Oy vey
Oy vey
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Ciara lee. Sounds chinkoid to me
she locked her twitter.....
Like hell i will get chipped
Why should I get some damn chip implanted? Dont do this shit stay a free human
This seems like satire desu.
you will take the chip goy
you WILL take the chip
Ciara isn't a chink name
Oh God this shit is so funny.
Saged tho, you undersand.
It ain't real.
Not finding this article anywhere,
They constantly take non Chink names, retard.
>Have to worry about
Why do people worry so much? Why can't people mind their own business?
Unless the worry is about something that will interfere with you like violence why worry?
And they won't write about that because worrying about blacks sounds racist
You'll take it and like it just as you've been for decades cuckold
it's fake.
this is Yas Forums.
Question everything that OP fails to link.
Question everything that OP does link.
Question everything.
Lmao calling Bill Gates a savior fuck can you even envision being as stupid as these people?
Stop posting this fake shit. Sage.
awfuw peepoe
where did you find this picture of me. Please delete this.
Couldn't tell if it was satire or not.
"keep track of peeople deemed unhealthy by medical professionals"
lots of standard nonsense there, fake article?
>child loving, Microsoft founder
Forgot this
Stop posting fake and gay shit for likes you and clicks...fake news
O.K Boomer!
Child loving bill Gates, what's with bills being creeps?
This is a fake article you dumb fucks, there's no source and if you try searching for it nothing comes up. OP is a faggot.
This guy gets it.
Yeah, it's probably her work name. You know, so people can pronounce it. The filipinas do it all the time.
Fake and gay.
>Clare Lee
Nice try, but not subtle enough, dont use the name of your favorite weeb actress when you make fake articels
t. 49% “white” and counting.
Mehmet, you have to go home.
Need this video spliced with a bunch of articles shown about Bill gates and his chip to spread amongst normies.