New Zealand Lockdown Comfy Thread

Kiwifags, get in here! Get cosy, talk some shit with the bros.

>Total cases: 1,409 (+8)
>Total recovered: 816
>Total in ICU: 2
>Total dead 11 (+2)
>Active cases: 582

How are we feeling tonight? I've just received a fresh bottle of whiskey today delivered to my door from the pajeets at the local liquor store. Just made some BBQ pork sandwiches and I'm sitting down with a nice whiskey and coke. Feels good.

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Some latest news:

>Two men sue PM Jacinda Ardern over lockdown
>Claim she is using it for political gain
>Compares Ardern to Hitler and compares the lockdown to the holocaust

>McDonald's, KFC and Dominoes all planning to open once we drop to level 3, meanwhile, Burger King goes into receivership

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Reporting in lads

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Seems like the lockdown is working, it'll be interesting what the random testing they're doing now comes back with though.

They randomly tested what, like 400 people at a store yesterday? Half of those tests have already come back and all negative.

Can we appreciate how much chink virus is getting btfo'd by baste new Zealand

Those two guys sound like real characters
>The two men, who are known to each other, argued the alert level 4 lockdown has left them unlawfully detained and is not worth the economic cost compared with the low number of Covid-19 related deaths.
>The first applicant, who is currently serving a home detention sentence, told Justice Mary Peters "the whole thing's a joke" and it has become a "panic-demic, not a pandemic"
>He also alleged she had conspired with Sir Stephen Tindall to ruin the economy and the United Nations Secretary-General should have been consulted instead.

I don't get why The Warehouse guy would want to crash the economy.

She did take a pay cut tho.

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>National anthem is called "God defend New Zealand"
>Anthem's lyrics are white as fuck
>The Maori part is literally just the same thing but sung in that language
>The anthem has no Maori references in it at all
What's the problem?

Everybody rise for the national anthem!
God of Nations at Thy feet,
In the bonds of love we meet,
Hear our voices, we entreat,
God defend our free land.
Guard Pacific's triple star
From the shafts of strife and war,
Make her praises heard afar,
God defend New Zealand.

drop dead from airborne aids faggot

Ardern/Moloch 2020.

Inb4 some retard asks about numbers and if we have flattened the curve

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Sweet stats. Where do you get them from?

11 people dead and you are under lock down?

NWO is here boys
its not coming IT IS HERE

If I'd fucking known Simple Cindy was gonna make level 3 into level 4 with pizza delivery I'd have got more from the bottle shop when I had the chance ffs

Not just that, but we're actually encouraged to report people that are breaking the lockdown rules. They have a dedicated service for this.

Can't you get piss delivered where you are? My local pajeets have started doing home delivery. Was pretty quick and easy.

Do you know what prevention means

Moloch is a combination of two Hebrew words, king and shame. To pass through the fire may be a ceremonial initiation into the worship of another god, not YHWH, thus a false god that uses shame to beat it's worshippers into order (are each and every cult). It's often conflated with burning your children in the fire though.

* see: each and every cult

Oh yes, we forgot that the requirement for lock down is when at least 10k people are already dead. Thank you oh wise Amerilard we will immediately lift lock down and achieve 10k dead then lock down.

To be fair those other countries rely on their leaders earning a shitload through corruption.

>Everyone forced into neetdom
It's fucking great

Asking from your antipodes, kiwi lads

How is everyone holding up? Since you're so few in such a big country, do only the big Wellington/Auckland/Christchurch and so on are at risk, or are your small villages also in danger?

How is your economy going? Since we can't visit you anymore or cinema can't take advantage of your low NZD, what about the Chinese abusing your lands?

About the Five Eyes: are you guys even more spied on than usual? I remember that you can't even mention Brenton Tarrant's PDF

Everything asked in good faith - I love you Kiwis, stay strong

Never forget the rainbow warrior.

..... reddit.

fucking retard. No wonder your nation is 3rd world.

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This normal, left from gore?

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Spinoff tier garbage here lads back again?

cant wait to move to level 3 and immediately have a bunch of based retards flock to the beach only to have jacinda shriek at the media the next day and bring us back to another comfy 4 weeks of level 4

We instituted lockdown on the 25th of March, which would be around where the "efforts start working" point is if you overlaid our curve with that curve. Given an incubation period of two weeks, our actual "efforts start working" point would already be well into the downwards slope.

Me when I see people whining about the economy.

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Fuck I hate NZ

I can't go out and be a degenerate guys, what am I going to do?

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>Hating your greatest ally
Why, user?

that depends on if the first COVIDs were due to people coming home of community transmission, I suspect it was returning people with community trans happening a week later, which means....

>Need ID
>5 day wait
>Need to actually answer the door to pick it up and go through some dumb distancing malarkey

Meanwhile there's a boozer literally five minutes down the fucking road

I would hate it too if all I could do was look across the Tasman at a comfy peaceful quiet island paradise from my useless red desert populated by literal subhuman ape people.

Fuckinn New Zealand cunts am i rite mate? Just fuckien glass the cunts (for the boys). bloody sheep shaggers

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show your flag

fecken dikhead
