french friend confirmed
Nobel Winning Discoverer of HIV just said Coronavirus was lab manipulated. GUYS?
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The 33 Adenosine groups at the end of the sequence is a huge clue, bro.
(((nobel))) there is reason why they're mostly jews. Like how the (((federal reserve))) print money, they can print nobel prizes for themselves
poly a tails are common. i took genetics in an american uni (we have the best ones they're just pozzed). Next.
unhinged, unsubstantiated, schizophrenic. keep going you have my attention
That came up in discussion. I even started a thread on that, some biology fag said it wasn't a smoking gun and that it is how rna naturally signals to replicate.
sounds like a real fag. dont you think the discoverer of HIV might know a littlemore than biofag? thanks for that snippet user
The fact it came from a lab is a problem but not the biggest. What china is terrified of now is the fact that they intentionally spread it across the globe. It’s why they’re sperging. They never thought their bullshit would come out. We are at elevated threat levels.
Article in English? Did he say that it was a possibility, or that it was 100% lab-modified?
old news
I had someone I know listen to it. I don't speak. He says the genetic code has obviously inserted segments of DNA. SO it must have been lab sourced
THANKS user!!
>czech em
HIV was also invented in a lab. nothing new here
Ironically, the length of it means it's actually prone to stability or mutating towards more virulence, which would go against his theory that it would eventually unravel. SARS had an early deletion of its ORF8 which stopped the outbreak. SARS had a shorter tail.
Looks like someone was working on something outside of the eyes of the Western academics in China.
i've heard this stuff second hand from people w/ doctors in the family
>Imagine being China, send spys as students to obtain information from US universities to proliferate biological weapon to cause economic damage with plausible deniability in the west. Be suprised when you get found out by the system you subverted to make said weapon
I can't buy the "they treat it with HIV viruses therefor its lab made" cause they are both RNA. not to be a wet blanket asshole but theres a chance. playing devils advocate on these but yeah its possible the uncanny effectiveness of HIV meds is related to this.
fuckin france, god damn...............
The very second people find out this is Tuberculosis VIRUS edition with no cure and constant life long pneumonia issues, this is going to get ugly.
>Chinese researchers are said to have used coronaviruses in their work to develop an AIDS vaccine.
OH SHIT. This explains everything now. This explains why the virus has spike proteins when normal coronavirus never did. This explains why they would enable it to infect humans, because they were trying to use it to make a AIDS vaccine to sell. To sell, to fucking sell, of course, its money, with chinks it always leads back to money. I knew making the virus able to infect people had to do with money somehow, I just didn't know how. Its perfectly in line with how China works, risk lives for money.
>In any case, this thesis, defended by Professor Luc Montagnier, has a positive turn. According to him, the altered elements of this virus are eliminated as it spreads: “Nature does not accept any molecular tinkering, it will eliminate these unnatural changes and even if nothing is done, things will get better, but unfortunately after many deaths.”
And yet, it seems the doomers have been BTFO pretty badly now. Apparently, artificially altered virus strains eventually regress through proliferation, and degrade back into what they were before being altered. Do you know what this means? According to Dr Shi Zhengli, the part of the virus that was altered is the part where the HIV fragments were added, which is the s-protein, the spikes on the outside that allow it to infect people. And if those degrade and disappear, the virus will change back into its original coronavirus form, a form that can only infect bats. China is going to fucking get away with everything holy shit, they are just delaying things as long as they can so the virus can wear itself out to the point of disappearing from people entirely by losing its way to infect people. China is going to get away with it, people will entirely forget this was China's fault after the virus doesn't come back anymore.
Is this why china had such a vested interest in africa? were they going to use this as some type of leverage? thanks for your pontification user
>The meaning of the number 33 is connected to certain promises made by God. The 33rd time Noah's name is used in Scripture is when God makes a special covenant or promise with him. The Eternal promises to not destroy the entire world again with a flood and seals His pledge with the sign of the rainbow (Genesis 9:12 - 16).
I do speak French. To sum up, he says they have noticed inside the Covid-19 genome sequences of the Aids virus. The sequences could not have come from a natural mutation, they had to be inserted by experts in a lab with special instruments.
Dr Shi Zhengli has gone on record to state the spikes around the coronavirus are what allow it to infect people, and those are called s-proteins and they come from the HIV virus. You know how people were thinking that people got the virus from eating bats right? That is because normally a coronavirus can ONLY infect bats, not people. It is a undisputed fact that the virus has HIV parts inside it, so it technically doesn't give you HIV, it simply infects like HIV does.
this makes more sense now
Engineered viruses have been going on for decades now. Literally nothing.
ok what about the current one killing hundreds of thousands of people? nevermind you are baiting me. you are a clever user
Also this. Dr Shi Zhengli literally published a paper in 2015 on artificially created virus strains. I wouldn't exactly call it nothing though.
Holy shit the image was right.