How is this okay
What if any constitutional ground does this stand on?
I'm told not to worry but this is the Patriot act 2.0.
How is this legal?
Other than going full hermit what can we as Americans do to fight this?

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Theyre already doing this. Its just a contingency plan of guidelines easing us off this stupid social distancing horseshit.
There will be no mandatory vaccines.
There will be no society where we stop shaking hands.
This nothingberger will,be forgotten in 2021.

Exactly how is this legal. My employer is now required to check my temperature. These phases to open up America from an illegal shutdown scare me. I imagine a world like Gatica portrayed. What you're saying is like saying they only need the Patriot act until the win the endless war on terror.

they are basically recommendations to states. chill

Well, assuming the virus is real, the government has the jurisdiction and responsibility to protect its citizens from a pandemic.
There isnt a rational reason to be scared of temp checks. None of this is federal law. They are guidelines. States and employers are gonna do what they gotta do til it blows over. Which it will.

How so? Phase 3 is the new normal as stated tonight by Dr Brix in press conference. On the white house website. I'm asking if anyone can reference the article or amendment that gives these authority. I can't find it

Last time,i checked, dr birx doesnt run shit, doesnt pass legislation, and cannot write laws.
Her opinions are just that....not only that, the president himself contradicted that narrative thru this entire process.
Disregard birx. Disregard fauci.

It's not just the temperature checks. It's all of it. It's the invasion of privacy and it's the giant over reach of authority. Releasing tried and convicted prisoners while threatening to arrest and fine law abiding citizens just for exercising their God given rights. They had diseases during the writing of the Constitution. It wasn't written by a bunch of hillbillies. Infact Ben Franklin said those who would exchange liberty for security deserve neither. I'm asking because I can't find it and what's scarier is that they aren't saying what and how they granted themselves this power. Local all the way to the Fed

Tldr what did the jews say

>Phase 3 is the new normal
its the new "recommended" normal

It's CDC guidelines. Just as we have OSHA now we have the CDC reaching into our lives. Is there any law group fighting these. I know these weren't voted on and I know how laws are written but I just can't help to feel that it's over. Wanna take a flight better show your mark. Wanna get a job better show your mark.

All valid concerns. But prisons arent releasing convicted rapists and murderers whobare serving life sentences. Jails are releasing non violent offenders on OR bonds until their court hearings. Sentences arent being commuted or anything. These are inmates being held for trial. They cant get very far at the moment.
State governors are overreacting. Employers are trying to play along. I think this will pass. Vaccines cannot be forced without reversing existing laws at the state level exempting citizens from vaccines.
This isnt the 1st time a country had to clamp,down to deal with a virus. This shit happens. Its bullshit, i agree. But it will pass.

And yes I know OSHA does some good. Just as the CDC serves a purpose but they have some fucked up things about them as well.

Oh, the dispensationalism got to you, eh.
Jewish lies mang.
The papacy is the antichrist. Not the president.

I have a recommendation for the cdc....
They can take my temp rectally...each and every time.

For real tho what retard normie gets that triggered about anything
Going to laugh my ass off when the boomers dont get the vax and wave their flags and larp with ARs then get mad sick and get stuck in debt

Yeah. Whatever will they do. Theyll have to call in sick with the fucking sniffles for a couple days.

California and yeah it's pretty shitty here. Saw a group of dudes riding dirt bikes. Seen them there all the time. Today a sheriff showed up and hassled them. I don't know if they got in any trouble but it's fined or jail times. Ventura county has no gatherings. Gatherings being 2 or more. All the while I can't get any government official to state how they got this authority. Everyone says it's temporary. It shouldn't happened for a second. I get asking but enforcement is a different beast.

They have the authority because its against the law to disobey a governors orders. Whether or not a cop or shereif will encorce it is another question. And whether or not a judge will nail anyone is another question. These orders dont have much teeth, because their terms are subjective, and punishment is not well defined. But if someone is being jailed because of this, they would have to be subsequently released, because they arent keeping non violent offenders in jail. So youll have your day in court, and you can politely tell the judge that the state is overreaching and make a case,for why it is unconstitutional. At which point, the judge will probably either toss the case or tell u to pound sand and pay the fine.

Its bull shit, i get it.

The boomers are a joke. They should have tried to arrest here for practicing medicine without a license and violating written law with her bs she did. Denying proven safe medicine and for what. What's it hurt to buy paint or seeds. Victory gardens were a thing in WW2. How is growing your own food non-essential. Now I don't know what they would be planting outdoors this soon but that's not the argument

Theres a hidden enemy in this country. People need to wake up and stop electing officials that are allegient to foreign governments.

What? Where does it say no matter what you have to follow the governor's rules. Laws are removed all the time because of being unconstitutional. Checks and balances. They took an oath of office. Is this not grounds for removal even criminal charges
I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and ...

All state revised and administrative codes have laws that make it illegal to disobey the governors emergency orders.

>stay home, save lives
>you may not reenter society until you've been infected

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Most definitely but we as a people allow it. And I'm trusting the plan. Every day these people enjoy more freedom than I have and nobody is swinging yet. Patients is gone. I look around and don't recognize America anymore

>tfw jew yorker
>tfw listening to cuomo cum his pants over coronavirus being 9/11 part 2
>tfw hannity shilling in favor of draconian shit like digital temperature testing if you go outside and (((contact tracing)))
genuinely thinking of an hero-ing
i even had plane tickets to go to florida right when it was getting started i could have escaped this shit

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Article 6 pt 2 declares the Constitution supreme law and the laws shall be the same across all states

Imagine america in 1775, or 1917, or 1941.
Would you still recognize it?
Government has the inherent, God ordained responsibility to protect its citizens. If this virus killed 10 million people, the government would be accountable for that.

>what constitutional ground does this stand on
what's it like being retarded?

This doesnt apply to a situation where the federal government hasnt made a law. When the federal law is silent, the states have liberty.

Last I heard from newsom was that over half the state was going to get this. And the mortality rate was 20%. Estimated by his math that almost half a million people were going to die. But I can't yell bomb on a plane or fire in a movie theater. The double standard is all so tiresome

These people have committed sedition, to say the least, treason at worst.
They should be held accountable.
Probably wont be.

The oath states the Constitution. They all take it. Honestly 2 ways. If we were put on this Earth by God and he created everything then explain kid cancer and viruses. Or we've been here for thousands of years and have yet to evolve to live in harmony with this planet. Last couyears we were to clean and we were creating drug resistant strains now it's wash everything in alcohol and bleach and stay inside