G-guys...what the fuck is this?

G-guys...what the fuck is this?
are aliens finally here?


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really dont want this to slide

probably fake but if its real excellent, 2020 is definately a chad on steroids.

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No reflection on water

Fake and gay

It's a drone, fag

i just dont get it, why the FUCK is everything happening right now AT THE SAME TIME

drones don't look like that you nigger, show me one that does

fuck this timeline


people in the video are not freaking out, I call fake. but if real, fuck yeah

wtf is that real!

Looks like a drone at the end. Optical illusion.


Also why tf didn’t they keep filming?

someone explain why this isn't real or else I'm going to start heaven's gate part 2.

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>another twitter video

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>no one could imagine anyone might adapt a drone with some plastic covering and a rotating light to troll people

I don't think the person who uploaded the video on twitter was the person who recorded the video. They probably just did a shitty edit because it probably flies out of sight shortly after.

Holy shit, can’t be a drone where are the propellers?

Looks like one of those hover disc toys, but with lights

is there a good aliens documentary?

I've never seen a video of a "flying saucer" so close to the ground before

so fucking fake

Why the fuck have there been so many videos of UFO's being posted on social media this past week?

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yeah, watch it. its weird

to activate your almonds

Because people are so bored they are looking up from their phones into the sky


nah niggas there's more shit in the sky as of late for some reason

You can see the light reflect on the water towards the end, Mutombo

Where do you find a phone with a 480p cam in 2020?

No. They are focusing on paranormal shit cause it’s entertaining and distracting. And everyone is on social media rn


Dude they wanna know where all the humans went

literally hundreads of vids like this every day.
>> oh noooo it's eeeyyy lameo

i still use an iphone 6

More importantly, why do all these threads get moved to /bant/?

compression/upload is a bitch. and Twitter probably downsamples to a crisp clean 240p

Well why is there all of a sudden so much paranormal shit to focus on?


project blue beam

please be real

At 17 seconds in there’s no reflection in the water.
Sage for dumb fuck thread

when it rains it pours

2112 is here.

>literally filming an alien spacecraft
>he stands there quietly
>puts his phone down after 30 seconds, just enough to show Twitter
Must be real, guys!


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there you go faggot.

>has never heard of editing.

I tried to upload a video to Twitter 4 times that was over 1 minute and gave up after the 4th time it failed. Twitter sucks.

This year is fucking unreal.


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I saw that, that janky piece of shit has nozzles coming out of the bottom, this is much larger and does not have said nozzles.

Holy fuck!

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no body is freaking out, im 99% sure it is a electric RC UFO plane or something like that but cant think of it, we need other videos or pics

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Good eye user. Fake and gay confirmed.

It has always been there. Always.
People are just paying attention to it now because they are bored and looking for a distraction.

Fake since you the clip started with him filming the ufo.
No shake, no movements.
If I really was filming an alien I would be so exited I have to hold my phone with both my hands.

Are they saying this was a UFO?
Fuck would that be priceless.
Anyone with even a cursory interest in ufology knows about the connection here, otherwise.

you don't need nozzles, that one is jet powered and 4 ft wide. You can pull off the exact same thing with propellers and some lights to obscure the the "jankyness" due to how cameras function.

whos to say ayyys arent like vampires in a sense

That's what I'm thinking. This looks like some cheap, relatively primitive man made prop, like a drone with a light styrofoam shell and some lights for dramatic effect. This doesn't exactly seem other worldly or awe-inspiring.

Elon muks satellite debris

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