COVID-19 Incubation Period Not Sufficient According to Experts

According to recent studies the two week incubation period is not sufficient to make this nothingburger an actual somethingburger. We need to wait for the deadly Second Wave plus a significant extra time period needed to make sure that NPC niggers and paid shills have successfully managed to spread fear and mass hysteria all around the world.
tl;dr just wait u guize because its totally habbenin lmao.

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fuck niggers

>deadly Second Wave
>spread fear and mass hysteria
>its totally habbenin

mmm user you're saying all the right words

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according to what you said it is accurat somethingburger because we are dealing with serious corruption that made whole population suffer and there are actually casualties from suicides etc
its huge corruption and lots of jews should get a chair for that

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No matter what you say Corvid-19 was a true happening that caused world wide death and economic damage. Seethe and cope harder.

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the consequences that we are facing because of all the hysterical NPCs are an actual somethingburger but the virus itself is literally a nothingburger

but they designed and spread it hoping it would be somethingburger so they could offer "solution"

Based and noburgerpilled

I genuinely appreciate this post, sir. Enjoy this cute fatty.

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Built for harpoons

Fuck off Stavros it's happening and we are all going to die

>mfw nothingburgers were right

That’s how I want to die. Choking on the stench of sweaty poo encrusted sphincter and salty tuna sauce while suffocating between the moldy folds of cottage cheese mammoth thighs. Glorious

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>Virus is spreading everywhere
>People are dropping dead
>Death toll increasing
>Can't stay inside his home for a while

>People are dropping dead
imagine being this retarded and not killing yourself

Based. Absolute. NOTHING BURGER.

Trips of rubenesque truth.

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They literally are. Cardiac arrest calls have tripled in the UK and quadrupled in New York.
The footage of Wuhan that was posted here for months showed people collapsed on the streets. Same is happening in Ecuador.
The virus damages the heart even in people with no lung issues.
Look up all the young doctors dying of heart attacks.


It's the most low energy bullshit, boring happening since time began. It's just a nasty flu strain that's been taken advantage of, just like the Australian flu pandemic of 2017, 50k additional people died in the UK over the flu season (Nov- april) but no ome gave a fuck, tgey just blamed a shit batch of vaccines. Those deaths basically correlate with the numbers were hitting now. Literal nothing burger, the weak/old and an occasional normal die, just like they do every year. We've all been played and let them take everything away without 1 ounce of resistance. For this level of lockdown cunts should be dropping dead in the street. It's a psyop and they're winning. The only thing nurses complain about is having to wear ppe for a few hours, welcome to having to work for a fucking living you precious cunts.

The world is massively overpopulated, I fucking wish the Chinese death virus was real, we could do with 4 billion worthless fucks being wiped out. Ask yourself this, where are the names of the victims? Where are the virtue signalling FB posts saying "ummmm like, yall need to take this srsly, like ummmmm my weightlifter brother died from wuflu at 21 years old, you could be next, RIP angel...." think these cunts would miss an opportunity to play victim??? Would they fuck. Fuck this bullshit meme virus, and fuck the worthless scared pussies peddling fear. Not everyone is a fucking defeatist worthless faggot like you.

I'll take dangerous freedom over safe slavery any day

Fuck chinks
Fuck kikes
Fuck niggers
Fuck happe-neets

You are a literal fucking pussy

Why do you think every country on the planet has fucked their economy by locking down to prevent the spread. Something that has never happened in the history of the human race.
They're buying time to figure out how to treat and possibly cure it.

>Something that has never happened in the history of the human race.
>one new flu strain
kys unironically

>Why do you think every country on the planet has fucked their economy
because they are retarded like you? just a thought

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meant for

Meanwhile chinks opened all their factories and are buying up every fucking thing from mediterranean ports to french confectioneries. I don't want to live in a ping pong world.


>Covid-19 caused economic damage.

The schools can’t open soon enough to occupy these children.

Imagine being 80+ years old or a morbidly obese 50 year old nigger and posting on Yas Forums.

Virus is invisible, so your burger actually has something inside.

Is it really worse than the current Jewish world? Ain’t no Chink ever called me goy.