This time line is Unfucking real. Black people jumping ship and joining Trump because of the checks

This time line is Unfucking real. Black people jumping ship and joining Trump because of the checks.

Now, 50cent come out as a Trump supporter today as well taking the world by surprise. This is a big W for Donny Boy. And a big fat L for the dems. Probably one of the most well know black celebrities.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>It's real

dems don't actually help black people that's why

Based fiddy

>A president actually gives people money and doesn’t force them into debt slavery for it
Dems on suicide prevention


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50 has always hates trump and i dont see that changing

dawg 50 is a real one

Dems been taking advntgw of us black folks for years I’m glad we finally seeing shit

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Trump is slightly more coherent and further left than biden on most shit you'd want someone to be further left on, and further Right than biden on shit you'd want someone to be further right on.
It is literally retarded not to vote trump back in.

fofty pls





niggers still on sale for $1200

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holy fuck its actually real wtf is going on


Make America Gibs Again

Because even blacks are realizing it’s all bullshit. Elon musk went off on cnn today it was hilarious

I heard that the Democrats are in full damage control, saying we should give every American 2000 per month, so that would be 4,000 per two-parent household. We got 3,900 for our family of 5 under Trump. This has become a battle of bribery.

Kanye West and 50 Cent

if Trump actually gets significant black vote back from democrats, we'll never lose again. Even 12% of the black vote would be catastrophic for democrats.

And once black people vote republican once, the stranglehold of the democratic party is lost forever. Makes it less taboo for black people to tell their neighbor they voted republican

50 cent hasn't been culturally relevant in over a decade.

how are niggers getting checks? i thought they didnt work?

Things never change

Yup that’s right senpai. Let’s get this bread. Fire up those money printers let’s make the hood go BRRRRRRR

Thread theme:

we need the spics more than anything.

The hilarious thing is congress passed the first pay outs.
Everyone still calls it trumpbux because he signs it into law.
If Congress passed another bill, it is just more trumpbux, so he wins again.
If Congress doesn't pass anything else, he can shit all over them, and he wins again.

Too bad you can't see a fucking dictionary

What did cnn do to Elon?

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Not until after amnesty.

God damn nigga trump is a handsome mother fucker


sauce for Elon musk breakdown on CNN

Dems on suicide watch

Muh black and latino vote is kill

He's a generational icon and that's all that matters

Fuck you nigga

All the men niggers emulate are turning republican openly and with anger in their message of why..
All the women nigresses emulate are getting more and more suspect like Oprah with her pedophile vibes.
Cardi B is cornering the chicken head market.
Then add on all the groids going ape over getting their trumpbux.

Its happening lads.


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My sides

I disagree, you know, back in uh, 45. America was a new nation, you know. On the beginning. Anyway, what were you talking about?

Fucking 50cent amen.

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>50 cent hasn't been culturally relevant in over a decade.

For you!

That’s not impossible, Bush got like 40% of them back in the day

His Twitter feed. It's new

Those bitches shouldn't have come at him half-cocked with their pants down, at least check the story before running it ya fucking tabloid.

rofl. trump reelected. thanks niggers, we frens now.

Based Elon blessed is your stock that defies all logic

Then he spent about 40 tweets just blowing them the fuck out by retweeting all the thanks yous from hospitals then blocked cnn on twitter because he cann

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you just proved my point by posting a tweet that is 10 years old.

so CNN fake newsed him?

Dude spoke Spanish

i dont think so pablo
surprising. maybe because he was texan

50 cent has always been a Republican.

Kang of Kangs

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Yup. Then they double downed instead of apologizing and even the leftists retards couldn’t defend them

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Sup 50, how you rollin?

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how the fuck is this happening, fuck it i dont care its the most entertaining plot twist to develop in the recent campaign