Stop being an Atheist

Stop being an Atheist

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But I'm a Deist, not an atheist!

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stop being a commie.

Too pure for this world

In God's great name the forces of good will win. We will conquer these weak demons. They will ne exposed and they will reap their wicked reward. Seek god if you haven't yet. He is waiting for you user.

>mike pence is not a simp
this is a good headline

There might be some sort of God, but I got no reason to believe that it would matter.

Don't beat your children for Jesus.

Improve yourself in a uplifting way, and then teach your fellow man. The only god there is is within you.

>according to CNN

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Why not? Why would turn your back on the only entity who lobes you unconditionally. Why wouldn't you want to seek love? Are your prideful? Do you distrust god? It is ultimately your choice but by my own testament God is truly the way, the truth, and the life.

Correct but shoving yourself into a dogmatic pigeonhole is not the way.

I'm open to the possibility that deities could exist, but A) there isn't a single shred of evidence to suggest that they do, and B) I simply cannot stand Abrahamists.

lord bless that man

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Hey, you, don't beat children.

Stop worshipping a jew

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Read Plato then the Enneads, then Dionysius the Aeropagite's writings then read the Bible. It absolutely does matter.

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Pretty rude of God to not exist if you ask me

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I endorse every man to find his own path to god. I believe everyone has a unique path. I try not to preach, i just share my own experiences.
Not even sure what you're trying to say

It's probably just something about my mentality. Even though I don't think everything can be answered through materialism, I guess I lack spirituality.

Jesus is KANG!

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Jesus' message is what is important. Youre letting your hatred of jews obscure the ultimate message he came to send. God is real and if you call his name with genuine faith he will come. It requires trust. Faith. The leap of faith.

Prove that your religion doesn't make you a bad person by not beating children.

Ive said before we all have our own path through life. None of us chose to be here, none of us chose our parents, our habits, our impulses. Listen to your inner voice, i personally believe this is the voice of god.


Mike Pence enters his prayer bunker and establishes uplink with the invisible jew command center in the sky

Maybe my pride is will always get in the way, but I just can't get over how rude it is. Insulting. He chooses to not exist, and here I am, ready to believe. The nerve.

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>read a bunch of ancient books, and then it will matter
Nobody cares christcuck, we are more enlightened today than any of those greeks / jews / whoever was 2000 years ago. We have science, they didn't have any. We have computers and calculators, they had to count shit on hand, they were literally that stupid. Hell, their mathematicians couldn't believe in their magic number utopia so they literally kicked a guy out who preposed that their might be such things as irrational numbers. Yeah, I'd rather take our own enlightenment that actually taught us something unlike those old stupid greek philosophers who only still get mentioned because of nostalgia freaks like you. Go kill yourself.