How do you explain WTC7 collapsing with no plane hitting it?
How do you explain the Dancing Israelis?
Anyone who still believes muslims did 9/11 needs to watch this documentary
How do you explain WTC7 collapsing with no plane hitting it?
How do you explain the Dancing Israelis?
Anyone who still believes muslims did 9/11 needs to watch this documentary
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People still believe the Bin Ladin story ?
Genocide them.
Some people did some dancing that day.
All towers went down by controlled demolition of some sort. Artists like Gelatin/B Thing would be hired to create the "entry wounds." No planes, just months of repeating the same cgi video clips and narrative through every medium across the world so everybody just accepted everything.
I don't know how the fact that israeli intelligence knew about the attack and were pleased about it confirms that the pilots were not Muslims. Just because it serves their interest, doesn't constitute evidence of them doing it.
>How do you explain WTC7 collapsing with no plane hitting it?
The nearby explosions affected the structural integrity of WTC7 like an earthquake would
>How do you explain the Dancing Israelis?
Probably some bar mitzvah was taking place and they were happy about it
I think it was G*d's will to collapse the towers.
No inside job.
Just G*d:
...I leave this here..
Listen to Christopher Bollyn
Ryan Dawson says this is bullshit.
holy fucking shit the WTC 7 has been explained by the owner himself Larry Silverstein (kek). It’s on video he said he demo-ed it for fear or something. Not denying the whole thing wasn’t an inside job though. His explanation is a retarded cover story.
Look at all the Q-tards ITT.
A good thread was killed just now, I guess I better stay away.
They dont want us to talk about it.
Define "inside"
The brains of the operation were mostly (((foreign))), however lots of Americans aided in the event and cover up.
Anyone who shills the cover up of 9/11 and doesnt ask any questions about it is a literal Zionist
To everyone who wants to redpill other on 911
Always remember:
1.There is absolutely misinfo going on.
2.Overwhelming people with evidence does not work. If you offer a hundred little arguments, the other side has an easy time pacifying this shaken mind bc it seems crazy. Because 1. is true, there will be misaligned arguments and also non compelling evidence. The other side simply has to debunk one or two of the weirder points.
3.That means quality arguments uber alles!
4. That also means to disregard the jewcy stuff we cannot prove 100%.
I don't care if it was an inside job, nothing of value was lost and all the victims were probably douchebags anyway
I did 9/11, with Revell planes
squirrels did 9/11
>nothing of value was lost
t. zoomie who didnt live pre 9/11
People who never watched the video, it's that much of a fuck up that everyone knows yet... nothing has happened and still do the ol "never forget"... fucking jews aye.
And don't go overboard with pointing out pointy noses. Say M0ss@d instead of joooos. Show "a clean break" strategy papers instead of incohently rambling about world domination. Blame our leaders, not them.
Wasn't there a janitor who worked at the WTC and said on tv that he heard a loud bang before the towers collapsed?
saudis worked with mossad. CIA knew, bush and cheney didn't. the goal was to use it to restructure the middle east by taking out saddam, assad, ghadaffi and eventually going into iran. after Afghanistan (predictably) turned into a massive quagmire and iraq took longer than expected, obama admin and his CIA buddies went the manufactured revolution route with libiya and syria.
overambitious. 20 years later assad is still alive lol. it's a shame the neocon plan didn't work. if we had turned syria and iran into client states china and russia would be our cucks for a thousand years.
Bin laden said he did 9/11 because Jews control America and were going to invade, so he wantes to bankrupt them in Afghanistan
>So who here believes that 9/11 WASN'T an inside job?
Literally only paid government slaves who have no other option for survival except to whore themselves out to some other man and lie to themselves and their fellow countrymen. I truly hope any of you cunts that read this strongly consider committing suicide. It's what all good people wish you would do. Just do it.
What's with the shadow dude?
my parents tell me how it used to be. and I glean things from old media that makes me say “damn that shit would never fly now”
ex. 2:24 of this
and the type of human interactions between strangers here
I believe Muslims were flying the planes. But I also believe there was nanothermite and explosives pre-planted, and it was largely an insurance scam. I think the "no planes" theories are like flat earth theory - it exists to discredit anyone who questions the narrative
>he doesn't remember what life was like before 9/11
You're embarrassing yourself.
You mean talking to strangers to try to get in their pants?
>Bush is a pro-China politician.
>If you want to make China super power you need to decrease the power of the US.
>Let terrorists do their job or some kind of inside trick.
>Triggered the US to mass invest to the war in the middle east.
>Do nothing for Chinese growth and nuclear experiments of North Korea.
>Obama takes over the plan then spent too much of budget for the military.
>Oops, about to default treasuries.
>China is glowing greatly.
>Starts another war on Syria, Libya, Ukraine etc.
>China bought tons of treasuries.
>Trump won the presidency and he suddenly starts to blame the behaviors of China.
>MSM never stop to criticize Trump for some reason.
The official story is so full of holes ,a simple one is why not release the full footage of the plane hitting the pentagon ?
Building 7 was on fire for 5+ hours before it collapsed. It was struck with a shitload of fuel and debris splash from the impacts on the towers. No emergency response was directed to it because it was prioritizing you know... the two collapsed 100+ story buildings and it had already been evacuated when it finally collapsed late in the day. WTC conspiracy has always been a litmus test to identify retards. Loose change faggots.