French professor Luc Montagnier who frist isolated AIDS says COVID19 is bioweapon who contains AIDS DNA sequence.

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what the heck is VIH


we need better subtitles

The professor says the wet market explanation is BS and that the virus is 100% man made combined with AIDS.

you can't just spell things backwards. there's rules faggots

>american education

It's called VIH in french "Virus de l'immunodéficience humaine "

to make it sound classy

The journalist asks him if he's afraid he would feed conspiracy theorists. He said the conspirators are those who hide the truth. The professor says China should spill the beans because the truth will come out.

HIV+Coronavirus in the DNA sequence, it cannnot be a natural mutation, it's from a laboratory

lmao montagnier, it's this faggot that rambles on "water memory"

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Post yfw even virgins got aids.

>He said the conspirators are those who hide the truth.

The Pr says when Iran accidentally shot down the plane in janjuary, they admitted their mistake and China should do the same. He also pointed that the Wuhan lab received funding from the US, it's not entirely a chinese lab.


No wai man what about muh 5G shill?

They have been saying this for 3 fucking months. Are you cunts stupid?

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He is right tho.
Emoto is right.

yeah right (((boiron))) is right fucking bougnoule kike

Are you stupid cunt?


fait peta ta guetteba

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oh looks its another literal nobody trying to make a name for himself by exploiting a human crisis

we've been saying this since january. wtf are our governments doing

>No wai man what about muh 5G shill?

I presume this is total BS

Dude is full hard on about homeopathy and other retarded shit. Given the virus possibly remains in your body forever reinfecting you until you die, it's not that outrageous to just dub it "airborne hiv", but this cunt talking about it just discredits that idea completely even if it were true.

there is evidence since beginning, corona never goes away

all french have real aids anyway



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Don't think he is full on about homeopathy at all.

Because you can't understand it doesn't make others wrong.

>airborne aids
so we're all dead then?

When the professor who isolated HIV says it, the mainstream faggots can't deny it anymore.

>French professor
Are there other non-French scientists that can back up his claim?

he probably worked on the virus desu

>airborne aids
What’s that to the flu? Like the double flu?

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literally none, the dude is a laughing point of all scientifics

I thought this was an RNA virus?

>no it can't be 5G das cray this random cunt says it's man made aids

Fuck off huawei man

He's not talking out of his ass, he said there are identical DNA sequences and that the indians published it first and then retracted under chinese pressure.

homeopathy is working, the complete process here

>inb4 tinfoil wackjob

This dudes been a month ahead of all these breaking developments. Watch several of his videos and he accurately cites literature that explains that there are specific HIV insertions that are copy/pasted onto the genome in such a way that it is completely impossible to occur in nature (the "edited" genomes are way too small and carefully placed to occur zoonotically)

in this video he explains that it has HIV-esque capacity to infect the blood and downregulated the immune system; leaving you succeptible to other shit similar to AIDS

so its basically airborne AIDS

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It's just the flu. B there's maybe 15 cases today, tomorrow it will be zero because democrat hoax take random drugs it's nothing burger

I didn't believe in homeopathy at all until the family doctor told me to try it and it legit worked on me

>b-but this quasi retired contrails conspiracytard has an OPINION that contadicts actual findings of research of hundreds of international qualified researchers doing actual repdroducable scientific research on the subject

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You're a gullible fool

so when do we go to war with china?

The chinks have been doing everything to stop the news including bullying scientists.

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tres basé

but I'm cured so I really don't care what you naysayers think