From what I've seen:
>He has no Jewish ancestry
>He looks like a Chad
>His rhetoric is based
>And the left hates him
Is he as based as he looks?
Redpill me on Jordan Peterson
Other urls found in this thread:
yes but contrarians will shit on you
There's obviously a conspiracy to keep everyone's bedrooms messy, user. I truly believe that you and I are the only two people who are smart enough to realise this truth. What would you suggest we do?
He's a demented old fool who fathered a whore and battles addiction but likes to say edgy things so he really appeals to youngsters. More mature people identify him as a shill and a loser.
He's just a glorified self-help guru.
However, he got a little too effective at redpilling men so he was targeted for destruction.
No he's an individualist
if you are asking Yas Forums to give you an opinion rather than reading his books or looking into his interviews you will get nothing from either.
this. Also he is a Christian apologist who has no idea of philosophy and just verbal diarrhea especially his lecture
>I can't do it
Catholics are lesser whites if white at all.
he also
>shills centrism
>shills individualism as a positive virtue, but fathers a literal whore and got MKULTRA'd by Russian doctors because he couldn't individually manage by himself
>acts as a right-wing gatekeeper
>thinks that capitalism is still a positive system in 2020
>denounces nationalism
ultimately he's a self help guru who needs help himself...makes u question his advice
He is completely psychotic, half of the shit he says is obvious truisms and the rest is just completely meaningless rambling where he makes hundreds of unnecessary metaphors to mythology.
Remember when he went on Joe Rogans podcast and claimed that he had stayed awake for 20 days straight after accidentally drinking apple juice?
>left right paradigm yet again.
Go away faggot
Who cares about this fucking leaf faggot
Not saying that you can't glean anything useful from him, but he's a dead end somewhat, you should be critical. He's in denial about something, doesn't wanna understand people he sees as contemptible I would guess. I still like him, but I think he's in denial, brainwashed like everyone else.
Anyone who tells you what he does in books and raised the daughter he has has no credibility with me. I dumped him a long time ago.
literally who?
He offers a sound way to rejoin the system, which for most people is what they wanted all along. The wash your penis stuff is good enough advice and he offers a critique of the system on the most superficial, safe level.
Basically, he's a shepherd helping the lost sheep, yet those sheep are still going to be sheared and ultimately slaughtered somewhere down the line.
He repackages stoicism and watered-down Nietzsche as self-help for 20-something boys who had overbearing mothers and who haven't done anything with their lives. Regardless of his personal life, he's done more to improve society and push it towards right-wing ideals than Yas Forumstards screaming about the market or trannies or some other pointless diversion. If you like Peterson, go read Aurelius and Nietzsche and Dostoevsky and you'll probably get more out of it. If you're an aimless kid who grew up in a fatherless home, he's not a terrible starting point.
>walks back and forth and looks down at my shoes
I... I can't do it, OP.
He's based and like anyone who defies the juden communist ideals he got blacklisted and targeted
he isn't infallible, he is probably the best men in their 20s and early 30s are going to get.
Think of him as the neil degrass tyson for pop pschology.
he is well cited in academia, so theirs that over tyson.
His whole outlook is a defence of the current corrupt system and he justifies it by some corporate manager logic about working your way up the ranks.
He completely runs away from the Jewish question and he's a complete hypocrite when it comes to free speech - he explicitly says he wants to put a box around the alt right and not let them speak knowing full well it will lead to violence.
In short, he's controlled opposition.
i washed my penis now what?
Good points, but he offers no useful concrete advice (which is honestly useless in most cases anyway). In the end, he's as worthwhile as any other self-help guru or endlessly pontificating philosopher who speaks in generalities.
He opens up meaningful and deep questions about life, philosophy, politics, struggle of men.
He provided little or no concrete advise nor clossure. But he makes YOU think about it, by yourself, to reflect up on the matters, to reflect up on your life, value and ultimately the meaning of life.
That's where he gets hated so much, people don't want to think themselves. They just an answers, easy way out, someone has to do it for them.
Now reflect up on that and look up the replies above who spews hate on him.
Imagine what kind of person they're, rejecting help, rejecting thinking for themselves, rejecting getting their lives together.
Yas Forums dissapoints me greatly lately.
Poor man's Tony Robbins
Mate we can still criticise him whilst still being glad he's around. Yeah it's good he gets people talking about that stuff, but his way of framing his philosophy is entirely within the narrow confines of the liberal bubble.
nobody perfect becomes a psychologist, we'll see how he gets back on the horse.
At present I don't think he has even achieved guru status, he's just a great popularizer of classical thoughts and that alone is worth something when there are no original thinkers or hardly any real thinkers this past few decades... you don't really expect people blindly follow all his values do you?
he has some good points for improving ones life, but again its should have been common knowlage
on the ther hand, hes endgame is to center males into non-radical beliefs, and if you think thats healthy for society, sure. i do not, not in the clown world we live in today.
Clean your room
I do agree that he's by no mean a perfect human being, so are his thoughts and respect.
But I do believe that he has goodness that just want to help others, especially troubled young men. Along with depth of knowlege and expertise in psychology, he also has a very peculiar mind which opens up deep and meaningful questions for us all to reflect up on.
>became famous when he refused to call faggots by their preferred pronouns.
>fame went to his head and then suddenly he's an expert on everything.
>wife got sick and he started taking drugs to deal, then got addicted.
>fried his brain.
look at this collectivist faggot
>oh look, life's tough and no one ever fucked up in life
>if you fucked up once, just ONCE, you're garbage human trash and your opinions doesn't matter anymore.