Xi Jinping’s daughter looks like THAT!!


>heart starts pumping out of chest
Ohh momma I have me some yellow fevor! Give me the hammer give me the sickle I wanna fuck them side ways with my pickle! She got them Winnie the Pooh eyes boy! My eyes be poppin outta my head for her! Slant eyed kawaii ass cutie mmmhmmm I’ll get that corona five times for her yes sir. I’ll be her lab animal she can inject me. China will mandate we all get Chinese women brothers peace out

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Lmao kill yourself

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Imagine Xi marrying off his daughterfu to Don Trump to cement peace between the nations

fuck china

>Aren't you that CHINK from the glorious People's Republic of China?

fucking kek

literally cross eyed and buck toothed

Rule34 of Winniepoo Jinpings daughter being destroyed by BWC when?

This MAGA country nigguh


8/8, m8 would impregn8

I prefered her earlier work

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Forget it, user.....your social credit score ain't enough to even sniff it, let alone......


I want to fuck her while xi jinping watches and the scene of brad pitt btfoing bruce lee plays on a 8k tv looped

>muh dik
That's nigger tier behavior. Control your dick. Control your mind. Beware the chinkette genestealer

Shut the fuck up White boy. She's built for Han men only. You cannot touch the Emperor's daughter. She will have pure Han children.

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>I have me some yellow fevor!
Go work in a Chinese Restaurant for 5 years without getting married. You will be cured of Yellow Fever forever.

Holy fuck this

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damn she actually good looking

why do all of the asian royalty look better than the western royalty? The Japanese princess is decent looking too for example. Meanwhile you've got the disgusting inbred royalty of every country in Europe.

BASED desecrating the most powerful man in the world daughter

>shilling this hard with hilariously mistranslated nigger vernacular.

you fucking insects are really desperate.
ps-there arent even enough women for actual chinese, their disposable worker drones have to knock up niggers in afrika

I thought they were supposed to kill the female babies? How’d she escape her fate?

has she been BLEACHED yet?

She looks mentally retarded, but maybe that's just how chink women look.

She's had eyelid surgery, no surprise since she's a top level Communist party official's daughter and gets the best.

She's made for Chinese men only, White boy. Her genes are precious and must be preserved.

janny move this thread to Yas Forums

PLEASE get someone to do this, bring it to /trash/, anywhere. Just make it happen.

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I'd eat her bat soup.

Lmao imagine being this obvious of a Chinese shill. Fuck off chang

>interacial is baste!!!!
when did Yas Forums become (((pol)))?

Never change, Australia

>China forces the whole world into quarantine
>The whole planet fapping to r34 of Xi's daughter
Can you even comprehend how BASED that would be?

She needs more than that. She is still pretty plain.

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fugly. gtfo, kike

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you don't have to breed asian sex slaves user

yes you do

She looks like that rich hapa girl on facial abuse

Fucking based draw the whore being pounded by White cock then share it on Baidu

>Xi Jinping’s daughter

Chinese girls are simply generic Japanese girls. I wouldn't settle for a non Japanese girl.

Perhaps you should set an example and marry an Abo.


The newfags/raids, and corona lockdown is summer 2.0.

CCP secrets

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>Meanwhile you've got the disgusting inbred royalty of every country in Europe.
Have you ever seen the spanish royal family?

Chink women are ugly squat goblins

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