Landlord just turned main breaker to the house off for the second time this time at 11pm at night so I had to make my...

Landlord just turned main breaker to the house off for the second time this time at 11pm at night so I had to make my way through my fucking house in pitch darkness.

My state has a hold on all evictions.

I just called non-emergeny number and am waiting for a cop to call me back or something.

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He should give 3 winos free stay at your place.

>I had to make my way through my fucking house in pitch darkness.
>I don't haz flashlight
dumb move user, not a big brained move

Pay rendt

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Do you pay your own electricity bill? Or are utilities included in rent?

i pay my own

Pay your bills you fucking loser

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Then your landlord has zero business shutting the power off.

Your boipussy can pay the rent.

Have sex with him

Your phone even has a flashlight on it. You’re just being dumb.

Beat his ass then.

burn the house down and see how he likes it.

open the breaker panel up and flip it back on, retard

What’s the update?


locate the main breaker and flip them back on.
They should be labeled. Does he live with you?

>My state has a hold on all evictions
Turning off the breaker isn't an eviction. Also the hold on evictions doesn't mean you're supposed to not pay your rent.

Why don't landlords just dip into the cookie jar for this particular moment? It's a rainy day, use your rainy day fund. Maybe take another job or ask mom and dad to help out? Landlords man. When will they learn?

Look boy, African-Americans aren't welcome on this here board and its not just because they don't pay rent.

pay your rent out of your savings, you fucking nigger

Der Boomer

Hey I like you.
You can come over to my house and share some beers.

This post is anti Semitic

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>dumb move user, not a big brained move

must be a nigger,

so tell us nigger OP, what did you do to deserve this loss of electricity ?

Being a nigger as usual.

so I imagine the severs running the CCTV are also down? ;)

Break some shit on the property after everythings said and done. Ideally something expensive like some basement windows or something. Say some kids did it.

Knock on his door, but be wearing a nasal cannula.

>paying money to parasites
Fuck off loser

Then he just tampered with a utility, a Federal crime. Press charges.

Yes call the cops on him

Get Coronavirus, boomer