What if people just don't go back to work?

My theory is millions of normies are realizing how much of a prison work is. People are used to spending at least 5 out of 7 days slaving in a job they hate, and nowadays even the weekend is spent getting texted from your boss and just drowning the misery in booze.

That's no way to live. I say this pandemic is awakening normies to the absolute meme that is work. Realistically 50% of jobs are just glorified busywork and not important for the wellbeing of the country. And a lot of them just exist to make some fatcat richer.

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>kek flag
kindly neck yourself

What if the suspension on foreclosure and evictions is only in effect for 60 days and people don't want to live on the streets and eat out of dumpsters? Because it is and they don't.

People stop working, companies and real estate owners go bankrupt, all credit and mortgages default at once, capitalism rolls over and dies, chaos and intense mass anxiety erupt, incessant plunder and rape now are on the horizon, leaving the world with two choices: 1. Further bailouts and keep going to work afterwards 2. Totalitarian dictatorship with loads of gulags, basically a global PRC.
Honestly I could stomach the latter, but could you?

Nah from what Iv been seeing normies are loosing their shit about not being able to work.

>How the hell could a man do things he doesn't like because he has to in order to survive?
It's called being an adult

>how does someone get out of bed and shit and brush their teeth

NEET need the rope

they won't. Dems are pushing a more aggressive, 2k a month, 6 month plan, right now.
We're entering the NEET paradigm.

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>real estate owners go bankrupt, all credit and mortgages default at once
Isn't that a good thing? The housing market is a complete joke, no one from the last two generations can buy their own property now.

People won't starve. Actual 'essential' work will be done, but the Yang was right when he said more and more jobs are getting automated away. The corona virus is just accelerating what's already happening.

Enjoy starving....because you don't want to work.

>People won't starve

You are an unprepared optimist

I can only hope. Modern life is a meme.

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Quite a few of people i know who are struggling with not working.
They say theyre bored, feel lazy etc.
In reality this is the first time since they were 15 that they have time to think about life etc. And its depressing as fuck.

Work is a huge avoidance mechanism for a lot of humans

The US, and this is true for the EU countries too, has giant surpluses of food supplies. Infact each year thousands of tons of food is destroyed to keep prices artificially high.

Let's put it this way. If you were on a desert island with a bunch of other people, and you made a system to gather resources from the island with minimal work. That would be a good thing right?

Well the way things are now, for the West, we're facing a crisis because things are 'too efficient'. So as a result more and more people are made into pencil pushers just so that employment isn't through the roof. It's completely backwards.

In America a big example of that is the military. Everyone is in the military because it's just a glorified welfare program. The biggest that the planet has ever seen.

Why do you need to shit to brush your teeth?
Do you brush your teeth with your own shit?

People don't work because they like to faggot. They work so they can have shelter, food, pussy and families. If you are content to live a powerless, dependent, meager existence on the backs of others, and don't care about having anything other than a small room, ramen, and a computer to shit post on, for the next 50 years, then by all means, don't go back to work.

Even if you want to live the parasite life you need some investment, thus, a good starting capital. Well, unless you really are a vermin

We weren't meant to work so much and avoid spiritual development

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>mfw women realize they'd rather be stay at home moms teaching their kids and not having to jump through hoops getting their kids vaccinated or taught to be trannies
>tfw girls start realizing they like not prowling for dick and enjoy being home all day keeping their rooms tidy and getting to watch shit on TV and goof off online
Was corona-chan a blessing in disguise?

Let the man speak

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I would say 90% of jobs are pointless. Truckers, trades, dental,and medical are the only occupations that matter. However, when looking at the medical field how many actual lives are saved. How much money, supplies, blood, and organs are wasted in saving inner city patients with injuries related to gang violence and crime?? You can even say part of the medical field is fucking pointless.

One of the reasons I didn't even think about joining the medical field is because I don't care about the patients coming into the ER in the inner cities.

there's a lot of pointlessness in the medical field, you're paying others for your immune system to do the job

I love not working, this is the happiest I’ve been since I was in middle school.

Well let's look at it in a hypothetical situation taking place back in our tribal days before all of this forced-work, slave-to-money system we have now.

Basically, everyone in the tribe would have a role, for example, building shelter, hunting for food, picking berries, taking care of the children, etc etc.

And what would happen is, they would kill you for being a lazy peice of shit who doesnt want to contribute and just take from everyone :)

On the other hand, many of them have families.
It's not just "lmao normies don't know how to amuse themselves lol"

Remember that feeling everytime you see
or some iteration of trump nigger cultists cheering at corona chan waning.




If you refuse to take a job that you have to apply for to get unemployment (and trumpbux) then you lose both.

I got 2060 dollars yesterday for unemployment and Trump bux. Corona can take its fucking time

Then being an adult is a sign of being broken and having lost your will to live? fuck those faggots.

Won't happen. Most normalniggers are killing themselves because they can't slave away for *stein.