What is the best political system of all time and why is it monarchism?
What is the best political system of all time and why is it monarchism?
God she's beautiful
Imagine believing that someone being born into absolute authority is in any way, shape, or form a good thing. Being servants must be ingrained into anglo genes.
Imagine believing the winner of a Jew subverted electoral process could somehow result in good things happening to your country.
>the best political system
A Republic.
Monarchy, with an AI to run the system.
because it teaches that god is the state.
the best political system is removing yourself from society and living a solitary life in nature
Mammarchism, the largest breasted rule
because it teaches that the head of state, the monarch, is the new god that you can see and listen to.
No it's not, they are satanists and paedophiles any one here with sense hates them.
Op The best form of government is self determination.
Yes, peasant. Why is it monarchism?
>Can't fail
>Even when it does fail, there's fuck all you can do about it!
That is the best for directly serving Israel, aye.
Is it better to hold a popularity contest for it?
>What is the best political system?
National Socialist Totalitarian Dictatorship
>Why is it Monarchism?
I don't know peasant why is it? Never mind get back to plowing my field.
could have used a better image.
Are you retarded?
Hae you heard of the Hapsburgs?
The royal family that was so fucking inbred that Charles II of Spains jawline happened.
When you have succession through birth you get a genetical lottery. It could be really good or really fucked.
I would not put a country under the thumb of a a retard.
Im bored, cant someone start doing something? Sabotaging infrastructure, emping satellites, just something
yo her 94th birthday is the 21st did you send her a birthday card yo
adolphus baptist hitler
She really was.
You need to be 18 to post here, friend. Monarchy allows rulers to plan for more than reelection.
>Hae you heard of the Hapsburgs?
>one example which is no longer applicable to the modern world
Leave it to the nords.
benevolent monarchism maybe
Charmed life.
Constitutional Monarchy and Parliamentary System. The British system. A system so good it’s been copied all over the world.
Every other system creates gridlock.
She looks like a heeb in that one