Socialism only works in white countries. Prove me wrong

Socialism only works in white countries. Prove me wrong.

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>Socialism works

*anything* only works in white countries

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Khanin is the most respected source on the Soviet economy, since the Soviet numbers obviously couldn't be trusted. But notice what he's saying here. He doesn't blame the collapse of the Soviet Union on economics. Rather, demographics

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I said in white countries, spain was raped by goatfuckers for about 500 years.

Post more girl

that photo does not look like Spain, scandicuck

Stay on topic, we're here to discuss the white socialist ethnostate.

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I don't care about socialism but I'd like to see her bouncing on a black dick.

Filthy degenerate.

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Socialism sucks less in white countries. It still doesn't work.

like clockwork


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Fucking pedo, Japan and Korea

It only works in countries with an industrious population that are healthy and altruistic. Someone should consider being lazy to be tantamount to stealing from their neighbor. If the people pay in to the system more than they take out, socialism works.

If a population of people are shit then the civilization is doomed, If you have socialism all the resources will be depleted, and maybe the people will be content as long as they are all equal in shit, but eventually hunger will break them. If they have sink-or-swim capitalism then the detritus will live a miserable existence and mostly fall away and die, and society will continue on as long as this can be maintained, but if too many people are shit then you'll be living in some shithole like South Africa, with a handful of people trying to keep things running. But the only reason those countries make it as far as they do is because of the social safety net that keeps the detritus afloat. Without that they would have experience a revolution and capitalism would have imploded on itself long ago.


It doesn't work because shitskins flood into the country when it becomes successful. Keep the goatfuckers and darkies out.

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Almost anything works better in culturally and ethnically homogeneous societies

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Can't argue with that.

At least post moar

Historically and factually impossible

Idiot how old r u, learn some economics moron, inb4 economic liberalism is jewry, little teenage boy

Socialism worked fucking awesome during the holodomor & potato crisis, hwite people eating their own children. fucking asbolute imbecile

I’m fucking a guy that works at Nintendo.

>you'll never get to go hiking with her as she picks flowers for you

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>she will never give you 10 white babies

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laissez-faire only works in enslaved nigger mud countries. prove me wrong

i would love you to have a socialist hwite ethnostate so you can suppress group fitness and starve to death collectively, would increase IQ of white people in general if you idiots would rid yourself, just don't be on the same boat as me. Economics is counter-intuitive, white people understood economic liberalism in the 19th century (when adam smith, JSM, manchester liberalism was all the hype). Socialism only gets adopted in nigger countries (whole of africa, whole of asia, whole of south america). Socialists reigned everywhere but in Britain and america. Because whites have a neocortex that can think abstractly and not like a tribal idiot.

>holodomor & potato crisis

Cuckservative "classical liberal" spotted
Die, centrist

>this descended from a chimpanzee