PEPSI is getting BTFO over Lady Gaga and Satanism

PEPSI tweeted about some globalist concert that they're sponsoring and one of the presenters is Lady Gaga and then their twitter feed exploded with references to Satanism.
What the fuck is going on, anons? Are people finally waking up?

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Other urls found in this thread: singleton&rlz=1CASUUV_enCA784CA784&oq=ry&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j35i39j0j69i59j0j69i61.5784j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

This pic started a good thread the other night but I didn't save the most interesting pic. I'm looking for the one with Marina, Gaga and that black dude painted white chained to a tree. I've got.... an .... idea....

What is this one world at home event? Just a bs concert or is it more than that and when is it?

Holy fuck this is a beatdown they are taking for sponsoring WHO concert. ON TWITTER of all places! :surprised:

>. I'm looking for the one with Marina, Gaga and that black dude painted white chained to a tree. I've got.... an .... idea....
who is the dude with Gaga?

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What the fuck is this Global Citizen organization that put on this WHO fundraising concert? I'd bet there's a rabbit hole to go down on that one.

I'm trying to remember. Tarrant something maybe? Fuck I should have downloaded the meme but this box is old, HD almost full. Thanks user.

the comments are pretty glorious.

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>sponsored by the who and several globohomo corporations

Will people EVER EVER learn???

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I don't know who most of these people are

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Numerous anti-abortion groups have started a boycott of Pepsi products because they say Senomyx, which develops new ingredients intended to enhance sweetness and other flavors, has done so using embryonic kidney cells that were originally taken from an aborted baby.

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I'm sure there will be some politics and maybe some subliminal messages. The usual.

microsoft had to delete their add with abromovic in it.

Holy shit, I know maybe 10% of those, and only because they're has beens from my time.

I never noticed how fat Gaga is. Hamhock biceps.

The Black guy dissapeared iirc...his family is still looking for him

God is going to strike them down. Have Faith in the Lord.

"The Lord ruleth me: and I shall want nothing. [2] He hath set me in a place of pasture. He hath brought me up, on the water of refreshment: [3] He hath converted my soul. He hath led me on the paths of justice, for his own name's sake. [4] For though I should walk in the midst of the shadow of death, I will fear no evils, for thou art with me. Thy rod and thy staff, they have comforted me. [5] Thou hast prepared a table before me against them that afflict me. Thou hast anointed my head with oil; and my chalice which inebriateth me, how goodly is it!
[1] "Ruleth me": In Hebrew, Is my shepherd, viz., to feed, guide, and govern me.
[6] And thy mercy will follow me all the days of my life. And that I may dwell in the house of the Lord unto length of day"

Probably because that "Out of Shadows" video exposing them got 7M views in a few days

>a bunch of schizos with no life on a website designed for them
aRe pPl w4kInG uP1?

until we nuke it all you piece of filth

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Hey the normies woke up

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>The Black guy dissapeared iirc...his family is still looking for him
they probably ate him. wish I was being sarcastic. kek

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"Revenge not yourselves, my dearly beloved; but give place unto wrath, for it is written: Revenge is mine, I will repay, saith the Lord."

boy gaga


I see you are two steps ahead of me. Well done, user.

NEVER underestimate a schizo. Just, DON'T.

lol shit. it'd be wild if this dress was worn after that weird lynching photo.

kek... found this pic in tweets

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So does Yas Forums really have as much influence as it feels to have? This board seems to be the birthing place of every single narrative/talking point used by the right.

As if... right? There's no way that a bunch of anonymous autists would accidentally become the core thinkers of an entire ideology, right?

I have this feeling that if Yas Forums didn't exist, the world would be a very different place now. This is absolutely stupid, but it's exactly what the circumstances indicate.

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So, you're assuming there was only 1 lynching event? How many are undocumented? Remember Juicy Smellit and the law that followed?

Calm your tits, Karen. We all know they've been doing this for millennia.

To be honest, I’m genuinely happy to see that everyone is shitting on this. It looks like even normies are teeing off on it. That feels good. I read quite a few comments and they’re 100% negative. I’d love to be a fly on the wall at Pepsi after this tweet and see the marketing team scratch their heads and realize their tried and true game all of a sudden doesn’t work. At all.



>This board seems to be the birthing place of every single narrative/talking point used by the right.
Were you here for the shill battle of 02/2020? Remember Corona Chan?? Are you that fucking new? ALL LEFTIST TALKING POINTS ARE CHECKED AND KEKd singleton&rlz=1CASUUV_enCA784CA784&oq=ry&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j35i39j0j69i59j0j69i61.5784j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

Honestly I'd rather see them saved but we can't force them.

Feelsgoodman. Finally we are standing up to those fuckers. Greeks are refusing immigrants , people on MSM are actively harassing the pedos...looks like the battle of good vs evil has begun.

piss off satanist, this isn't your thread

Gaga will be unveiling the sealed indictments in an 8 hour live stream, based!!!

>checked and kekd
What? Do you mean to say that they're analyzed and disregarded?

worse, he was found dead in the woods with his organs removed.

is that really the guy in the gaga/abramovic lynching photo?

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thats fucking crazy! they even took his eyes.

what are the odds the shills have refocused onto what you might consider “our side”?

reading through those tweets is giving me weird vibes, i don’t know. maybe i just can’t believe anything good is actually happening.

they mention waking up pretty often on twitter, but i almost never see it mentioned on Yas Forums. talking about being awake is usually kinda scary, so seeing it out in the open, on a normal platform like twitter, is definitely raising some flags for me.

The Bible is a Jewish psyop designed to keep you passive in exactly this situation. Hail Odin! I hope to see you all in Valhalla.

KeK has many meanings. If I left this thread it would be disregarded. Lurk moar, user.

>Flowers recalled the heart-wrenching phone call she received from police, informing her of the disturbing condition her son's body was found in.

>"He said, 'Ma'am, there were no eyes, there was no heart, there was no lungs, there was no liver, there were no kidneys," Flowers told Fox News Atlanta in October.

Yep , he was sacrificed , 99%. Normalfags will still refuse this. Its amazing how much mental gymnastics a normalfag will make to deny anything that doesn't fit his idea of how the world operates. At most he will give you a " some fucked up shit are happening in this world " or " i cant believe that without actual proof" (meaning this becoming a CNN story)

is there any proof that the guy from Gaga pic is Ryan Singleton? Any other connections with Marina Abramovich?

Repent or die.

>microsoft had to delete their add with abromovic in it.

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still cant believe shes 73