I've read the entire Communist Manfiesto and Das Kapital...

I've read the entire Communist Manfiesto and Das Kapital. I must've missed the part about this "cultural Marxism" you guys are always talking about. What you call "cultural Marxism" is just a natural result of free market capitalism and unrestricted rights. This is your creation not someone else's. Women getting drunk and acting like sluts is the result of liberalism, "freedom", and capitalism. Stop blaming it on Karl Marx and "the Jews". This is your creation not someone else's. There's a reason you don't see this shit in North Korea, Cuba, China, or the former Soviet Union.

Attached: cultural marxism vs neo-liberalism.jpg (720x720, 79.4K)

because somebody has a COVID positive test, it doesn’t mean that they have the disease. It just means that they tested positive for it. And if somebody dies and they had a test that was positive for COVID 19, it doesn’t mean they died from COVID 19. That means it suggests that they died with it.n

You've read nothing

Cultural Marxism is not real Marxism.
It's called that because it's what happens when retards try to apply Marxist dialectics to non-class issues.
Yes, cultural Marxism isn't actual Marxism. It's an offshoot and it opposes what Marx taught. But progressivism is an offshoot of liberal democracy too. The Enlightenment thinkers never expected liberalism to become what it was, but that doesn't mean it didn't descend from their ideology. Same with Marx.

this whole long march through the institutions is liberal trash.

>There's a reason you don't see this shit in North Korea, Cuba, China
Any random woman off the street in any of those countries would suck me off for a toonie

Then they'd be shot and so would you since prostitution is illegal

You haven't read shit.

>1 post by this ID
Cultural Marxism is real and we know what it is and who uses it. Denying that it’s real isn’t going to convince anybody that it isn’t.

yeah, you read das Kapital, sure. liars gonna lia... I mean lie. besides, you could just as well read the complete Chaucer, if you wanted to avoid finding anything. how about ‘the authoritarian personality’ by adorno?

>wahhhh the capitalism which is all around us isnt responsible for all the degeneracy i see. it's a 200 year old book!!! and jewish people who make up less than 1% of the population!!! yes it's their fault. it's impossible for the free market to have an outcome i don't like! this is the work of the jews!

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You misunderstand. Cultural marxism is not a "branch" of marxism, it is the new ideology created largely by former marxist jews to achieve their primary goal (the destruction of the West).

It is called cultural marxism because of the origins of its founders and because it retains the core element of Hegelian dialectics albeit with a replacement of economics with culture (proletariat and bourgeois becomes oppressor and oppressed). It is also called critical theory, and no critical theory is not a "product of capitalism" it is a product of the same kikes who used to promote marxism. Two seconds of research should have given you all of this information, yet every single day one of you retards come here and say "hurrr it'z not marxism it'z different, y u so dumm?".

>stop blaming it on Marx and the jews

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If you don’t realise that both capitalism and communism are bad, you haven’t read anywhere near close to enough of the relevant literature.

No ones saying capitalism isnt to blame either. Capitalism and communism are 2 sides of the same shekel. Both are tools of the jew.

>what you call cultural marxism is just whatever the fuck you're doing right now
I have some rope here, and I'm not afraid to use it

>two sides of the same coin

One says the government should play a big role in the economy. The other says it shouldn't. Please elaborate, what other option is there?

>accusing people who are practicing small government capitalism of practicing big government marxism.

yeah sorry i have a problem with this.

Cultural Marxism was a term coined by Joseph Goebbels.
He was describing Neo-Marxism from the Frankfurt Scool in Germany (the Marxist institute for social research).
They produced the feminism, minority empowerment, and LGBT movements as we know them.
The top picture is just Communism.
Cultural Marxism or Neo-Marxism, is a gay, black, transabled, wheelchair bound heroin addict getting voted onto your city council.

No stupid, you need to read Jürgen Habermas, Marcuse, and others from the Frankfurt school along with Antonio Gramsci to get cultural Marxism. You're not going to find it in Marx because it was the work of later Marxists to try to account for why the end of history Marx said was inevitable wasn't happening in Western Europe.

you're the one that is pretending that women's rights are inherently something that belongs to capitalism

It's actually kike manipulation. Socialism is breddy good when it's nationalized.

shut up nigger

welfare is not something the ubermench needs subhuman

OP, cultural Marxism is next step, after marxists discovered that violent revolution in the style of leninism is not feasible in the West. It was not invented by Marx, rather, its a evolution of his theory done in the 20th century.

so what do you dumbass niggers suggest

hitler had a whole host of social programs that encouraged white family formation, dumb faggot

you don't need that, a healthy mind does that without the state needing to carrots in front of your face

You do see it in those places, though? Perhaps you're just ignorant? I could go to any of those countries with a twenty dollar bill and buy a pocket full of drugs and a whore in less than 10 minutes.

i think i'll take hitler's ideas over your dumb worthless ass, thanks


I've been listening to an audiobook of Saint Breivik's book. Breivik was one of us - although I think he made the mistake of thinking being pro-Zionism would make his message more palatable. Its hours and hours of him ranting about cultural Marxism. It goes into the (((names))).

You can find it here t.me/MissGorehoundArt

marx explicitly says he needs to destroy the family, cultural marxism is family destruction applied by later marxists such as gramsci and frankfurt school. marxism and capitalism are still two sides of the same coin though. one puts the state as god, the other money. degeneracy is to be expected

>top: fascist dictatorship
>bottom: natural conclusion of egalitarian dogma
Dude, right wingers btfo.

The bottom picture is literally the result of cultural marxism.

yes. capitalism offers no moral values and is indirectly responsible for letting marxists push their degeneracy. it is a passive system that relies on "the market"

Its the result of marxists hijacking free speech (which they dont even believe in)

> moral values in a capitalistic society that fight disgusting marxist degeneracy
what's religion?

>th-that wasn't real marxism!
>that wasn't real cultural marxism!
You commies are really boring. Always saying the same bs

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