US may be prepping site in Nevada to test nukes, Russian diplomat warns
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Nuclear weapons are fake
Actual Democrat detected
>US realizes what it has become and decides to nuke itself.
A man can hope
look at me, this is your theme song now.
>this is your theme song now
No. This is.
Owen benjamin is that you
Well that would be awesome to have a first nuclear test filmed in 4k with modern cameras and sound recording.
And Trump could show it to the press at a White house press meeting and brag about it.
The only thing the US is prepping are big black bulls for their wives girlfriends and daughters
>china tests nukes, world shits itself
how cute
>US gears up to reveal what they've been working on in all the time testing has been severely limited
The Tsar Bomba was 59 years ago. That is generally known as the most terrifying manmade weapon confirmed to exist.
When the last 59 years of black site development get taken out for testing, we are gonna see some shit.
this is so gay.
if you're going to war, you dont announce the testing of weapons.
this is how we know its just bluffing.
if we were going to nuke the chinsects, it would be sudden and secret. sadly no war will happen. the corporations simply wont allow it.
>Nuclear weapons are fake and the earth is flat
May the black death have you.
did you even read the article
Previously, all the nuclear testing only proved there is no need for nuclear testing.
It is a waste of time, money, and it fucks up the environment.
Chinks tested some nukes, so now all the other idiots want to act tough. When someone acts tough, then 90% of the time they are a big pussy.
no this is
>US testing nukes in 2020
For what purpose? Just swinging their dick around?
Maybe. But war with Russia or China equals mutual destruction.
Understand this anons, a war with Russia will leave both the countries almost destroyed. It will only ensure innocents on both sides die as a result, meanwhile the fucks who launch will be hiding safely in their bunkers while those up above melt from the inside out from radioactive waste
In part to dust them off, in part to flex their dong since the chinks flexed theirs the other day.
>in part to flex their dong since the chinks flexed theirs the other day.
Was that confirmed?
The things we've developed should never be tested on US soil, not even California deserves the horrors we've engineered.
most of the Nuke Tests were Dynamite.
Read them.
I wasn't there. Unless you were there to confirm it, we're just going to have to take their word for it.
Russia a actually has a pretty substantial network of shelters for the general public
You mispelled Moscow. Anything outside of Moscow is just as bad as the US "Inner cities" if not worse.
I know that’s not how it works but holy fuck imagine being that close to a nuke when it goes off