in-themselves. Think about the general attitude towards the creation of A.I. Hardly benevolent, is it? Most people just want custom sophont slaves.
Kayden Rivera
Basically, an ancient race of humans seed suitable planets (simian archetype habitable). They look almost exactly like us, except they maxed their tech tree and understand the full nature of the universe and the afterlife.
They influenced early religion, culture, language, and migration routes. They fucked up a few times and patched a few civs, and retooled genes so we would be more disconnected from the 'source field.' Because we abused it, apparently.
We have to go through a necessary sequence of events to develop, whatever the fuck that means. Probably to get our access back into the 'source field' or the implicate ordered plane of reality or whatever it is.
Other ayys don't fuck with us because we are under their guardianship. And there are a lot of other ayys.
These ancient humans have some degree of direct contact with the US, a few EU countries, and some private orgs. They don't interfere except on issues of nukes, climate change, and possibly disclosure.
This is 100%, will all come out in the decades to come.
The problem with the gold mining theory is, gold is everywhere in the universe, and geneticly engineering a race then waiting for them to develop and mine gold then come and collect it would take way way longer than just building a huge mining rig to swallow up asteroids/comets/planets etc probably easier as well
Jack Adams
I think they use gold to expand the Physical universe somehow.