It really didn't take much for people to sell out
It really didn't take much for people to sell out
Cuckservative republicans don't support it. they wanted money for kike corporations only
Yeah, all it took was the country shutting down.
>literally bankrupting the country to get us through a pandemic
>i wanna do this every month for the rest of time
libshits really think things through
Socialism feels like living through a global pandemic for life confirmed.
>muh straw man argument
Not even worth a (you)
it's not free money it's tax returns
niggers will only find out a year after elections
>I want to give everyone including illegals $100 every month forever.
>I want to give legal US citizens a one time emergency stimulus of $1200
it's what happens when people realize they've been conned
>being the president in charge as China overtook the USA as the world's superpower
>allowing the country to be attacked by a communist Chinese bioweapon
>lying to the American people about the facts of the situation while fellating Xi
>allowing for an unprecendented amount of unemployment to occur, solution was to install socialist policies
>designating right-wing militias as terrorist groups
>showing support for red flag gun laws at the federal level
>allowing states to enact draconian gun control
>allowing states to circumvent constitutional rights and arrest Christians for worship during Christianity's most important holiday
>touting importing immigrants on work visas as a successful policy while over 10 percent of the american workforce is unemployed
>failing to bring American companies back to America, they tell him to fuck off despite Trump using laws designed for war to get them to produce products for Americans(LMFAO)
>not actually acting on any of the policies that got him elected
>completely failing to install any sort of travel ban or check on immigration, despite that being a key reason many voted for him
>allowing for voter fraud nationwide despite acknowledging its existence
>had a republican majority house and senate, passed nothing other than gun restrictions(LMFAO)
>being so repulsive to the average person that republicans have lost almost all local, state, and federal elections in any state that isn't guaranteed to vote republican, simply because of the party's association with him
>even the ones that are guaranteed are many percentage points closer than ever before
>more democrats voting than ever before, genuine possibility that republicans may never win another large-scale election
and THIS was the right-wing's last hope... kek, Trump's done more for democrats than he ever did to help republicans or actual right-wingers.
Apparently Andrew Yang is a fucking idiot who can't tell the difference between giving people money all the time, and giving people during money when 60% of the workforce has been furloughed.
>equating a one-time relief payment (not socialism) to a permanent social program
>tax refund for an emergency
Liboids don't even understand their own nonsense ideology.
fuck I meant rebate.
>money one time to help those affected
>money for no reason in perpetuity
Yeah, totally the same thing
>national socialism*
Ftfy commieboo plebbitcuck.
Even more interesting than Republicans embracing socialism is their complete shunning of federalism.
but Boeing and the banks got 2 trillion
I love now that bernie has farted out they are trying to beg Trump to be their socialist savior.
This retard Yang is trying to take credit.
Wasnt he proposing UBI because robots would do everything so there wouldnt be a need for people to work and they could just get checks to play fortnite ?
Well one tiny virus hits and suddenly the economy will tank 30% because hey... all jobs requires humans and robots suck
Didn't yang want to do it instead of unemployment? Trump is doing it to get people spending frivolously on goods (which will be subject to sales tax)
Yeah basically; he also wanted to legalize all drugs so the abusers will kill themselves faster.
Yang was based.
im starting to be in favor of randomly poisoning the illicity drug supply.
I actually wish the CIA was based and putting in fentanyl to kill people but really i just knows its retards who cant into measuring and chemistry.
But just imagine if every one out of 20 joints, rails of cocaine, or ecstasy tabs turned out to be lethal.
Drug use would stop in a week.
Its actually ;
Yang; I promise ill give you 1000
Leftists; Yay !
Trump: here, have 1000
Leftists; Boooo
Op doesn’t know difference between income and a little extra money to help people out in a trying time.
We should slash taxes and spending. The money is rightfully ours already. Private enterprise is the prime mover of the country.
republican party be like:
least we aint speakin german ma nigga.
You’re a car salesman with competition right across the road. You’re selling the same exact same car. Same color, model, price.
If your competition sells his car, it’s because YOURE A SHITTY SALESMAN.
Trump didn’t come up with the idea, but fuck. if he needs to steal it from Ching Chang to win again, so be it.
Red team good
Blue team bad
Hehehe reminds me of my footballs
I'm getting nothing.
You are a lying leftist piece of shit too, but you already knew that.
As long as the media and Democrats keep attacking the US government the better. Getting the government loving Democrats to attack government has been trivial during the Trump presidency
yellow version