Anyone here accepted that 2nd Civil War is about to happen?

Anyone here accepted that 2nd Civil War is about to happen?

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Between who?

Trannies and boomers?

I sure hope so desu I'll probably get gassed since I'm a mutt but at the very least I will be set free from this hellish existence

Idk about that to be honest. It’s not like it was centuries ago where people had something to stand for. We have a fuckton of shitbags and subhuman degenerates that feed off of the government like a virus to a host. If anything there will be chaos and discord and crime levels unimaginable.

Seriously tho, between who

this country is way too pussyfied for that

As a doomer I just watch them kill each other as soon one side defeats the other we will strike

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I don't have to try in life because... uhh... a civil war will happen! Yeah that's why I failed! Any day now...

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non-heathens and heathens

Christians and the army of satan.

Deus Vult.

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Everyone vs Everyone. Ruralites vs cuty dwellers, white vs nonwhites, old vs young, people vs govt.

something is coming...

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The winner will get all the nigger feet.


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Nothing ever happens

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So business as usual? I agree also there is no reason and op is just a spook

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No this is going to be the second american revolution.

you're a fucking idiot

only if you believe the shit you read on the internet is real, organic opinions from non-ccp americans.

1861 is about to commence again. And 1642 for the bongs. And 1789 for the frogs. And 1848 for- anyway, you get the point.

God I hope so.

Yep, I'm as ready as I'll ever be

Fuck you too

>New England insignia

Wait, you guys haven't already started executing niggers?

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not so much a civil war as mass civil unrest with crime wave and maybe some domestic terrorism

he is here. history is a graveyard of aristocracies.

When normies run out of netflix movies and the NFL season gets cancelled the whole house of cards comes down.

Talking with my woman about being an amputee and adopting orc like prosthetics. I'd say that's pretty much acceptance.

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in minecraft

God sent a plague on them already

Yep. There's no money coming into the USA; and only bullshit coming out of the USA, apologies to patriots. Politicians and corporates are actually driving business away from the US, that can't be tolerated.

Nations kill their leaders who fail to deliver, and the US cant deliver success under the current system as degraded.

There's a need from the American public for leadership that can deliver the goods.

Nothing will happen.