Oh Bill

Now Bill Gates's LinkedIn is getting lit up

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Good.. Bill Gates should be in jail for all that he has done. He was and is as much of an asshole as Steve Jobs was.

look at this evil motherfucker

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Reminder who did we elect president again? Statesman Ron Paul?

He should be publicly executed. I'm actually not a fan of capital punishment, but this is an urgent matter of public safety.

>Steve Jobs
Stole the mouse and interface from xerox,
Gates saw what Jobs was working on Stole it 'copied' sold a linces to IBM and invented the PC market, Jobs stole the Walkman and invented the mp3 biz while Gates was ahead of that game. It wouldn't surprise me if both Job and Gates were of the same church. Yet, Pirates like them don't attend church that often.

Attached: I told you so.jpg (1154x589, 164.11K)

Plus, possibly a mass murderer.

I see two evil motherfuckers.

Trump flew on loli expresses many times.
Buts lets forget about that right?

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>Trump flew on loli expresses many times.

I guess the Dems forgot.

Is that the CIA nigger game plan? Anytime somebody hates on Bill Gates, change the topic to Trump?
I'm asking, because you seem to be a CIA nigger.

They were just connecting flights he had to take for a business meeting somewhere else.

Attached: 00epgates1-superJumbo-v3.jpg (2048x1442, 683.29K)

>furthermore, while India has been polio-free for a year, there has been a huge increase in non-polio acute flaccid paralysis (NPAFP). In 2011, there were an extra 47,500 new cases of NPAFP
His vaccine experiment killed 47.5k people with polio from a polio vaccine, but due to money they were declared as "non-polio".

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>Bill Gates
>I'm asking, because you seem to be a CIA nigger.
I probably should apply. If I'm going to be accused I might as well get a paycheck for the risks I take. Bidding is applying. Even Haskel can agree, Around Women, never Relax!

Attached: aroundwomenneverrelax.jpg (1154x589, 215.24K)

not churche but same lodge..

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>I probably should apply
Or you could kys. Same result when your neighbors find out.

>not churches but same lodge..
I'm not seeing a problem with lodges. Yes I have heard the faggotory, doubt that is true and running the world, well why shouldn't a group of organized folks try?

Fuck him

>Same result when your neighbors find out.
Not sure what you mean, all my neighbors already think I'm CIA.

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Then your fate is sealed. Better luck next time.

>Then your fate is sealed. Better luck next time.
Threaten me all you like.

Post the flight logs showing him traveling from or to the island. I'll wait

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stop fucking scratching names out you stupid faggot

I'm just saying you could neck yourself first and save the mess. Think of the cleanup crew.