>What do Create Memes, spread Memes, attack the narrative. Join AfD or IB or Einprozent; counter subversion. Get Yas Forums. Get a job. Spread flyers and stickers. Discuss politics with people; call attention to the Unrecht.
yes, till the map is run by 4 big empires and I cant get shit done because they have more than 6 times of my army size. but before that it was a good run. own 3 cities without ever to have joined a faction
I already destroyed the Mongols under the banner of the Northern Empire. I defected and started my own Kingdom and defeated the sand dwellers gaining most of their settlements. I currently reign over 1/5th or 1/6th of the map with a 1500 troops. I'll have to recruit some more clans into my ranks otherwise I won't be able to grow my armies since my companions are shit stupid and get captured by fucking bandits every 2 days. Oh I also destroyed the Southern Empire or what was left of them (1 settlement) after the war with the Northern Empire. Since my relation with all the nobles is shit they constantly start war but gladly I make enough money to make peace all the time. I'll probably take on the Battanians next since they have like 3000 troops something I should be able to handle since I reliably win most battles being outnumbered up to 4:1. The Northern Empire though is too strong to take up on at the moment. They own 1/3rd of the map and have like 18.000 troops.
Oliver Jenkins
Around the time Yas Forums started up Yas Forums had a tribal wars guild. has anyone here considered organizing a Yas Forums guild to something other than minecraft?
Levi Powell
Moment mal, waren wir nicht gestern im anderen Liveticker noch bei 4105 Toten bei uns? Jetzt sind es wieder nur 4052.
Linke socially internationalist left + economically internationalist left
What their voters believe
AfD socially right-wing + economically right-wing (exactly as Mutthilda, they don't understand libertarianism is against what they want) = Reality is mass migration and financial abuse at the hand of the elite
Linke socially right-wing, economically left wing (hurr durr I want to be supported by muh county and feel useful again in a job that has been a sham to make me believe I was productive while Stasi agents film my daughter on the crapper) = Reality is mass migration and helicopter dumping the treasures on the first nigger leftfags see
> „Ich wollte dort Platz besetzen. Damit kein weißer Deutscher kommt und sein Helfersyndrom an der Hilfsbedürftigkeit der Ausländer auslässt.“
Diese Civnat/Verfassungspatrioiten verachte ich mittlerweile mehr als linksgrün. War doch von anfang an klar dass es gesteuerte Opposition ist. Während bereits ca 40% der neugeborenen nicht mehr weiß sind kommt die AfD mit einem revolutionören Vorschlag wie dem Burkaverbot daher. Einfach lächerlich diese Partei.