What can be done to stop the damage porn is doing to society?

What can be done to stop the damage porn is doing to society?

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What damage?

You would have to point to a time where porn and/or whores weren't common to show how it was different.

Porn isn't as much of the problem that normalization of masturbation/frequent ejaculation is.
Yes porn is no good, but the true weakening takes place when a man masturbates.
Porn is everywhere in a sense. It's even in some religious films, nudity is common.
If you gain control of your lust and can abstain from rubbing your dick and ejaculating at the sight of a pair of breasts, you will go far. This is also the key for getting a wife. Women are attracted to men who are not dominated by their lust, who are in control of their essence.
Step one quit fapping to porn, step two quit fapping altogether, step three stop having pre-marital sex, step four gain total control over your essence and decide whether you want to go monk mode or find a woman to marry and impregnate.

Best chance is really just to educate young men and boys on the dangers of it.

Gonna need you to point to a time when frequent spilling of seed wasn't a thing so we can compare.


I thought this nofap stuff was all a meme. I wasn't addicted to porn or anything, but I thought I would give it a shot. Currently on 2 weeks and I have noticed an increase of energy and confidence.

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whores > porn. at least you are actually with a woman

Can I still COOM to 2D girls?

Actually the opposite.

It should be presented as totally fine and normal with the caveat that dopemine depletion in the brain can have adverse side effects.

Stigma and taboo dont work.

Retard alert

Porn needs to be regulated and parents need to actually give a fuck and pay attention to what their kids are doing/watching online. The fact that over the years, more and more kids are finding out about it at such young ages is quite sad. Kids being lured in, given these false ideas that all woman want to take in the ass or be choked. I said it an earlier thread but I refuse to date/marry a man who's degenerate coomer

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absolutely based and david deidapilled

problem is this
i have a wife and 2 kids
i still jerk it when i can, often

it's either that or i start using tindr and fucking random whores to sate my lust

you tell me whats the greater evil here

>these false ideas that all woman want to be choked.
virgin detected

did you even read what he wrote


no why
was it imporant? didnt look like it.

>you tell me whats the greater evil here
You not controlling your lust baka desu senpai.

man does not start until he has mastered to control his sexual desires

Agreed, but they are hard to find in the usa outside nevada.

no, fucking whores is degenerate

They call themselves escorts now.

Finding Christ and understanding this world will pass away; all that matters is the Kingdom of God.

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nigga please. im all for god and traditions for the social circles, but lets not degrade ourselves to brainlet levels.

man is not above his base biological needs though

eat, sleep, breathe, fuck

once you've forsaken the biological natural laws you were born into, you have settled into corrupt narcissism and arrogance.

you are only human. do what humans do.

Just because some like doesnt mean I like it

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sounds like self loathing and nihilism. i hope you can see your strength in your ego somewhere sometime

Learn English, you filthy fucking shitskin

it's absurd to believe you are more than what nature made you to be.

you're gonna die and nothing of you shall be remembered. Not a single thing.

only your children will remain and they do not know YOU. Only you know YOU.

So go forth and experience all things in life. pain suffering joy ecstasy, attachment and detachment. grow your soul and prepare for the next incarnation.

What porn? I've never bothered to go looking for it. Why are you going out of your way to look for porn?