Would a revolution in modern America be possible? Who would start it?

Would a revolution in modern America be possible? Who would start it?

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No modern revolution is possible. Just imagine what would happen if nuclear power plant workers were unable to show up at work due to street-fighting. Enjoy your meltdown.

ya. too expensive, too chaotic and, people are well under control anyway it seems, because they are wealthy, and everybody wants keep their conveniences, their lifestyle, the status quo. Which does make sense I woudln't criticize that too much btw.

americans are divided along every line imaginable, what makes you think there's going to be 1 revolution? at some point inevitably you're gonna have 50 different groups who think they're revolutionaries scrambling over each other to take what they can - history will remember this as the balkanisation of the united states. the feds will play different groups off against one another while the criminals who sucked your country dry retreat back to israel, britain and switzerland. a real revolution is possible - but it involves real practical exercises like lobbying, investment, organising (real effort, things of substance) - so of course none of it will ever never happen. the goyim deserve lives of exploitation

Unlikely but possible. Would have to be completely unorganized in the beginning to avoid detection or inflitration. Meaning scattered groups of resistance . As time passes and more fighters took action they could began to organize. The targets would be unorganized in the beginning as well likely targeting government building (in Minecraft) when unjust laws regarding fire arms or free speech were about to be passed .

Did you know Gavrilo Princip shot a bunch of unarmed sandniggers and changed the world?

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I'm afraid not. Americans have been thoroughly tamed and pacified by the government, we have become so docile that we are able to stand by idly as we are deliberately replaced by foreigners in a grand scheme to create the ultimate mongrel slave race.

Better don't until you have a good plan of what to do afterwards.
When you will have a plan the revolution won't be needed.

Men and Robots.
People here think too much and don't feel enough. A man holds the mangled body of his daughter
It's not the little ways that we are divided, it's the big things we share.

no. you’d eat canisters of tear gas and get shot in the balls with rubber bullets at the slightest sign of aggressive unrest

user it is actually possible right now. Revolutions only gain ground when there is widespread unemployment/poverty or the alternative is when the state shocks the consciousness of the masses by one of its actions. Remember the Arab Spring kicked off when a vegetable cart seller set himself on fire are having to pay off a bribe. So basically the conditions are right for a spark but a spark is unlikely. Americas future is most likely going to be a long slow decline like the Western Roman empire and the Eastern Roman Empire.

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Revolution isn't a possibility in modern-day America. Things will just continue to spiral down until the country as we know it ceases to exist.

I just want UBI.

It's both possible and probable.

too many factions to unite.
friendly reminder that while Rome was literally catapulting Jerusalem's walls various jew factions inside were literally slitting each others throats

A total economic and societal breakdown might cause people to form up into groups for safety in numbers. Niggers with niggers, mormons with mormons, etc. Of course they'd end up slugging it out over territory and resources. That could wind up as something of a civil war on small local scales.

It would be like the guerilla wars out west that went on during the civil war. Raiders, Jayhawks, all that kind of shit.

>Revolution isn't a possibility in modern-day America
Yes it is. Fourth-generation warfare is the future.

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Jews will be Jews.

None of that will happen.

I think it would be very difficult to muster 3% again.

no, americans are docile corporate slaves, no brain, no pain

not under current circumstances
Americans are still extremely wealthy and live very comfortable lives. Starting an armed conflict on their own land would literally plummet their quality of life to third world level

No current issue in america is worth losing their economic comfort to americans. The only way a revolution would be possible is if america suddenly became very poor then there would probably be some sort of race war, but as long as they manage to stay rich, there wont ever be a revolution, even if whites become a minority and they lose political power, they wont do anything if they still manage to hold on the countries money, Just take a look at countries like south africa.

>Would a revolution in modern America be possible?
No, it wasn't.

>Who would start it?
No one. Americans are cowards. The left remained peaceful through Bush and Trump, the right remained peaceful through Obama. Americans will put up with anything. Literally anything.

Nothing will ever happen, we’re stuck in this shitty timeline forever. I really hope judgement day comes soon, even though I’ll most likely get my hands chopped off and sent to at least the purgatory.

Anarchy is only 20 minutes away at any time. If I was going to clear the pigs out of my city I'd simply shoot one, then pick up his radio and declare, "officer down!" and give the location. In 5 minutes every pig on the force would be streaming there. And my guys would be positioned to shoot them all dead as they arrived. 20 minutes and it's over. The town is mine.

You guys have no idea how fast you could take the system down if you really wanted to.

>Americans are still extremely wealthy

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Whats your definition of “revolution”, because by my standard weve had a few, and another on its way via the mass importation of immigrants.

Soft revolutions have definitely occured.

Maybe, maybe not. In 1990, when I was 20, nobody thought the Soviet Union was going to cease to exist in less than a year.

We were pretty shocked when it happened. Not even just a couple days from the end did anybody expect it.



of course you would say that, living in america yourself. Sure you may not be as wealthy as you where 50 years ago, but relatively speaking, you guys are incredible wealthy compared to the rest of world, and no social issue if strong enough to warrant giving that up.

Just take a look at history, no rich nation ever decided to start a civil war, it was always poor nations, or a group of people within a rich nation that was poor and economically opressed. The whole reason the US even became independent from britain was because your kikes where being taxed too much and where being economically fucked and kept poor. The whole reason hitler was even able to take power was because post ww1 germany was poor as fuck and they wanted someone to take them out of poverty. same thing with the russian revolution.

As long as white people in america remain wealthy, there will NEVER be a white revolution. Niggers and spics might ocassionally chimp out because theyre poor, but not whites, they remain calm until theyre 20% of the population and lose political power, and even beyond that